Caption Game - Miami style pt.2

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Sorry for the delay. Real life getting in the way. Have fun with this.

Nat: WTH is that Eric?
Eric: What? It's a kilt...scottish, you know...
Nat: *pissed*'re cuban...
Eric: So? Can't cubans like skirts?
Nat: *thinking* Thank God I'm not with him anymore...:rolleyes:
Nat: Damn it Eric. How many times do I have to tell you not to get a shower in the change room after evidence diving. Now because of you, I got seaweed sand trapped in my toes

Natalia: Is your head hurting you, Eric, 'cause I dont know if you know, but you got no pants on today.

Eric: *hoity-toity* I did not forget to put them on, Natalia. This is Miami, it's hot, and besides, Green doesn't go with this top.

Horatio and Calleigh: *Out of shot* Looks at each other

Calleigh: *out of shot, mouths to Horatio* 'Green'????!!!

Well, I ship Eden, so it was hard to think of anything non-shippy for this pic, but I finally came up with one.

Natalia: Um, Eric... your zipper's undone.
Eric: :eek:
DOAH!! Dynamo, you make this very hard on me **glares at you & GNRFan***:p

Natalia: Eric, you went undercover yesterday now give me back my skirt!!
Eric: The shoes, too? *pouts* Fine!
:lol: That's a good one, MJ. It took me over ten minutes I think to think of something as simple as the zipper. :lol:
Natalia: Eric! Gosh! Have some self-control!! I know I'm hot and everything but....

Wow, that was stretching it a little.

Nat: WTH is that Eric?
Eric: What? It's a kilt...scottish, you know...
Nat: *pissed*'re Cuban...
Eric: So? Can't Cubans like skirts?
Nat: *thinking* Thank God I'm not with him anymore...

Nat: Damn it Eric. How many times do I have to tell you not to get a shower in the change room after evidence diving. Now because of you, I got seaweed sand trapped in my toes.
Eric: :lol::guffaw:

Nat: Is your head hurting you, Eric, 'cause I don't know if you know, but you got no pants on today.
Eric: *hoity-toity* I did not forget to put them on, Natalia. This is Miami, it's hot, & besides green doesn't look good with this top.
Horatio & Calleigh: *out of shot* looks at each other
Cal: *out of shot, mouths to H* Green???!!!

Nat: umm, Eric...your zippers undone

Nat: Eric, you went undercover yesterday now give me back my skirt!!
Eric: The shoes, too? *pouts* Fine.

Nat: Eric! Gosh! Have some self-control!! I know I'm hot & everything but...

Happy voting.
Can we vote for ourselves? So I can feel better about myself? haha!
If so, #6

Edit: Nevermind.
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Can we vote for ourselves? So I can feel better about myself? haha!
If so, #6

Voting for your own caption is against game rules. I apologize it wasn't on the list of do's & dont's.

All the same, everyone take note: You may not vote for your own caption.

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