Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

By the way, all girls call him just Ryan, maybe they think his tooo cute for his last name? :lol:

I think so... I couldn't call him Wolfe during those first episodes in season three 'cause it didn't seem to reflect him. He's not much of a lone wolf when he's around Calleigh. Maybe his last name's Wolfe 'cause of his shaggy mop of hair... hmm, I can't help but think that Calleigh would want to mess up his hair one of these days. It's not like he's gonna stop her.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I dont think Ryan suited 'Wolfe' in season 3 either, he does alittle more now, but I prefer that Cal calls him Ryan, much more personal.
So how are we going to vote on the thread titles? The 'I know what you wanted' quote is that from Recoil? I felt Cal was rather harsh on Ryan in that episode.
I am disappointed that the kid Ryan brings to school is no relation to him. But maybe the gambling connection will be ok and lead to some kind of comment on Ryan's gambling from Cal. Also there is supposed to be an epi coming up where Cal and Ryan are trapped in a fire together. (They like their fires on this show :rolleyes:) Cal ends up in hospital. Hopefully this will lead to a nice Carwash moment and hero Ryan but I have a feeling it will be Delko to the rescue again :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I dont think Ryan suited 'Wolfe' in season 3 either, he does alittle more now, but I prefer that Cal calls him Ryan, much more personal.
So how are we going to vote on the thread titles? The 'I know what you wanted' quote is that from Recoil? I felt Cal was rather harsh on Ryan in that episode.
Yeah, but i like this quote, because she really know him very well.

I am disappointed that the kid Ryan brings to school is no relation to him. But maybe the gambling connection will be ok and lead to some kind of comment on Ryan's gambling from Cal. Also there is supposed to be an epi coming up where Cal and Ryan are trapped in a fire together. (They like their fires on this show :rolleyes:) Cal ends up in hospital. Hopefully this will lead to a nice Carwash moment and hero Ryan but I have a feeling it will be Delko to the rescue again :(
Things with kid and Ryan is not disappointed me so far, would like he was Ryan's nephew, but if not it's ok. I just think, why Billy can be looks like Ryan, maybe they (writers) would like to show us that this boy remind Ryan hisself, in show and movie it can be possible. :rolleyes:
About fire think, i have bad feelings that Eric would be around Calleigh and Ryan would be just worry about her :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Just a few thoughts on some upcoming spoilers:

First of all on the Ryan dropping off a kid thing...That's a real bummer if indeed the kid is no relation to him. And to bring up the gambling thing again? That's just a real cheap shot on the part of the writers....get over it already!!!!! The only thing I can't figure out it why the casting people said that the actor playing Billy had to look like Jon Togo, if he's not related to Ryan somehow...unless of course they are going to go the route Orla_Dark which case we still might get some good background on Ryan which is what we always want anyway, right? (You know, besides the whole Ryan and Calleigh getting hitched and raising a family! ;))

In other spoilers, in episode 7.14 tentatively titled "Smoke Gets in Your CSIs", Calleigh and Ryan come close to getting murdered!!!! This is so good on so many levels! (Wow I watch was too much crime drama if I think that's a great scenerio! ;)) First of all Calleigh and Ryan working a case together? Can you say happy dance?! YES!!! Secondly, this is exactly the kind of situation we need to get these two into to get them really talking again...If they both share this potentially life threatening experience, they are bound to bond over it because they are the only ones who will know exactly what the other is going through.

And of course I'm excited to see their reaction to the other one being in bet is that Ryan's going to be very concerned about Cal and do everything he can to save her over himself...I think he would die for her if given the opportunity. Here's his chance to be the hero!!! Especially if Calleigh does indeed end up in the hospital as has been suggested! Just please PTB, don't send Eric in to do a Wolfe's job! ;)

Anyway, I'm excited to see where this thing goes! Happy shipping guys!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*reads spoilers* I like where this is going... maybe TPTB are finally giving Ryan a break! *crosses fingers* By the way, they should really think of introducing us to Ryan's family one of these days.

So how are we going to vote on the thread titles?

I dunno... the sooner someone sets up a poll the better. I'd do it if I had any idea how to, but we still have some time.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I cant say I have ever looked for a song thread, so cant answer your question, Orla.

Karu- I definitely want to see Ryan's family. Its about time. And I would quite like to see Cal's Dad again. Maybe when he isnt in trouble!

I have no idea how to set up a poll, im afraid.

Carwash Cutie- I love your banner. Some nice scenes there. I really like the one at the end of 3 Way, where Ryan is stood behind Calleigh. They def look like a couple there.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think there was a song thread at one point, Orla, but a lot of threads got lost in the server move, especially if they were ones that hadn't been posted in for a while. I don't know if it's still around - I'll have a look. If not, maybe we should think about setting one up?
EDIT: Found it! It was a little buried, but here it is...

