Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

It's passed midnight here, so I can say: Happy birthday to Emily Procter!

carla, thanks! You know for what;)

Heather, I loved your fic very much! Monday Night Movie Nights, awww that was lovely;) Keep up the good work!

I'm so happy we got the lovely CRW scene! I like to think that Cal and Ryan talked about something more when Eric left and the scene ended. It seemed to me that it was too good to be ended there. I'm sure the CRW-cuteness would have continued if the cameras kept rolling.

I was highlighting my school notes yesterday and crabbed "accidentally" green and orange. CRW always on my mind;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie said:
Hey, I don't drink either! I just made up the CaRWash drink, lol. You make me sound like an alcoholic, haha.
carolina said:
can I join the Virgin Cosmo Club? not that I ever tried it but it sounds nice.
catheline said:
I'm joining the Virgin Cosmo Club too.
Happilyhappy said:
And now I sound like an alcoholic, because I know what is in a cosmo. :lol: I don't drink either, though. Even though I am the legal age. :) So I'll join the virgin Cosmo Club as well. ;)
Yay! You’re all joining! I only suggested it because I don't drink and now I'm glad I'm not the only one. :D

carla said:
nikki, yet again:
Highlighters? Okay, now you make me think of Carla, who highlights her books. Freaky.

hey, hey, now! don't drag me and my weird habits into this! i don't even know HOW we came to the topic of highlighters anyway! ;)

as far as colors for our ship, i'm going to go with light green. because whenever i think of ryan & cal and their matching outfits, their clothes in "deviant" come to my mind. hence the green. and maybe "going under," though cal's shirt was actually yellow in that one... it still fits the greenish theme...

here's to more awesome R/C scenes in the next episode! *fingers crossed*
Here here! And I didn't know that thing about you and highlighters! :lol: I just brought it up because someone else (can't remember who at the moment) mentioned their bright shirts resembled neon colors of highlighters. But if that doesn't fly I will agree with the general consensus of orange and green. Those are bright, sunny colors for this bright, sunny pair.

CaRWash_Cutie said:
Maybe virgin cosmos should be the official CaRWash drink! :lol:

And as for colors, I agree with the green and orange deal. That's what I always picture them in and they look great in those colors.

And speaking of the new episodes..I'm so excited! I think my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when he flashed her that famous CaRWash smile! Imagine being in Calleigh's position! I would have been like "Jake and Eric who?" :lol: I really think we have potential for some of the old flirty scenes this year and I'm really optomistic about the whole situation! TPTB do love us!

CaRWash forever! *sips virgin cosmo*
Couldn't have said it better, m'dear. Cheers. ;) (And since catheline mentioned it, let us drink to Emily Procter! Mmmm Virgin Cosmos.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

oh yeah!!! Happy Birthday Emily!!!!!! i almost forgot it was her birthday!! :eek: 8slaps self* bad fan!! bad!!!\

anyways i hope we get some good CaRWash tonight!!!! i really hope we do!!! cause what we got last week just made me want more!!!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I didn't know it was Emily's birthday, either! Oops.
Well, Happy Birthday Emily Procter!

Anyway, Inside Out literally came on ten minutes ago, so I'm still waiting to see if we have been blessed with any CaRWash goodness tonight...I actually haven't watched all of Cyber-lebrity yet, but I did fast forward to the CaRWash scene I kept hearing about, and of course it was amazing. Definitely made up for Dangerous Son...I also liked how Eric left them alone. I as a CaRWash fan appreciated that... ;)

Ok, this is REALLY random, but they just showed the part where they cut Kyle's hair, and I thought it would have been funny if they dyed it red...maybe given him his own pair of shades...
Ok, I'll shut up now.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

yesterday I finally understood why the previous thread was about setting laptops on fire :)

that was one cool CaRWash episode. the looks, the teasing, the touching *sighs dreamily*

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

carolina said:
yesterday I finally understood why the previous thread was about setting laptops on fire :)

that was one cool CaRWash episode. the looks, the teasing, the touching *sighs dreamily*
I know!! Curse of the Coffin was one of my first CSIM episodes I saw. I love this episode very much. The Legal and Curse of the Coffin are my favorite episodes. BTW the previous thread title was great! At first I didn't know where it came and what it meant for Cal and Ryan but when I saw COTC I was like in heaven.
Thanks for the picture Carolina. Now I wanna see the episode again;)

Did others have a good episode?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey guys..i am a big CaRWash fan n i would love to see them together!but i was watching a vidoe of the season finaly of season5 n in that vidoe clips calleigh KISSED jake :eek:.i mean does she still have feelings for him?(she was kinda smooching him). :(i was like nooooooo!please tell me that she does not have feelings for jake still! :confused:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Welcome togo2hot!
Of course Calleigh doesn't have feelings for Jake! She loves Ryan. He is the one and only for her;) In my head anyway! And it doesn't matter I haven't seen S5 finale. Emily has the contract so she has to do what the script demands. Damn! If it would depend on me... :devil:
I'm so tired I don't know anymore what I'm saying.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Welcome to the thread togo2hot!!!!! we can always use more CaRWashers!!!!! and as for my take on the "kiss" *shudders* it looked like Jake just pulled her into it...and it kinda looked like she wanted to pull away but Jake held her so she couldn't......that's my take on it and i'm sticking to it!!! and as or this season i'm still keepin up hopes for the elevator scene LOL!! remeber the good ol days where she'd pull him into the elevator with her? ahh....good times. good times...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

mjszud said:
CATH & NEED4SPEED- Im almost positive that it is episode 7!!!!

