Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'll be Horatio's secret hidden daughter who's lived her life in Holland but now returns to America to find her dad! How do you mean that's unrealistic? Hello, this is CSI:Miami. :rolleyes:
Actually, I thought that sounded quite believable by Miami's standards! But, shhhh, we don't want to give them ideas. ;)

Have a great time in Italy Dutchie. :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Not a bad idea Dutchie ... unfortunately, TPTB might say otherwise. Then again, there's always fanfiction :devil:.

Anyways, it's been forever since the last CaRWash fic, but I propose that we brainstorm challenges for each other until then... I for one would love a one-shot where Ryan brings his toddler niece Leia to the lab in need of Calleigh's help. Two things though... Eric needs to call her "Wolfe cub" and at some point, Leia has to call Horatio "grandpa" while he's holding her :lol:. I can already see Ryan's reaction... "Leia, you do not call my boss grandpa!". That oughta give Calleigh something to tease Ryan about!

Feel free to go wild with the plot bunnies!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

errr... hey, all!

*rushes in to give CPR to all the shippers who have fainted from shock*

yes, i live :rolleyes: just have been removed from CSIM lately. i've still got quite a few episodes to see, but by now it's taken me so long that i just gave up on my spoiler policy. that means i'm no longer afraid to come here and read a bit :)

so from what i understand, i've missed at least one nice (but small) ryan/cal scene... drat. i REALLY need to get up to date with this season. well, at least the strike is over. any word on when new eps. start?

spoiler boxes! cool, it's been a while since we had really cool spoilers. seems like things are looking up for us, eh?

you know, my latest theory is that stetler is in love with ryan and he's made a pact with the devil to get ryan to mess up as much as possible, so he can be up ryan's back every single episode. i know that's the truth and nothing you say will convince me otherwise. because, really, it's about the only reason for ryan to keep making mistakes! *stomps foot*

and if you ask me, eric shouldn't make a mistake because that'd mean calleigh would have to chastise him and that is completely ryan & calleigh's thing. i know i'm the only one that really likes it when they fight, but i can't help it. it means something, i tell you!

and what's this i hear about calleigh telling ryan to "not let stetler divide them" WHILE standing on an altar? people, that is HUGE! i know i've squeed in other fandoms over lesser stuff (nikki might know what i'm talking about...). not to mention the earring thing-- a nod to what is only my favorite CSIM episode EVER, "legal" (just look at the sig banner) oh, if they DO keep any of that in, i'll be the happiest fangirl on this side of the world, i swear :)

emily's interview absolutely warmed me up inside. "jon togo and i have a deep love affair in real life"-- it's good to hear confirmation that they're such good friends, and it seems exactly how i'd pictured their relationship to be: full of laughter and just LIGHT. much like the early R&C. it DID make me remember the "not my togo!" days. ah, terribly cute ;) all of this can only be a good sign; it means that they have great chemistry and maybe TPTB will finally see that and remember how great R&C's interaction used to be.

soooo... oh, welcome to all the newbies! *waves* sorry i wasn't here to welcome you when you actually first came in, but oh well! grab a chair, get comfortable, and enjoy the shippy goodness that goes around. *spins in her spinny chair* i'm glad to see that people are still noticing the insane chemistry between R&C even through the current draught :)

nikki- i'll try my hardest to get online sometime this week, so be on the lookout.

london- awww, thanks for recommending my fic! i'd hardly call my kiss scene "super awesome," though... gave me a heck of a lot of trouble as i wrote it :rolleyes: glad you liked it, anyway. oh and BTW, i'm still working out the plot for that sequel i talked about... just reaaaally slowwwly. some of you might've seen the very beginning of it...

and what's this i hear about a ryan/calleigh fanfiction challenge? i don't know if i'll be able to participate (i don't work well with deadlines, i'm sure you can guess by now) but i'd sure love to read! :D

so, that's about all i had to say. missed my long, pointless posts, didn't you? ;) see you soon, guys! (hopefully)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Carla , I have to say that I love your theory on Stetler. :lol: It would certainly explain a lot.

There was a fanfiction challenge, which I still haven't finished my entry for. I don't work well with dealines either... this one was weeks and weeks ago.


I'll be Horatio's secret hidden daughter who's lived her life in Holland but now returns to America to find her dad! How do you mean that's unrealistic? Hello, this is CSI:Miami.


