Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey CaRWash_Cutie! :D From now on I will try and visit at least once a week. I wouldn't forget this great ship, in fact I even made a CaRWash banner to enter in the competition (well, I made 3, but 1 of the 3 was CaRWash). We should've represented more, but it does not matter... I won the category I entered (intermediate) with CaRWash power!
(Thanks for those of you who voted!)

BTW: Love the pic you posted! It's from the first episode in season 5, right?

Edited to remove the banner temporarily... at least I hope it's only temporary.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I saw that you'd won with a CaRWash banner Hestia ! :D I had made one as well, and it got more votes than my Sandle one did, but it really wasn't all that good. I love yours though!

CaRWash_Cutie - I love that moment, where Ryan is happily digging himself a hole, and we're all just thinking 'put the spade down, Ryan'. :lol: It makes me laugh so much.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hestia: where'd you get that little heart, I want one! lol. Congrats on your win hun, the banner is really beautiful. :)

I feel bad, i haven't been in here in awhile, Sorry guys. Forgive me? *bats my eyes at you all*

CaRWash_Cutie: you made a carwash fanfiction thing? Thats pretty cool, hopefully alot of people that visit there more then in the threads will offer one up. :) -- I love that picture, they should go in the closet now and smexy. :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I haven't been in here in quite some time either. Forgot how much I love this ship.

If I have the time to write something that I like enough I might enter the CaRWash fanfic challenge CaRWash_Cutie
though I did promise Lynn here that I'd finish my CatNip one. Hopefully I'll manage both :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks Salean; you're the other person who did a CaRWash banner? Awesome! Way to represent! Next time there's a shippy fan art contest, we should definitely spread the word around here. :)

CathStokes said:
Hestia: where'd you get that little heart, I want one! lol. Congrats on your win hun, the banner is really beautiful. :)
You mean the color changing one? I actually edited an already existing gif. I like it too... all the colors of the rainbow. :cool: Thanks! I was pretty proud of that one. I originally was gonna make 3 sandle banners (the one below was one I made for the contest) but I thought about you girls and figured I'd make one for CaRWash. Didn't think it would win! I had trouble picking the pics for the banner mostly because I forgot the episode titles. :lol: I remembered the scene where Ryan and Calleigh were in the jewelry store and the guy asked if they were getting married (so I did a search of that in this thread). I remembered there was an episode where the two had their hands folded and were outside looking all tough and hot. (I actually had to look around a gallery site to find the right screencap). And the last pic I actually had saved on my desktop from a while ago (some of the lovely CaRWash pics that you girls post, I save. ;))

I found out the episodes before but thanks to my crummy memory, I forgot and I'm still a not sure what the episodes are! Man, I suck as a CaRWash shipper...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*applaudes* You spread the CaRWash love, Hestia ;) I liked that banner! If you ever need help identifying episodes, I know season 3, 4 and 5 by heart, and if you describe the pose or clothes I'll probably be able to tell you within a minute :lol: I suck like that. You can PM me and maybe if you have msn or mail you could give me that through Pm? :) 'Cause when you just said, they had their hands folded and were outside looking all hot, I was like: "Oh, Shock. 423. Nice."

London, I'm not entirely sure I can enter the challenge inbetween school, writing a multichap and struggling with another plot bunny. But if I have some free time on my hands I can always try. We'll see.

Welcome back Lynny and csilove. Glad you haven't forgotten about our ship even if the writers have.

And a little belated: thanks for the head's up Lucy! Always good to be sure.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

^ You're welcome. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie said:
*applaudes* You spread the CaRWash love, Hestia ;) I liked that banner! If you ever need help identifying episodes, I know season 3, 4 and 5 by heart, and if you describe the pose or clothes I'll probably be able to tell you within a minute :lol: I suck like that. You can PM me and maybe if you have msn or mail you could give me that through Pm? :) 'Cause when you just said, they had their hands folded and were outside looking all hot, I was like: "Oh, Shock. 423. Nice."
Are you kidding? :eek: If you think you suck for being an awesome, attentive CaRWash shipper, then I definitely suck for being able to recognize almost all Sandle moments based on screencaps and often by description. :D
I should've consulted with you before trying to figure what episodes to go for. I didn't because I wanted my entry to be a surprise, but now I realize I could've just as easily said I needed for other purposes. Well, I'm an idiot. :lol: So... what was the episode with them in the jewelry store? (I know, it should be common knowledge to any decent CaRWash shipper.
) And that pic of them walking down the hall was one I saved a while ago so I definitely don't know the season, let alone the episode. (That one might be a bit tougher to guess. :))
If you need more clarificaton tell me so I can send you a PM, oh and if I have more questions I'll also PM you. Thanks!

