Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Another great episode from season four is Driven. *shivers* Calleigh comforting Ryan is just the cutest thing.

Calleigh comforted Ryan? Man, I miss all the good moments! Can anyone tell me what happens? *rushes off to try and find the scene*

Speaking of locker room scenes, remember the scene from Rush? It was really sweet of Calleigh to tell Ryan about her guilty pleasure... I don't think anyone else knows about it. If only we had more of those. *pokes TPTB* You know what to do!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yeah we need more locker room scenes!
I like that scene in rush. I think your right, seems Cal only trusted Ryan with her guilty pleasure. Wonder what other guilty pleasures they share................!

Driven is the one where Ryan froze at the warehouse when he had to shoot someone. Cal compared it to when she switched to nights, and it took her awhile to get used to things. It was a very sweet. We need more scenes like that between them.

in a future epi, the one with Diddy, Ryan is in trouble with IAB again. Think he is put on administrative leave or something. Maybe Cal will comfort him, cos it doesnt seem like his fault this time. So hopefully she wont be angry with him :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Driven is the one where Ryan froze at the warehouse when he had to shoot someone.

Oh... I remember that one now. It was so sweet of Calleigh to talk to Ryan about that. Though I was expecting her to pat him on the shoulder or ruffle his hair, which might not be such a good idea 'cause of his OCD. Still, that would have been cute to see. *reads spoiler* I really hope you're right about this one... by the way, are there any promos?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think the promo for the next epi is out, but that's the one with Delko at the motel. This later episode wont be shown until February, I think. I hope I'm right too!

I think TPTB have forgotten Ryan's OCD. If I hadn't watched s3, I wouldn't have had a clue he was supposed to have it. Maybe he should have a relapse, and get all frustrated with himself, and Calleigh can give him another pep talk!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think TPTB have forgotten Ryan's OCD. If I hadn't watched s3, I wouldn't have had a clue he was supposed to have it. Maybe he should have a relapse, and get all frustrated with himself, and Calleigh can give him another pep talk!
I think the same, they wanna show that his gun always clean :) But i wanna know more about his OCD, please TPTB! :rolleyes:

Maybe he should have a relapse, and get all frustrated with himself, and Calleigh can give him another pep talk!
Or she will frustrated and he will be with her :adore:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think TPTB have forgotten Ryan's OCD. If I hadn't watched s3, I wouldn't have had a clue he was supposed to have it.

I would like to see a little more of his OCD... though he has a mild case so he wouldn't be as extreme, but little bits of it here and there would be more in tune with his character. I think Calleigh would find it a little funny... though TPTB should really consider having Ryan telling her where his OCD originated from. Nobody knows about it and it'd be nice to see him confide in her. Preferably in the locker room...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I would like to see a little more of his OCD... though he has a mild case so he wouldn't be as extreme, but little bits of it here and there would be more in tune with his character. I think Calleigh would find it a little funny... though TPTB should really consider having Ryan telling her where his OCD originated from. Nobody knows about it and it'd be nice to see him confide in her. Preferably in the locker room...
I would like see more his OCD, it's very interesting see how his works a little bit different because of his OCD. I'm sure she would teasing him about it :rolleyes: I like their locker room talk, and i wish see more of them. Maybe we should put it in dictionary, locker room - the place where they talking each other some stuff from their life. I not good in dictionary :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Of course Calleigh would tease him about it... but you have to admit, his OCD gets the job done. The poor guy gets no love for it. Maybe Calleigh should give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek. He definitely deserves it.

Maybe we should put it in dictionary

Hmm, that's not a bad idea... let me see. *puts on thinking cap*

locker room talk - period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guilty pleasure in the episode Rush.

That's the best I can come up with so far though. Feel free to tweak it and let me know what you think!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ryan definitely needs a hug from Calleigh! A little reminder he is supposed to have ocd now and then wouldn't go amiss. Although I hear in the last episode that Ryan mentioned his gambling, so they may be attempting some continuity this season (fingers crossed)

So, any Carwash scenes in the last episode then?

