Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

welcome back Brummie!! i hope you managed to smuggle carmine back through customs for us all??! lol :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I love the hair in that lab!porn picture :)

Hahahah.... I wonder what Carmine would say if he stumbles over here... or better question/thought -- would he get out alive... lol!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

These pics are awesome. Like Springmoon said, these pics are great to forget bout having a shizzy day. I miss season 1 Danny too.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I like his face in this one... sorry Lindsey's in it too and I'm too lazy right now to crop her out.


Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Yea, his wardrobe was really good then, but I do like the wardrobe now, especially with all the shots of his arms. But sometimes that's a lil distracting, and I don't really hear what's being said, ya know?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Yeah... I definitely know what you mean. That's why I tape it. And for the wonderful invention of slow-motion.

Hopefully this one wasn't posted too recently...

Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I love the beach pic and the one with him in the chair. That face he's making is great. I never think to tape them. Maybe I should start doing that. :) I actually managed to hear pretty much everything on last week's episode. Bought the hypnos shirt.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

More reapets, but you guys don't mind ;)



:lol: i just can't get enough of this one :lol: it makes me giggle :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

That picture above where he's on the bed with the white tank top is a very provocative picture... where his hands are... it sends you right to the gutter. Bad boy...
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I think we're all in the gutter most of the time when it comes to this thread, right? I absolutely love the pic of him in the black shirt laying on the bed. The one outside is absolutely awesome. He has the greatest smile. *atleast I think so* I find it funny that he has a suit on and then he wears a pair of converse, that's fricking awesome. :lol: feenx who can get enough of that picture?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I suddenly have a craving for a banana :devil:. Anyway, I'm gonna post some more photos before I head to bed now:









Too much Danny is never a bad thing :devil:!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Great pictures! I don't believe there is a thing as Too much Danny. hehe, ya'll have a good night!
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