Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

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wellholyc***, never thought I'd win... :lol:

anyways, apologies, but I've no fun pics from Miami to post - may I please pass this onto someone who's got something they'd like to put up???

I'm terribly sorry, I hope that's okay???

^^No problem. I've decided to post the Miami pic myself.

Here it is:


Have fun, guys!
Calleigh: So what is it?
Speed: I'll give you a couple of clues. It's orange and it has a sense of indignation about it.
Calleigh: Horatio's shedding again?
^^that was good

i would attempt, but i've seen like a total of three miami episodes, don't want offend anyone by being totally off base or something
Calleigh: HHHMMM
Speed: What is it babe?
Calleigh: are you leaving clues around again?
Speed: what do you mean?
Calleigh: I mean, everyone works in the lab, they are going to find out about us sooner or later
Calleigh: Don't worry Speed. You are not pregnant.
Speed: *sighs* I know, but I've been trying so hard...
Speed: So you bought me the world's smallest condom?
Calleigh: yeah, what's wrong with that?
Speed:'s the world's smallest condom...and you bought it for me?...
Calleigh: yeah....?

eh, not sure?
Cal: You're not seriously, considering eating that bug, are you Speed?

Speed: Why not cal, that CSI Grissom guy, eats them all the time.
Speed: Hmm...I wonder what this amount of viagra would do to a man?
Cal: Well...we could do an experiment...later my place...
Calleigh: I found this in my car.
Speed: It looks like a electonic bug.
Calleigh: But who would put one in my car. Stetler! Oh my lord do you think he heard us last night. It is none of his business what goes on in my car. It was embarassing enough when Eric stopped by.
Speed: Calleigh,instead of getting mad get even.
Let's put it next to a siren.
SPEED - "May be if we stay here and stare at this for a while, we'll get out of doing all the dirty work!"

CALLEIGH - "Sounds good to me."
Speed: So if I put this on H's sunnies we can tell when his mood changes?

Calleigh: That's what th instructions said. Now to get H away from his sunnies...
Speed: No way.
Cal: Yes way.
Speed: You're lying!
Cal: No I'm not!
Speed: This is it?
Speed: And Delko has such big feet!
Calleigh:do you like it?
Speed:a toothpick? what the hell is this for?
Calleigh:i can think of something :devil:
Speed:Calleigh.....i don't need to know nor do i want to picture what you do with toothpicks in your spare time. i like my mind to be free of emotionally scarring images. thank you very much.
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