You know me, I don't care as long as we get him back :D Thanks hun! :D

Re: The kiss with Jake talk. I'm still confused, Jake confuses the hell outta me and yet I'm curious. Damn!.. Anyone wanna whack me?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Heya guys! has the new season started over there?? Damn, i wish i lived in America right now!

I cannot believe that SCENE!!I was watching it on Youtube over and over again! That smile he gave her was like, the cutest thing EVER!!! Awww, im so excited!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hey everybody! we've been a little quiet this week, haven't we? hmm, at least i haven't heard any groans about possible ryan/natalia yet-- as i half expected :p i'm glad to see people aren't taking it that way.

but anyway, here i am, bringing in my usual weekly dose of optimism :) i just saw "inside out" and i have to say, i liked it much better than "cyber-lebrity." i mean, the episode itself. granted, there were still some parts where the writing was a bit sloppy, counselor beeyotch came back, and it seems like the wardrobe people are setting eric to take the "fugliest shirt on earth" award from the guys of locomia, and they cut kyle's hair (*mourns the death of cute*), but overall i felt the story was more believable and the plot was handled more tightly. what can i say? i'm really starting to like this kyle subplot. it's bringing the old H back. and tripp/calleigh has cemented itself as my newest crack OTP :D

one good thing to come of this, i really think that whole ryan & natalia buzz that we were hearing by the end of last season is going nowhere. this episode was a blow to even their blossoming friendship. now, i take ryan's side in this case (which is strange for me, actually)-- nat jumped the gun. she jumped to conclusions, and shouldn't have doubted him like that. he was only making a living, it wasn't personal; AND, she DID make the mistake. now notice that this was MUCH different from his usual arguments with calleigh: in that case, calleigh usually has better expectations of him and feels disappointed that he wasn't a better CSI. she feels let down, that he didn't live up to her image of him. with natalia, it was all about betrayal. she was hurt by what she thought he did; she was actually thinking the worst of him, and it was personal. it wasn't about the job, it was about him as a person. of course, i'm sure she realized she was wrong and will apologize and everything will get better between them. still, by now he's felt betrayed by her, and she's felt betrayed by him, and all it tells me is that they don't really have as strong a friendship as i thought they did. and they have a LONG way to go towards a relationship. if that's what TPTB are intending to do, it'll come out feeling forced, no matter how good the writing is.

anyway, going into our bubbles before i'm kicked out of here for being off-topic, they were only together in about one scene, and they didn't interact much. ryan's subplot had more to do with natalia. however, from the one scene they shared, she said something that made my R/C radar jump-- that he had to oversee the process cal went through to match the gun to the projectile. you know what that means? off-camera ryan & cal alone in the ballistics range! i smell a missing scene there ;) they probably had a nice conversation. i'm sure calleigh could understand ryan's reasoning much better than any of the other cast members. fanfic, anyone? :)

oh, and the way they were dressed kinda matched-- and in highlighter colors, too! ryan was in pink, and calleigh was in bright yellow. VERY bright yellow. i actually did a double-take the first time she came on-screen :p but they were both looking good, which i always like.

welcome, togo2hot!! grab a chair and get comfortable, we're a nice bunch :) as for the jake/calleigh thing, well, at the moment it seems that they're together, but we all know it's only a matter of time before that ends and cal finally realizes who she's supposed to be with :D that kiss did look forced, though. i remember thinking that when i first saw the episode...

catheline- you're welcome :)

cooki- yeah, the season's already started in the states, episode 4 is coming up this next monday. and heck yeah that scene was awesome! :D we're all in agreement about that.

in a bit of a different note, i've been debating with myself for a while about the possibility of me making a website for our favorite couple. just something like a one-stop-shop for all our R/C needs, like for example i can link to this board from there, have a jukebox for the songs in the R/C music thread, a bit of an image gallery, maybe even some fanfic and video recommendations. so, i decided to give it a go, and i'm already working on a layout for the site and all, just something simple to get it started... however, i'm a bit stuck. i need a name for the site before i can move on. and i SUCK at naming things, so all the ideas i've had have been dreadful. so i thought i'd ask y'all, i'm sure you can help me with this, since you're all so creative and stuff ;) SO, how would YOU name a ryan/calleigh fansite? give me some ideas, please :)

i'll let you know how the website thing is going later on. i'll be back after the next episode, as always! hopefully we'll get some nice ryan/cal scenes... *fingers crossed*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I saw a longer promo for next week and Ryan was like, "He's dead...right?" to Calleigh. So we'll have alteast one scene there.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

oh i saw that too......
i think thta that scene might actually get us a little emotion from Cal...seeing as she and Speed were friends and Ryan joined the team after he was "dead" i sense a comfort scene!!! maybe even a possible hug!! although the phrasiology of the question is a little insensetive. but i just hope that Speed is alive...i think you all know how happy that would make me!! *points to name, location, icon and siggy*
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