Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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I see what your saying. Yes love is complicated isn't it. People always think two people get together during a crisis. I think it would sweet if maybe someone wrote a story (ff) where they weren't together yet but you saw them get together. Something real enough it could be any episode. It could be after a disaster. Like everyone thinks Ryan did something stupid but for once in his life he didn't. :)P) So Eric is really ticked off at him (like always) but [Ryan] and Calleigh have to work a case. She seems to be the only one who understands he didn't do this certain thing. Then all of a sudden bla bla bla yada yada yada...........I'll let ya'll fill in the rest.

CHIAWOLFE: what's your screen name over there?
VaveAma92, that is such a good idea! Very much like the show. I've been wanting to read something like that.. I would write but I know I wouldn't finish the story. I get terrible writer's block so easily.

With that being said, why wouldn't you want to write it? (Or, are you not a writer? Because if you're not, then I'm terribly jealous of your way with words.) ;)
*Raises hand* Here's one. I've loved Ryan since the start you know, once I realized he wasn't Speed (don't ask how that happened) and would love for him and Calleigh to get together. Eric and Calleigh I could've seen in the first season maybe but not now, they're better as friends. