Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Hmmm.. Well for Recoil I agree with Ryan more. Just because he was new, didn't have that much training and Cal didn't explain anything to him about the blood. I don't think she had to get that mad at him, but it also didn't help with what he said about her "daddy". I think they both could have been calmer but oh well. I like the angst. ;) It was also made up for since he was *so* worried for her when he thought she was shot.. Awwww.

For Death Pool, I agree with Calleigh on this one. Ryan should have known better then to place a bet in a death pool. Calleigh was obviously concerned because he could have lost his job. She wanted to make it clear that he can't do it again. I also admire how she covered for him. :D

Backstabbers, I agree with Calleigh. I sort of forget what happens :lol:, but all Calleigh wanted was the girl to be safe, and she was sticking up for her. I sort of went "wwhhaatt??" when I heard Ryan wanted her to testify. So I was glad when he quickly agreed with Cal. :)
I don't like fights between them. :(

Recoild wasn't easy to watch. Calleigh was frustrated with him and also Ryan was very stubborn. They both made mistakes in this episode. He shouldn't have said anything about her father, she shouldn't have forgot that he was a newbie. At the end of the day they both apologized (kind of).

Death Pool 100: Calleigh was very, very angry. She was right BTW, as an police officer you should be more careful. Ryan is sometimes too careless. He should have apologized. Maybe he did later, because he knew that Calleigh was right, because he burned the money.

Don't know a lot about Backstabbers. Is this the episode where Ryan used too much luminol? I really, really don't want to see this episode. It was also a little bit unlikely that Ryan didn't care about the little girl. Normally he does.

I know about another fighting scene. 10-7.
This episode is soo horrible to watch. The whole team broke apart in this episode. Calleigh was kind of right, but she didn't let Ryan explain the situation.

I like more the nice and cute moments between them.
you look very beautiful today.
Thanks babe
Big day coming up
comfort scene in Driven. :D
and so on and hopefully more to come. ;)
*peers in*

Yup, Loony's back. ;)

sandersidle said:
So, that Austello guy or whoever :p said one of the team members is going to get fired. For some reason I have a feeling it's Ryan, with the whole gambling storyline coming up. But then again that just might be what the writers want us to think. I'm nervous now! It's probably going to be some random lab tech. :p Or maybe it's Jake. 0o They have to get rid of him some how. Then Calleigh would be mad at him for whatever he did, and then she would tell him he never changed. *shrugs* It could happen.

I hope that's Ryan (if that's just temporary, of course), because it'd mean such a good Angsty!Ryan ep, and I dig Angst (but y'all do know, uh?) Anyways, I have the feeling it could be Calleigh, maybe (though I can see no particular reason why), since some spoilers say she'll be asked by Jake to join him to work together. If it's either Ryan or Cal, and if it's just momentary, then I'm fine with it, it brings loads of great CaRWash potential. Should either of them disappear from the show, I'll be very disappointed, and I'm afraid I'd have to say "Fare thee well, CSI Miami!" because no Ryan or no Calleigh means crap to me.
you're loony now? LMAO! I could've so told them that. :p

IF its Calleigh I'm definately never watching again. She's Calleigh, they can't get rid of Calleigh. if its my Ryan, I'll bitch, I swear I will.
Hey Luna! :)