Yeah, I have no idea how to make a poll either. I may be wrong, but isn't it only the person who made the first post in a thread that can make one? *could just be making that up*

I think that, if the boy doesn't end up being a relation to Ryan, the reason TPTB wanted the kid to look like Jon Togo was so that the audience would think that it was Ryan's son or something. :rolleyes:

But Calleigh and Ryan in danger! Together! That sounds promising. Maybe not for the on-screen stuff that we might see (although, hopefully that will be good) but for the fact that I don't reckon you could go through some trauma with someone else and not become closer to that person. Methinks it will spark a lot fanfics etc.
I'm hoping that it will reveal just how much they care about each other - even if it's just in a very subtle way. Their relationship has never been majorly demonstrative but a little something would be nice. :)
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hmm, we can ask one of the moderators about putting up a poll... if not, Hestia can always put one up. Now where is she?

Karu- I definitely want to see Ryan's family. Its about time. And I would quite like to see Cal's Dad again. Maybe when he isnt in trouble!

I wonder what would happen if Ryan and Calleigh's dad meet again... I think they'd eventually end up talking about Calleigh. It'd be really funny if her dad asked Ryan about his relationship with her!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

^ Just tell me how to put a poll (I don't know if there's a button or something for that in this forum) and I'll be happy to do it for you lovely CaRWashers. ;)

I didn't see this week's episode with the disappearing baby and all of Miami going frickin' insane over that one disappearance (at least one would think so judging by the promo). Any good Calleigh/Ryan scenes in it? Scratch that, any Calleigh/Ryan scenes in it period? :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

The only thing I could see on the FAQs about Polls was about setting them when you start a new thread. :rolleyes:
I take it there wasn't much carwash last epi, as there has been no mention of the episode at all! They just showed All- In here. I wasnt too keen on the ending, and I would have liked a scene where Ryan comforts Cal. I think at the moment with all that has happened to her lately she really needs some TLC, and Ryan should be providing it!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Polls can be set up by you fine people if you wish. SO if whoever is setting up the new thread fancies a search through the past few pages to compile a list of suggestions, I'll be happy to walk you through making a new thread. Drop me a PM.

I'm excited about more R/C scenes... to be honest, I don't understand why TPTB keep them apart so often. Regardless of their perceived relationship (friendly or romantic) they work well in scenes together and we should be allowed to explore their characters together more closly. TPTB seem fixated on developing X and then Y and then Z when, in fact, they'd work well (and more realisitcally) if they were done at the same time... it'd be more real, I think.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thankyou Adorelo!

Salean posted this list before -

Give Me a Chance
The Diamond Bond
'Cause He Knows Her Guilty Pleasure
Big Day Coming Up
I Know What You Wanted
Apologising With Flowers? Calleigh Approves.
The Ship of Diamond Bonds and Flowers

Can we think of any more?
I agree, Cal and Ryan's chemistry is so good that they should let them work together more, even if they are getting Cal and Delko together. Its boring watching them together in every scene. At least with this fire storyline they will get abit of time together, hopefully Ryan will be there at the hospital with her.

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'm excited about more R/C scenes... to be honest, I don't understand why TPTB keep them apart so often. Regardless of their perceived relationship (friendly or romantic) they work well in scenes together and we should be allowed to explore their characters together more closly. TPTB seem fixated on developing X and then Y and then Z when, in fact, they'd work well (and more realisitcally) if they were done at the same time... it'd be more real, I think.
You know your thought is pretty interesting & it's such a pleasur for me to read it:thumbsup:
I've never considered Calleigh & Ryan as a romanitc couple, though it would be pretty interesting & hilarious at the same time:guffaw:. But whenever I see them working together, it's such a pleasure for my eyes 'cause IMO, that's how 2 poeple should work toghether. I mean they're almost always playful & funny whenever they work together, they make jokes (like the "Ladies room") & they know when it's time to be serious & when it's time to be playful. That's how I imagine the best partnership between 2 co-workers.
I know that TPTB want to develop a certain kind of couple (& I'm trying to stand it, even if it's really hard;)), but I always think that whenever you want to develop a certain couple you shouldn't show it while they're wroking together & when they're doing anything elsed TOGETHER. I mean if you want, as adorelo said, to develop a relationship between X 6 Y, you shouldn't exlcude Z from any possible storyline wih X.
I'm just glad they're gonna put Ryan in the same house when it catches fire instead of Eric. I'm sure they're gonna show Eric a lot more than Ryan later in the hospital, but I'm just glad that Ryan is with her when she inhales the's just far moooore realistic;). I just love whenever I see Calleigh & Ryan working together.
Plus, now, Calleigh in hospital could be a postive thing for us to see a really worried Ryan. They didn't show it properly in "All In", but since he was there when she hinaled & since he's supposed to tell "Calleligh is ok" before she starts choking, I guess he'll be worried like hell.
I so can imagine him pacing all over the ER waiting room while waiting for news :adore: . It would be realistic, just realistic...nothing more;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I Know What You Wanted

Can we think of any more?
I agree, Cal and Ryan's chemistry is so good that they should let them work together more, even if they are getting Cal and Delko together. Its boring watching them together in every scene. At least with this fire storyline they will get abit of time together, hopefully Ryan will be there at the hospital with her.

Maybe we should write I know what you want, not in past time :rolleyes:

I already give up that Cal and Ryan would be together someday, i know she would with Eric and in broke my heart. But if really be together(EC) i hope we will still see some Ryan and Cal scenes like friends, not EC romance all the time :(
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