Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

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Yikes, I almost forgot about us here. :eek:

Ok, #3 (by me) & #7 (CoachMom) tied. Since I'm always here to tally votes, it's pointless (& not very fair) to see who can get here first :p
So, CoachMom - congrats to you - please post the new image.
Thanks! But mjszud, I defer to you for the next picture. I am still having computer issues and I'm afraid the search for a picture might crash it again. Sorry. :(
Ryan: No, Alexx, please don't make me, I don't wanna!
Alexx: Ryan, baby... I need to give this person their shot or they will die and I need your help turning him over.
Ryan: Why does the shot have to be in his butt?
Alexx: No, Ryan, this shot isn't for the DB, it's for you.
Ryan: Noooooo, Alexx.
Alexx: Now don't you be giving me lip, baby. Drop those drawers, and show me the buns.
Ryan: Darth Woods, your light saber is low on battery power. My punch has more kick than that.
Ryan: Alexx, I swear... if you puncture this bloater and he pops like a water balloon, I'm gonna run out of the room screaming like a little girl.
Alexx: In that case, honey, it'd be best if you left now or I'll have to nickname you Rianne for all the girly screaming you'll be doing!
Alexx: Ryan... baby. You know we have to have the glow stick ceremony, before we remove the body.

Ryan: yeah... but you always get to make the victim glow. When is it my turn?

Alexx: Next time , baby. I promise
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