Actually, I thought that sounded quite believable by Miami's standards!

Yeah, that does sound quite reasonable by their standards. Who knows, it could happen!

Ok, I've gotta run now. Hope everyone is having/has had a good day!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

No, there's not a fanfiction challenge... I think the one you're talking about is mentioned at the beginning of the page. I was just brainstorming possible fic ideas and wanted to know your preferences... sorry about the confusion! :confused:

By the way, there's a new CaRWash fic at I haven't had the chance to check it out yet though. We are in serious lack of them... or is that just me?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Welcome karu_mila! It's great to have a new CaRWasher around! I too lurked in the threads for a long time before I actually posted. I'm London by the way! ;)

Ooo, have a nice time on your trip Nikki! I'm so jealous! Maybe you should write a fic about Calleigh and Ryan going to Italy when you get back! ;) And don't worry about the couch, we'll save it for you! I'm perfectly happy on my chillow! *plops down and begins sipping on a virgin cosmo*
I agree with you carla about the dialouge at the altar! In the CSI world, dialouge said at a wedding usually ends up coming back again. Like when Grissom and Sara worked that wedding thing together and they ended up together, and then the comment Mac made to Danny about falling in love and now that seems to happening as well. Weddings are a good luck charm and I'm excited for what this means for CaRWash!

I've heard that Calleigh gets in trouble in this epi because someone steals her camera and switches the memory card and then uses the pictures for a "solve the crime with Calleigh" thing. I've heard that the person who does this is involved with the lab somehow. I'm praying it's not Ryan, because if he gets to be the scape goat one more time I swear I'm going to have him offed for his own good! The poor guy needs a break! I know Emily said that her and Jon do a lot of the arguing scenes because those are the only ones they can make it through without laughing, but COME ON PEOPLE!!!! I'm hoping it's someone else, but knowing CSI...I'm not too hopeful.

Come on Heather, fresh spoiler know you want to! :lol:

Keep the love alive guys!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*sighs* I just wrote a great long load of speculation about the spoilers, and then realised that they were actually for two different episodes. :rolleyes: I can be so intelligent sometimes...

That's a really interesting point, about weddings in the CSI verse. It didn't seem to work for Greg and Sara, though. They worked a wedding case together and nothing ever became of that. :rolleyes: Not that I'm bitter. Obviously. However, hopefully it will be different for Calleigh and Ryan.

If it is Ryan I may have to kill someone. Or just write an angry letter. Actually I'll probably just sit and complain about it forever and a day. But still. They can't keep portraying him as the bad guy. He's trying! Just leave him be. And get him together with Calleigh. I'm intrigued to see who it is though, they've already had Dan Cooper going behind people's backs (breaking the law...). Yeah, so it'll be interesting to see which way they take that storyline. Maybe it's Stetler! Trying to frame Ryan or something. Oooh, maybe Jake gets a little jealous of Ryan and Calleigh's chemistry and tries to get Ryan fired! Heh, there are so many possibilities...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Man you guys post fast... I feel like I need to keep up!

These are great ideas... it'd be a real kicker if Stetler and Jake conspired together to frame Ryan, two for the price of one... that way Ryan can kick double the ass... you can tell that the ratings will be high for an episode like that! :devil: Anyways, I kinda see the "you broke the law" line as Calleigh defending Ryan when Cooper complained... I mean she could have just said "You broke the law, not protocol", but she chose to state why Ryan was given a second chance... she was defending her man! Okay, I might be grasping at straws here, but we English minors are taught to overanalyze every little thing. Trust me, it comes in handy.

By the way, since Dutchie is in Italy, who's in charge of the CaRWash pic of the day?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Illegal high stakes poker games to the theme of this ep. A man is shot and killed b/c he wouldn't tell two thugs were the next high roler game would be. But it is not as cut and dry as that.
The two thugs, Toby and Seth, kidnap Calleigh by tricking her into stopping on the side of the road b/c she thinks one of them is hurt but when she approached the other jumps out and knocks her unconscious. They then make her use her expertise of crime scenes to distort the evidence so they won't get caught. Now Cal being Cal, uses their stupidity to her advantage and leaves clues for her fellow CSI's to follow in order to find out who the real killer is. B/C while Toby and Seth shot the guy he was actually being poisoned by someone else which may have expidited his death.maybe this is ryans chance to save her
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh goodness, I'm going to have to try and work out how to seperate all these spoilers out in my mind now.

