Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

wolfewhistle i am glad that you like the dream that i had. I also hate jake aswell. But the one thing that bothers me is that why the writers will not make some attempt to make some kind of relationship between them. Maybe just a peck on the cheek that she gave eric. I will be waiting till that day comes when ryan and calleigh are together. :confused:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hahaguy that sounds like such a cool dream! I would love that to happen. I had a dream like that once: my sister came running in and told me Calliegh and Ryan had kissed on the show. But then I woke up and it wasn't real... Although I really should have guessed because my sister doesn't actually watch Miami. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the welcome wolfewhistle ! Yeah, a lot of people may have gone away I guess, so aren't around as much.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

wow, i love CaRWash dreams. I had one also.
It was quite sad though, because Ryan Eric and Calleigh were all working this case, but Calleigh was flirting with Ryan. Then, there was this made up CSI called Dixie who was working the case too and her and Eric kept talking about Speedle, so Ryan got upset.

So Calleigh comforted him and then Horatio talked to Calleigh and said her dad died. I was quite sad at this point. But then Ryan was comforting her and there was a hug...then my sister woke me up.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

i just get so frustrated the writers paired up jake with calleigh. Sorry if im offending anyone but everyone knows how much of an ass he is. It's weird that everytime i have a CarWash dream i sleep well. CookiMonstaBabe that dream does sound sad . I can't wait to see if there is any Carwash scenes . I still like the scene from cyberlebrity where calleigh says that they all miss him at the lab. omg you have to watch this youtube clip and wait till emily is talking and yes i know it is old but still :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Happy New Year and welcome back!

I have not abandoned CaRWash, in fact I've been writing. There's just not much to talk about here so I've been doing other things. When I found out this thread had disappeared from SC I decided to get back in the New Year, which is now, so I'm back, and planning on staying. :)

Fine, season 6 hasn't given us much scenes and yes other ships seem more favored lately, but does that mean we give up hope? No. Us CaRWashers should just keep up faith, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. For your daily dose of CaRWash I might direct you to my account, *click on my banner*, which has pretty much everything from Angst to Fluff. I recommend all writers in this thread because they all write fantastically and I do advice you to watch season 3, 4 and even a couple of season 5 scenes and remember the love. Also, in the New Year I will continue working on the CaRWash site I was planning to make (a little bit together with Carla). I need to cap more episodes. So far UtI, Murder in a Flash and Legal have been capped.

Salean, welcome to the thread. You'll see that we can be a very nice bunch here. If it's not dead here... We'll just have to keep it alive. ;)

I actually think that we will get scenes back eventually. Calleigh and Ryan are, if anything, co-workers, so they'll have to interact at least once in a while. And when that happens, the teasing/flirting can't stay far behind. Who knows, maybe the second half of season six won't be so awfully CaRWash deprived.

Here's to hope!

CaRWash Pic of the Whenever I Feel Like Getting Off My Lazy Ass:
(From Legal)


^ Does anyone find it funny that they both have their hands entwined? :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks for the welcome Dutchie ! I think the reason they're clutching their hands together is because they're trying so hard not to reach out and grab the other's. I don't know why though, I know I wouldn't complain if they did :p

Oooh, the infamous 'Not with my Togo' interview. I love that interview. Thanks for reminding me of it hahaguy !

I think that's one reason why, as Dutchie put it, us CaRWashers should keep up the faith. Jonathon Togo and Emily Procter seem to get along really really well, so I don't doubt that we will be seeing their characters interact more. I bet they hate not working with each other so much.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

ya i was on youtube last night and i saw the "not my togo" headline and i was like holy crap. They obviously get along with each off screen also. Dutchie i hope your right that the second half of season 6 won't be that bad lol. Ans i will take a line away from horatio, we will not abandoned you.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Nice to have you back, Dutchie! You always know how to make us all feel better. I think some S3 or 4 episodes are in order, at least until we get another new episode. I also haven't read much fan fiction, so maybe I'll start now.

