Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

yesterday Deviant premiered here and that was such a CaRWash episode it had me sqeeing all through it. I already seen it and I think thats what made me jump on board but to watch it now was ...*sighs* even better

the last scene was so beautiful - and they actually ended the epi with them. I wish TPTB would remember and bring it back but I agree that they should take it slow
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Welcome to newbies!

togo2hot said:
anyways i want to ask y'll what made you ship carwash in the first place and what was the first episode that you noticed something between them and why do you think they belong together.
I discovered CaRWash accidentally. One day I saw Death Pool 100 and I started to watch CSIM regularly. The more I watched the more I saw how hot Calleigh and Ryan are. Episode after episode I wanted to see them together. I believe I was in love with Calleigh/Ryan after Curse of the coffin. I can't remember the first episode when I noticed something between them but it had to be one of the after COTC episodes.
They belong together cause they are so perfect together. They balance each other. They fit together. And the chemistry between the two is always in the air.

Heather I agree with you, Ryan IS staring at her lips;) He is looking at her so dreamily IMO. He's like: I should be listening what she's saying but she is so beautiful. I can't concentrate...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey guys whats up with this thread?where is everybody?anyways man down just aired here and i was thinking about the fact that i read somewhere that for no man's land ryan and callegih both rush to the hospital to donate blood to eric-is that true?anyways imagine if they had both left from the same place!still wat do you guys think of the latest ship in town between ryan and u think there is anything between them or will carwash pervail?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

oh yes, Green is SOOO their colour!! Lol, imagine if they wore green on their wedding!! lol, ill be thinking or that forever now... yes, Togo2hot, thats true. wasnt really a big scene, a scene nevertheless. oh gosh, i saw that not happy :mad: and of course, ever the optimist, CaRWash will prevail..hopefully.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi. I'm Jenny. I always get the impression that Ryan's kind of had a crush on Calleigh since he met her. I would love to see him awkwardly realize his feelings for her and make a move. He brings out such a fun side of Calleigh and I think that's what I like most about this ship. They bring out an innocent and silly side of each other. And of course, there's the chemistry! I hope we get something cute this week now that Ryan's back on the team. Calleigh hasn't had the chance to welcome him back yet...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey Jenny, Welcome!! I dont know where everyone has gone, hopefully theyll be back soon. Yet ANOTHER person can see Calleigh and Ryan have chemistry...see how obvious it is?? We are all hoping for CaRWash moments in season 6..theyll obviously be some.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

My first CaRWash pic for a long time:

I just love it :D

This Season is so disappointing...we just got one scene of our couple in 6 episodes :mad:, all the stuff of the triangle Eric/Jacke/Calleigh...they totally forget about this couple this Season, what the hell is going on with the writers we wont CaRWash!! :mad:
Hopefully we get in "Chain Reaction" some moments...anybody knows if there any??

CaRWash shippers come back!! I do it too ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash it me or are they standing the exact same way? looking at the suspect and/or victim with thier arms crossed. if that doesn't shout couple than i doin't know what does....and as for the november 19th ep.....

i really hope it's Ryan that comes to her rescue because that would just make my day if they made Ryan, not only Alexx's hero..whcich he was in Sunblock, but for Calleigh as well. I feel a streak of heroism for Ryan. :D plus if Ryan does come to Calleigh's resuce that means that the writers might be going in a direction that will make us CaRWashers very happy. oh and what's more is that Ryan is reinstated!!! which means he'll be working in the lab!!! and i have a feeling he'll be working with Calleigh :D

oh and i went to this morph site that some of the Rory fans directed me to and you can morph celebrities with your picture or other celebrities and i morphed Ryan and Calleigh :D so it's kinda what thier kid would look like all grown's actually kinda funny :D

oh and guess what!? Ryan and Calleigh are working a case together!!!!! Squee!!!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

one things for sure that ryan makes callegih smile-for examples see episode 7 season 6 of csi cute actually and i think from the clips that i have see that is the only time callegih smiled but since i didn't see the full episode i can't be sure.still it was a nice scence -cute too!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ryan's good with making Calleigh, smile, thats for sure. I'm glad they finally noticed each other again this season, and worked with each other a bit -- that was a nice touch :)

Well we've gotten a smile and hand touching this season so far. Go CaRWash.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

yay, all the shippers are returning. More good news for me today. I agree, theres no one who can make Calleigh smile like Ryan can. She was SO obviously flirting when he came in for the hand touching scene...lols. Theres also something else i picked up on. Do you think Calleigh's voice has changed slightly over the seasons?? My mum said something the other day about it being 'more forced' now. I kinda thought that the grief for Speed and Hagen cam out in her voice, but then it relaxes around Ryan. Its there if you really listen.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

oh's been good so far.....lots of smiles, a little flirting, and lest not forget a HAND TOUCH!!!! :eek: that has to be the higlight of the s6 CaRWash so far.
I actually really like where the TPTB are headed.....I mean spoilers say that Calleigh and Jake are gonna get in a fight and break up or something.....Ryan is now back at the lab and his first case back on the job was with Cal, Eric seems to be backing off a bit, and with the whole thing coming up with Calleigh has me excited because when it happens her and Jake are supposed to be angry with each other and seeing as Eric isn't trying to be involved in her life much anymore that leaves the field wide open for Rayn to come in, sweep her off her feet and save her. and if he does save her who knows, maybe Ryan will get a rewarding kiss ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I still adore the CARWASH!!!! Their scenes are great. At least they were back working together & being "friendly" last night. Ryan has a way w/ Cal, its their own special little thing!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Awwww... I loved when Calleigh teased Ryan about Sam last night. I thought it was cute. It was so nice to see them working together again.

It doesn't matter what their lines are or what the writers plan because when these two are in the same room there is no denying the chemistry!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

whre can i see those clips..i totally missed it...but i really wanna see it...
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