After mentioning Deviant last week, I was flicking TV channels at the weekend, and what was on! I didn't realise just how much Ryan is in that epi. No wonder it is one of my favs (as well as the carwash in it, of course!)

Orla- You aren't bad at the dictionary additions!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

locker room talk - period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guilty pleasure in the episode Rush.
I like it, but i think it would be better if for example we write about scene in Driven? What you think? :rolleyes:

Of course Calleigh would tease him about it... but you have to admit, his OCD gets the job done.
I always thought that his OCD helps him in work ( notice what wrong on crime scenes, he have good eye).

Maybe Calleigh should give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek. He definitely deserves it.
Yeah, give him kiss or hug!:adore:
So, any Carwash scenes in the last episode then?
They have only one scenes together :( They talking about bullet that was all :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I like it, but i think it would be better if for example we write about scene in Driven? What you think? :rolleyes:

Oh, that's a good idea! I forgot about that one... maybe we can use both 'cause those are the one's I remember the most.

locker room talk
- period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guilty pleasure in the episodes Driven and Rush.

And save! There, that should do... let me know if it still needs tweaking.

They have only one scenes together :( They talking about bullet that was all:(

I know... but I'm starting to notice a bit of a pattern. Ryan is usually in the lab discussing the bullet with Calleigh. I haven't really seen Eric do that so much and it's usually on the field. Hmm, maybe the discussion in Calleigh's lab is quality time for them alone...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I like it, but i think it would be better if for example we write about scene in Driven? What you think? :rolleyes:

Oh, that's a good idea! I forgot about that one... maybe we can use both 'cause those are the one's I remember the most.

locker room talk - period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guilty pleasure in the episodes Driven and Rush.

And save! There, that should do... let me know if it still needs tweaking.
Maybe better write like this:

locker room talk - period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guiltyhi pleasure in the episode Rush and supporting him in episode Driven.


I know... but I'm starting to notice a bit of a pattern. Ryan is usually in the lab discussing the bullet with Calleigh. I haven't really seen Eric do that so much and it's usually on the field. Hmm, maybe the discussion in Calleigh's lab is quality time for them alone...
I notice this too, maybe he show interest to her job, but in his mind the only one who he interesting is Calleigh:luvlove:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Maybe better write like this:

Gotcha. I knew I forgot something... there, now it's better.

locker room talk
- period of the day where Ryan and Calleigh confide to each other when alone in the locker room; most recognizable example is when she tells him her guilty pleasure in the episode Rush and when she comforts him in the episode Driven.

Anyways, do you guys have any other suggestions for the CaRWash dictionary? I'm trying to come up with more entries...

I notice this too, maybe he show interest to her job, but in his mind the only one who he interesting is Calleigh:luvlove:

He probably thinks that the fact that this is her job is interesting... he's usually talking to her about ballistics when they're in the lab together and I think she's teaching him a couple of things too. But I still think that it's alone time for them...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Definitely alone time for them! I've noticed that too, it is always Ryan who sees Cal about Ballistics. She has been his mentor throughout, so that would include teaching him the ballistics side. But he does go more than is necessary, wonder why.... !

Sorry, Im rubbish at thinking up dictionary stuff. I will have to give it lots of thought.

So, do we think that Cal and Ryan would buy each other Christmas presents? I'd like to think they do, and they exchange them over a few drinks after work.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Definitely alone time for them! I've noticed that too, it is always Ryan who sees Cal about Ballistics. She has been his mentor throughout, so that would include teaching him the ballistics side. But he does go more than is necessary, wonder why.... !

Sorry, Im rubbish at thinking up dictionary stuff. I will have to give it lots of thought.

So, do we think that Cal and Ryan would buy each other Christmas presents? I'd like to think they do, and they exchange them over a few drinks after work.
I think Ryan is very attentive, so his present would be surprise like "You remember! I even don't remember when i talk about it!" and then kiss in cheek.
Calleigh buy something useful, you know what i mean? Something he can use home, at work, etc. Maybe normal tie :lol: Or maybe very cool watch, and when he will look what time is it he always would be thinking about her :rolleyes:
Maybe i should write fanfic about it? :rolleyes:

Where i can see full dictionary? :confused:
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