Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Lucy said:
Guys, please remain respectful towards other ships. It's fine to say (for example) that you don't like the idea of Jake being the father, but please put it in such a way that isn't insulting to other fans. Thanks. :)

Whoops. Guess I was being a little too delusional for a minute there. Sorry about that! :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hmm, good question Nikki! I think I tend to like fluffy angst stuff the best, a little cute a fuzzy in the beginning, some tears and drama in the middle, and a cute fluffy ending. Although, almost all of my fics have little Wolfes running around, so I guess I like a little bit of everything! I really like the fanfics that make you laugh, and I really enjoy the ones that make you cry.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

What kind of CaRWash fic do you like most?

Im fluffy all the way. I like things like the CaRWash at the carwash - dont know whether you know it. that was funny and hot - which is my favorite kind. I like a little angst too as long as nobody gets hurt

the Valentines day is approaching, how do you think Cal and Ryan would celebrate it?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

What kind of CaRWash fic do you like most?

Good question. I'm one of those people who prefers the more angsty side... but reading too many angsty ones sometimes makes me too sad. So I like reading some good old fluff as well.

Future ones, I'm not so sure about... I don't know why, I guess I just prefer to know how they got to a relationship rather than just reading about what happens after. But that's just me being weird...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Me myself, I like to WRITE all kinds of fics. I love it when I make people tear up with my Angst, I like to get them together with fluff and I do love my future family series. Writing them as parents is just so much fun. :lol:

As for reading, it really depends on the way the story is written. I'm an Angst Whore, I'll admit, but if the story is totally unreal and OOC I tend to choose for fluff more easily. I think fluff is easier to write than angst anyway, 'cause angst needs to live up to a certain expectation, it has to be 'real'. Which is a challenge for writers, and not always lived up to. But then again, of course some times it is perfectly ;)

Examples, well, Luna is my favorite Angst writer ever, she was my idol and pretty much the one that taught me everything. There's a lot of good fluff writers around. I'm thinking of Heather, I'm thinking of London, I'm thinking of the numerous new writers floating around. Future fics aren't out there a lot, so I guess I'd have to go with my own :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey, since we're taking fanfics, who's up for a fun fan fiction challenge? We keep talking about how we have so many great writers for this ship, so let's prove it!

CaRWash Forum Fanfic Challenge

Story must contain the following elements in some way:
~ Someone saying "I'm King of the Lab!"
~ A firehose
~ A poisonous or very large spider with a funny nickname
~ A bet involving a payout other than money
~ Some reference to a fairy tale (e.g. Cinderella, the Three Little Pigs, Snow White, The Gingerbread Man, the options are endless)

The story can be however long the author wants, it must be a CaRWash fic of some type, and please nothing higher than a T rating.

I'm thinking a deadline of two weeks from today would be appropriate so that even those of us who are busy might have time to write a fic. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join!

I hope I didn't step on any toes or post this illegally; kick my butt if I did! :lol:

Have fun writing and I can't wait to see how this turns out! If it works well we might could get a challenge running all the time to supply us with CaRWash fics during our 'dry spell'. Keep the CaRWash love alive!!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh, I'm in! :D That's such a good idea!
I realised not long ago that, although I write fanfiction, I've never written a CaRWash fic. And I was shocked at myself. This will be the perfect way to kick-start it, I guess.

Heh, I'm really excited. *goes off to plot her fic*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think fic challenges should be posted in the fanfiction thread, but if we flutter our eyes sweetly the mods may forgive us this time. I guess as long as we don't spam this thread with fanfiction challenges. ;)

I want to be in, but I have one question. Is it allowed for me to involve this fic in a series I'm writing?

No wait, another question, with challenge do you mean that someone chooses what the best fic from the lot was? And who would be the jury in that case? It wouldn't be fair to let the writers vote themselves so we'd need someone that is unbiased and stuff. I'd know a couple of persons if you don't know anyone.

To make this not too off-topic, thanks for your replies on my question. I really do hope that CaRWash will get more scenes in the rest of season 6. If not, there's actually no reason for me to buy the DVDs whenever they come out, since there's nothing on there for me to watch. :( *sigh*

CaRWash Pic Of The *fill in whitty comment here*:
(From Double Jeopardy)


I like this pic for no particular reason. It's not really a huge CaRWash scene, they're just working, but I do like it a lot. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I think fic challenges should be posted in the fanfiction thread, but if we flutter our eyes sweetly the mods may forgive us this time. I guess as long as we don't spam this thread with fanfiction challenges.
I think at the moment we're happy to allow it this time, due to the lack of new episodes as a result of the strike. It's not easy to find something new to discuss in this situation.

We do request though, that any comments relating to fan fiction are made in addition to other discussion. ie. when posting, please don't just post solely about fan fic. As long as we bear this in mind, it's fine. Thanks. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

well i too hope that we see more of carwash soon-
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Cool, I'm glad people want to participate! Nikki, you can add it as part of your series! And as far as a winner or loser goes, I was actually just hoping to get the writers in this forum writing again, so I don't think we need a real winner/loser scenerio, but if you want one, feel free to set it up! In the furture I think we should get a thread in the fanfic forum for this so that we can talk about it without breaking the rules! ;)

Anyhoo, so I have something else to this post besides fanfiction talk, let's mention our ship! :lol: I know what you mean about season six! I might buy it anyway since I already have seasons 1-5, just to complete the set, but it is really disappointing. I"m hoping that they get their act together soon and write us a few CaRWash scenes again!

