Voting Time:lol:
Here is your pic
Now onto your Captions:lol:
Horatio: *Thinking* FINALLY! I've finished my wax sculpture of Calleigh. Let's see how long it takes everyone to realize that this is a fake!
Horatio: Did you get these manicured? They're exquisite.
Calleigh: Yeah the salon around the corner. Why?
Horatio: It's good *puts sunnies on* to know.
Calleigh: Horatio, what are you doing?
Horatio: I'm counting the bones in your hand. I've heard conflicting reports about how many bones are in the human hand.
Calleigh: Why don't you just ask Alexx?
Horatio: ((Scratching at her nailsl)) I can't believe you wore this bright, lime green nail polish... That was yesterday's episode color. Today's episode color is clearly.. black.
Calleigh: I know, but I thought I saw Wolfe in a bright, lime green shirt...
Horatio: Wolfe always wears a lime green shirt.
Horatio: This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed.....
Cal: Oh for God sakes, grow up
Tyra Banks: Horatio! Smile with your eyes!
Cal: Yea, what are you think H? Your eyes have to do the talking!
Horatio: I am sorry, my eyes are concentrated on uh, something else.
7) this my nail polish?
Calleigh: No...I ...maybe..
Happy Voting:lol::lol: