Okay time for voting, thanks for the Cap's
1. Grissom: Greg that's not fair, I wanted to make the shadow rabbit
Greg: :devil:Grins evily:devil:
2. Gil: This is what happens when Catherine, Sofia and Sara are left alone together?
Greg: Bet you wished you'd listened to me more often now, don't you?
3. Grissom's over to Greg's house to help him get rid of a chipmunk that got in.
Grissom: Greg is that a shrine to Sara?
Greg: You weren't supposed to see that...
Grissom: Why do you have a shrine worshiping Sara in here? Wait, is that an old hamburger?
Greg: Because she's Sara and that's the last meat she ever ate.
Grissom: Oh... a colletor's item any Sara Sidle fan wouldn't want to live without.
Greg: You're not mad?
Grissom: Oh, I'm too freaked out to be mad. Give me time, I'm getting there.
4. Greg: Wow Grissom, I didn't know Catherine could do..that!
No reply
Greg: Grissom? Grssom?
Grissom: Yehhh...
5. Grissom:I thought Sara hid that picture
Greg:Sara and you doing the limbo??? *dies laughing*