I was thinking about an episode the other day from fifth season, about the time Eric was shot. It involved Calleigh and Ryan on a case about a little boy who had been murdered. The way they were talking in that scene sounded like (in my little CaRWash mind) that one of of them had lost a child somehow. They seemed extra concerned about this little boy and so I'm wondering if they had a tragic past together. I know that's purely CaRWash dreaming, but I'm wondering if anyone else got anything out of that scene?

Keep the CaRWash love alive!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I remember the scene you are talking about,CaRWash_Cutie. I felt that perhaps Ryan had a younger sibling, and witnessed that sibling die by the hands of someone else, and they never found the killer. Which also explained his want to serve and protect. Then because his family was never brought justice, he wanted to help other families get the justice they deserve.

Calleigh, just simply hates to see young kids be the victim, so I always thought that maybe she was a victim of some crime as a child. Thus wanting her to become a cop, and etc etc.

As for Valentines Day, I think that Calleigh would be a type of girl who thinks of Valentines Day as an overly dramatic holiday. She would probably tell Ryan, "Thanks, but no thanks on the gifts," and tell him to get her something because he loves her, on an unsuspected day, like March 2nd. Just because.

Ryan would ignore her wishes (Because he loves testing the water) and set up a romantic date. I could see white roses (he'd say they are because red is so passe) and candlelight dinner on the beach, under the stars and moonlight. With Champagne. And Chocolates. And Chocolate covered strawberries. :lol:

I would join in on this fanfic challenge, but *looks down at signature* I have a lot of other stories to write (not to mention Bittersweet Beginning *hides from Nikki:p) so I'll pass on this one. But I would love to be a non partial judge! I always love reading CaRWash fanfiction.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Happilyhappy said:
CaRWash Pic of the HEY Look I Got Off My Lazy Ass Again!:
(From Shock)

:lol: What a great title. What a great photo for that title.

She asks him out for a beer in Deviant and he asks her out on a date for a wedding. OK, well- not really. But that's because she can read him like an open book and knew that he was asking her. And technically she didn't say no. It sounded more like they were already a couple in that scene and they were discussing what they wanted to do later on. Me? Delusional? Never.

And don't let Nikki scare you with the warnings of Angst. Her story? Yes, very angsty, but very much worth the read, IMO.

And Bittersweet Beginnings is not angsty. It's angsty fluff. There's a difference. :p

I will check out Once Upon a Time and those two new CaRWash videos when I get the chance. I'm sure they are all fantastic though.

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

OK, where's Hestia and her flag saluting emoticons? :p
^ Sweet gorilla of Manilla, you actually remembered me, Happilyhappy? :lol: How are the lovely CaRWashers today? I noticed there's been some slow activity around these parts. I haven't posted in a long time, I know but I don't post is I don't think I have 3 lines worth of something interesting and ship-related to say. (Don't wanna upset Dutchie!) I saw the most recent Miami episode and I think we got a few scenes with Ryan and Calleigh. Not shippy but they worked well together and I actually enjoyed the plot line.

The recent two pictures posted by Dutchie are wonderful! I miss the old episodes and I love their symmetry. I didn't even catch the intertwined fingers. :) What I really liked, though was WolfeWhistle's season 6 pic and Saya_Ray's two pics from that Nanny episode. Ryan's stare can defnitely be interpretted in many ways in the former and Calleigh's grin doesn't lie in the latter!

Did I read that someone made a shippy music video? I feel like getting back into a CaRWshy spirit and music vids might just do it! Then I might swing over to Dutchie's fics/fic recommendations. (I'll just take a quick look up and see which ones are angsty and which ones are not so much. Guess which ones I'll likely check out? :p)

Hope you all vote for the shippy Signature Banners Challenge! :D (I wish there were more CaRWash banners in the contest... oh well. Maybe next time. :cool:)

BTW: A salute you want, a salute you get: (two in fact!)

It's not for a flag, it's for CaRWash and their remaining loyal shippers. Stay strong girls. Stay strong!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I wish we would have had a great CaRWash scene in the last episode but we really didn't so now i have to wait until a new episode comes on. :(

Hopefully we will get some much needed CaRWash scenes! but until then I will keep myself busy with the great CaRWash music videos and fanfiction!! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey Hestia! *waves* It's great to see you back around here!

Just so you know, I've opened an offical CaRWash fanfiction challenge thread so that we can discuss that stuff without clogging up this thread. Here's the link:

I hope that we get some of the CaRWash scenes again soon! I know the writers are still on strike as far as I've heard, but I'm hopeful that maybe next season they'll revisit the Calleigh/Ryan friendship.

Here's a pic as a hope of things to come!

Keep the love alive!!!!
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