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Calleigh: My god, Ryan, will you just go - you look in pain!
Ryan: I can't, Cal, the bathrooms here are
soooo gross!
Ryan: Umm...Calleigh...that plant just talked to me.
Cal: Oh really? What did it say?
Ryan: Not to eat the toss salad, cause it's his cousin:shifty:
Cal::wtf: *
Backs chair away from ryan*
Calleigh: Ryan, what are you doing?
Ryan: I got a personal problem.
Calleigh: What kind of personal problem?
Ryan (thinks): A wedgie.
Calleigh: Oh, really?
Ryan: Crap, I said that out loud.
Jonathan: Look! Mary Hart and the ET crew just came in. They will plaster our date all over their show and the web.
Emily: Relax. We are just two co-workers on the same show having lunch.
Jonathan: Would YOU believe that?
Emily: Not really.
Ryan - "Cal, don't look behind you."
Calleigh - "Ok, why not?"
Ryan - "Because I think that's Brad Pitt."
Calleigh - "No way! In a virtual Miami?
Ryan:where's Eric?
Calleigh: (thinks to self)
Ryan: OMG, cal
Cal: We left him at the crime scene
Ryan: Hurry we have to get back!
(growling, he's all sweaty)
Eric:You left me and made me have walk all the way here!
Calleigh: Why is this so shocking to you, Ryan?
Ryan: Let me get this straight. The cow jumped over the moon
and the dish ran away with the spoon?