Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

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Adell: You know Horatio, if you keep doing that, your face will stick that way.
Horatio: Ruuuuby Tuesday
Det Adell Sevilla: *unimpressed* Is that really the best Mick Jagger you can do, H?
H: You put your right arm in. You take your right arm out. You put your right arm in and shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about, and that's what it's all about!
Voting time!!!

H:...and THAT's how you get to Sesame Street!

H: "The second star to the right & straight on 'til morning".

H: "how many times do I have to tell you, this is the arm motion for a right turn signal."

H: and that's where the aliens came down & shot my brother.

H: Ryan is hiding from me that way, don' make me tell you again!

H: Help me officer! A bad man took my sunnies & he went that way!

Adell: You know Horatio, if you keep doing that, your face will stick that way.

H: "who is this Ryan fellow your talking about? That man down there is Mr. Wolfe".

H: Ruuuuby Tuesday
Adell: *unimpressed* Is that really the best Mick Jagger you can do, H?

H: You put your right arm in. You take your right arm out. You put your right arm in & shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey & turn yourself about, & that's what it's all about!
Whoa i was going to post the voting in a couple hours when it would be 48 hours but nevermind... *glares at mjszud*

I'm voting for #8 anyways. ;)
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