This thread's upcoming fanfic challenge sounds awesome! Although I think I already said so before. :cool:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash


Of course I remembered you! I also remember Carla, our resident post queen, where ever she may be. Thank you for the flag saluting emoticons. They fit our ship perfectly.

Now, the episode you are looking for, with the two in the jewelery store is 417 Collison. Great episode.

The one where they are walking down the hallway.. well if she's wearing a blue shirt, and her hair is down; it's 501 Rio (CaRWash_Cutie recently posted a photo, I believe?). If Calleigh is wearing orange, and her hair is pulled back into a bun; it's 408 Nailed. If Calleigh is wearing something else, it is a different episode. ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hestia, the pics you used in your banner are from: (left to right) 417 Collision, 423 Shock and 506 Curse Of the Coffin. Just so you know :p

I don't I suck for being such a shipper, it was just a joke. I think it's a talent and if I can be of help with it, just let me know. If you have a pic of the scene, remember what happened or sometimes even what they were wearing I will probably be able to give you the episode number, title, what happened in the scene and what they said. :D

Heather can tell you what a shipper I am, I totally stunned her a couple of days ago by quoting a part of her fic word for word. :lol:

Oh, about that challenge, I'm not going to be able to enter. I have a lot going on at school atm, plus I'm writing another fic that really has priority for me right now. I really like the initiative though, and if we were to actually make it a contest and vote, I will be an honest and unbiased judge if one is needed.

CaRWash Pic Of The ... :
(From Legal)


This looks like a possible Comfort!Scene, while there's actually no problem :p But she looks sad and he looks compassionate. Aw. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ooh! Legal picture! I had to come running... ;)
By the way, Dutchie, I'm pretty impressed with your ability to be able to come up w/ episode titles and numbers by description. *applauds* You definitely don't suck. In fact, you should go on Letterman or Leno or something... ;)

When does the fanfic challenge thing start again? I'm anxious to read some of these concotions.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Yes, Nikki's talents are legendary and we love her for it! ;) Where would we be without her? I'm pretty good at season 4 and most of season 2, but it gets a little fuzzy other places.

The deadline for the challenge is the 25th of January, but it might be set back to the 1st of February. It seems I caught a lot of people at a bad time, so I don't know how many fics there will be, but mine's posted over in the fanfic section if you want to check it out... Maybe we'll have to try this again in the summer when everyone has more time! :lol: And Nikki, I don't care if you're not in this challenge as long as you get this new fic of yours done! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks WolfeWhistle and London. *blush* I'm crazy but in a good way :p Of course, there's nothing wrong with being CaRWash addicted!

London, thanks for that :lol: I would love to enter but I just don't want to commit to too many things at a time. I'm terrible stuck in one fic atm, and I'm writing a post-episode one too... and somewhere inbetween is school.

Just a very-advanced notification, in March I will go to Italy on exchange for 2 weeks, and my partner there doesn't have a computer. Or at least that's the last I heard. That will probably mean I won't be on for 2 weeks. :eek: If anyone here would want to keep the thread alive during that time and post pics and stuff, feel free. I know it's only January, but time flies when you're having fun.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So I killed the thread. Hello, CaRWashers? Why have you all gone into hiding? Where IS everyone? :eek:

I guess the lack of new episodes is a bit depriving, especially because there's hardly been any CaRWash in season 6, but I'm sure we could find something to talk about, like an older episode/storyline or future hopes.

So, people? All CaRWash shippers unite? :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I am alive! I swear. I've just been run off my feet with coursework and things... it's been hard to keep up with everything.

That said, I'm still working on my fanfic challenge piece. I know the deadline was aaaages ago, but I got half-way through and then my life got so hectic I just couldn't finish it. I'm planning on finish it during half-term next week.

But yeah, Dutchie , CaRWash shippers unite! We can't let our ship die... especially when there is still hope.
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