But yeah, everything you said about keeping the faith and remembering the love is dead on. I'll go down with this ship, too! Weird, I almost feel like saluting... ;)

Here's to a better second half of S6!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

The sad thing about season six is that we have one more episode before the writer's strike has officially affected CSI:Miami.

This means that we have one more chance for a happy episode for these two, before we go into a black oblivion of abyss. Then we really will have to depend on classic season 3, 4, and early season 5 (don't forget Cyber-lebrity!) to fall back on and get us through this strike. Don't forget to mention fan fiction.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

See, there is actually an upside to living in a place that only gets shows aaaages after America. We've only just finished season 5 over here, and they usually repeat the most recent season before showing the new season. So, hopefully, if the writer's strike eventually works itself out, season 6 won't be too broken up. Although, I rely on the shows going out in America so that I can find out what is happening, so that won't be so good.

Not too long ago I caught a repeat of 'Shock'. That was such an amazing CaRWashy episode! It made me so happy... I'd actually forgotten all about it until I realised what this thread title was. :D

*Sings Dido in her head.* 'I will go down with this ship...'
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I love Dido, and I love that song. It's my 'sunken ship' song. Talking about sinking ships, y'all should check out my latest fanfic 'Invincible'. It's definitely not a good ending to our ship but hey, it's CaRWash fanfiction. I'll write fluff one of these days. :rolleyes:

Other recommendations of this time: Heather's 'Bittersweet beginnings' and Lizicia's 'Once Upon a Time'

Aren't we all Angsty lately? ^ :eek:

There is an upside, isn't there Salean? Living in Holland gives me the oppertunity to hear all about the new episodes, but also watch older ones. That, plus I have all of season 3 and 4 on DVD and laptop. Ah, heaven. :D

Thanks for the compliment WolfeWhistle!

CaRWash Pic of the HEY Look I Got Off My Lazy Ass Again!:
(From Shock)


*feels nostalgic*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey everybody...happy new hopeful self wants to officially declare this year as the CaRWash year...well...a girl can dream, rite?

///back to topic..i'm definitely looking forward to the start of the season once again and my fingers are crossed for upcoming CaRwash in the show....i shall never ever give up....

...well, i'm here to present two carwash is very angsty...entitled... Here Without You

...and one other one...not so angsty..really more lovey.... Here By Me this ends my rant.... CaRWash forver... :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ooooh, hey Suzy , I just watched those videos earlier! They were really good. The first one was so sad...

Dutchie , yeah it's a good mix, although annoying at times. I'll check out those fics you recommended... I tried them a second ago but my computer is being weird so I'll try again tomorrow. Everyone does seem to be very angsty with regards to these two at the moment.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey suzy i just watched the two vids you posted i love them. For the past few days i have been watching all of the carwash episodes since i have all seasons on dvd :). That has been keeping me focused on cal and ryan. Salean i just watched shock a few hours ago also and i just love how ryan asked calleigh if she had plans after work . That shows she cares if she already put his name on the wedding card.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

CaRWash Pic of the HEY Look I Got Off My Lazy Ass Again!:
(From Shock)

:lol: What a great title. What a great photo for that title.

She asks him out for a beer in Deviant and he asks her out on a date for a wedding. OK, well- not really. But that's because she can read him like an open book and knew that he was asking her. And technically she didn't say no. It sounded more like they were already a couple in that scene and they were discussing what they wanted to do later on. Me? Delusional? Never.

And don't let Nikki scare you with the warnings of Angst. Her story? Yes, very angsty, but very much worth the read, IMO.

And Bittersweet Beginnings is not angsty. It's angsty fluff. There's a difference. :p

I will check out Once Upon a Time and those two new CaRWash videos when I get the chance. I'm sure they are all fantastic though.

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

OK, where's Hestia and her flag saluting emoticons? :p
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