I heard it is Ryan who gets fired. (On I also heard there's a CaRWash scene. Now I'm assuming it's a good scene cause the person who was talking about it said CaRWash shippers can 'rejoice' or something. I don't know how credible that spoiler is but it's something. I'm just worried she's gonna be totally pissed at him since he lied.
They can't get rid of Ryan... he hasn't been on the show since the start but he's not one of those newbies who die the second epi...Not to mention Ryan replaced Speed... if they get rid of then replace that position again people are going to get bored with it... I personally think it's Natalia... she's not a HUGE character and everything that can happen to her already has... or Valera... but she hasn't hit the field yet so she's still got some time... the can't get rid of Calleigh either cause she's a HUGE asset to the show! She's the bullet girl and is pretty much the female sex appeal for this show!
So there's my thought for the night! :D
About the firing things, I also agree with TheCoroner, they wouldn't fire Calleigh. She is there since the beginning of the show, she is the lead female character, she is very important for the show and, more than it, she is a clever girl and has proved to be an excelent CSI, so I guess they wouldn't take that atitude without a second chance for her. She has not failed that much for being fired, I guess, and I don't know what the reason would be, but everyone can make mistakes and deserve a second chance. Horatio wouldn't let anyone fire her, and wouldn't fire her himself, I guess. About Ryan, yeah, I think they could fire him if they want to :(, he has failed several times, but I guess it wouldn't be good for the show. Well, for me it would be horrible, that's for sure, but I guess firing a character that even though hasn't been there since the beginning is now important, and taking him off without giving the public a chance to know him better and his past, it's not really a great idea, I suppose. This is just my humble opinion, but I don't want any of them to be fired, because I want to see them together. Hopefuly this episode will bring us some good CaRWash moments, and IF they do fire Ryan, then we want Calleigh to support him, or to miss him, and then a second chance and bring him back to the lab, ok? So, please fire a minor character to the show, like Valera, or after firing either Ryan or Calleigh (though I've said i think it's not probable), rehire him :rolleyes:
Well, I am pretty sure it's Ryan now, although I'm still wondering how he can go back to the lab after being fired. I am gonna be so mad if it turns out to be some cop :lol: But I have an idea (yeah don't look so surprised). We know (if he gets fired or not), Ryan is going to work at the TV station (does anyone else fear the return of Erica Sikes?), and we also know that Calleigh is there to talk to him. I think this storyline has SO much potential. (Though I remeber Man Down having potential too...and we got nothing :eek:) But anyway, Calleigh wouldn't go there if she didn't care. And in the end of the episode Ryan says he belongs in the lab and goes back. Am I the only one that thinks that Calleigh will go there to convince him he's made a mistake? The 'I still need to make a living' comment leads me to believe that he is indeed fired, but maybe Calleigh gets a second chance for him? Wouldn't that be totally awesome? (Yes, it would :p) Yeah...I know not to get my hopes up but...I just can't help it.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From The Score)


They never skip a chance to stand way too close to each other, don't they? Their little secret is coming out soon enough. :devil:
Sorry about the 3 line thing. I had like 6 seconds...yeah. Anyway. I had a question about an epi...oh yeah Deviant I think it was. What were they 'fighting' over? i never seem to catch that episode. Now, if they did get a beer, what did they do afterwards? *evil grin* I think someone should write a fic on that one.
I'm gonna start writing my CaRWash fic soon. I'm going to go ahead and say that it involves sharks and my alter-ego. And everyone wants to kick ryan's butt (like that's any news) but for once he actually didn't screw up...that bad. I dunno I'm still working through it in my head. Luv the CaRWash pic!!! *floats away in her happy bubble*
VaveAma, they were "fighting" (yeah, right :rolleyes:) about the fact that Alexx hung up posters against the child molester in her neighborhood. Ryan says she should've known better, and Calleigh says she had every right to. It wasn't really a fight, but Eric saw, and Aaron found out, and in no time they were having a 'huge fight'. Funny how rumors go.

I tried the fic...and failed. Who knows, one day. And glad you like the pic. Make some room in that bubble :p I wish you a lot of luck with that fic, I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks Dutchie. I'm going to keep an eye out for that episode. A&E does very weird with their episodes and seasons. Try the fic again. Just give it another try ;)

I just have to figure out how to start mine off. It's probably going to start out with Eric wanting to bang Ryan's head in the ground. The real CaRWash will be at the end. Oh and I'm leaving all the bad language stuff out 'cause all my friends know when it comes to that, I'm like paranoid. :p I tolerate it.:p

Are we expecting any CaRWash i the near future?
Kate, just read a few post up in this page and you'll see all is explained in the spoiler boxes ;)

Vave, I always have trouble starting my fics off. Maybe I will give it another try once but right now I have so many idea, so little time and inspiration, not to mention I still have a multichap out there. *thinks she should go finish that*

Well all I'm hoping for (not expecting, hoping for) is a nice scene when Ryan leaves CSI for a day and I pray to god she won't rip his guts out when he goes gambling again. But there's nothing certain atm.
im really hoping for some CaRWash in the next eppisode... id say more but i dont know how to put in a spoiler box and cuz im new and all

oh and sorry about the 3 line thing on this post i just cant say what i want to until i know how to get a spoiler box :)
VaveAma, they were "fighting" (yeah, right ) about the fact that Alexx hung up posters against the child molester in her neighborhood. Ryan says she should've known better, and Calleigh says she had every right to. It wasn't really a fight, but Eric saw, and Aaron found out, and in no time they were having a 'huge fight'. Funny how rumors go.

I tried the fic...and failed. Who knows, one day. And glad you like the pic. Make some room in that bubble I wish you a lot of luck with that fic, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm Just wondering what that episode is called. Because I just watched it, and now I'm just wondering what it's called and what season it's from. So if anyone can tell me it will be praised.
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