What is this, pick on Calleigh season? They're really focussing on her character this season, it seems. What with the love triangle, the episode where she was under investigation, and now being kidnapped? Maybe they think that if they keep putting her through enough Ryan will eventually come and save her. Which he will. As soon as he's done being the scapegoat. Ooh, that sounded really bitter, didn't it? Sorry, but I don't tend to like it when a series focusses on one character too much. It inevitably makes me dislike their character and I really don't want that to happen with Calleigh.

Karu-mila - Yeah, the ratings would be sky-high for an episode like that. I would love to see it. Ryan getting his own back on the world... well, on Stetler, at least.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh, Lord... first Ryan, now Calleigh... hey, maybe TPTB are doing this so Calleigh and Ryan can have potential bonding time over these issues. I can start to see those talks as the after-scenes of the next few episodes ;). We need to have Dutchie script these moments when she comes back from Italy.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

karu_mila said:
By the way, since Dutchie is in Italy, who's in charge of the CaRWash pic of the day?
I'll do it today.

Why yes, it's me. No, I haven't died. :p Most of you probably don't remember/know me. I'm an oldd CaRWash shipper. I've stopped watching the show but I still lurk in here sometimes, and these spoiler boxes are what's making me post. (Sorry, Heather! I don't mean to tempt you. :lol:)

CaRWash Pic Of The (Random) Day:


*cough* Notice his arm on her chair *cough* And of course the way he's staring at her.

I highly doubt the writers would make RYAN be the one who took her photos. I mean, he's been bad. But I think that's a bit too far. Wait... what am I saying? This is Miami we're talking about. Everyone just pray it's not Ryan. :eek:

More Calleigh drama? :eek: Sweet. However, I feel like Eric or Jake are going to be the one(s) to comfort her. [/pessimistic] Of course we still have a chance for a scene. More than one person can be there for her. :D Let's just hope Ryan is one of them.
I'll be watching those episodes just in case. *goes back to lurking*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

sandersidle! I'd tackle and hug you but you'd probably freak out :eek:... I was wondering where you were lurking at. Good to finally meet you. Nice pic by the way... I've missed the CaRWash pic of the day.
Anyways, hope you're right about the next couple of episodes... we'd all love to see a comfort scene like that! *crosses fingers for CaRWash goodness*.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey everyone!!!! Today is a HUGE day for me! A year ago today I joined TalkCSI, so I guess you could say it's my anniversary! I can't believe I've been here that long already! And I made it to Rookie finally so I'm no longer a criminal! :lol:

To celebrate, here's my CaRWash Anniversary Pic of the Day:

I love that smirk on her face when he stands too close! :lol:

Although I am a bit skeptical about the whole kidnapping thing, how they're going to work it out and all that, I do think this could be an interesting thing for us CaRWashers. I would hope that when they get her back, there would be a reunion scene with the team. If we got a "Thanks Babe" for her nearly drowing, kidnapping ought to be AWESOME!!! :eek: :lol: I'm hoping for at least a hug, even a quickie one like the one Sara gave Greg when he passed his proficiencies. Wouldn't that be too cute?!?!!? I hope they just don't ignore it; the Miami team is family, they care about each other like that and if one of their own getting kidnapped doesn't rile them, I'm gonna be upset! I'd love a scene where Ryan is interrogating a suspect in Calleigh's disappearance and has a freakout like he did on the guy that got Eric shot. That would be a dream come true; our guy getting upset about his girl!!! Awww! ;)

Keep the faith CaRWashers!!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I had a nice long post to make yesterday, but I deleted it by accident and then got frustrated with the computer so I never got round to actually posting.

Aaanyway. It's nice to meet you sandersidle ! I have to say that I love that picture. The look on Ryan's face is just so funny. He's like 'evidence on the computer... buuut Calleigh's so much more interesting to stare at'. Heh heh.

Congratulations on your one year anniversary London ! And another great picture. They're standing so close... :)

I have to go out in a sec so I don't have long to say much, but anyway...

A hug would be amazing!!! That Sandle moment had me squeeing for an age, even if it was only brief. I would so love for them to have a CaRWash equivalent! And a Ryan freak-out on the suspect would be interesting too, even if he doesn't get a chance to find and rescue her.

Anyway, gotta run. Hope you all have great days!
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