Lab Technician
hmm... I've been lurking this thread for a while, and felt awkward popping in seeing that a) there hasn't been any carwash scenes in a while and b) I spend some time writing on an anti e/c thread (but I love all you e/c shippers esp those who may be reading this! *waves*), but I decided to write anyways. Hmm what to say, this is my all time favorite ship and i love every scene that they have together! This season I was disappointed that they didn't continue to have these little scenes that I enjoyed in seasons 3 and 4, but I'm thankful that there are some scenes! I hope there will be more scenes this season! I also hope this thread comes out of the grave soon too, because it's sad to see such an active thread die. Keep the hope alive!!!!
:guffaw::guffaw:I have from time to time tried to pull it out of the grave; to no avail. Its like one step forward, two steps back. We had a few cute scenes recently; but nothing like 3 and 4. It's such a shame, b/c Jon and Emily have such a great chemistry/presence with each other. I think tptb is trying to resurrect some of those scenes for us; but to be quite honest it appears to be too little too late. They have really taken it past the time these two could have really shone and become a great romance. For me it isn't about the sex appeal; its about a deeper connection and these two had/have it.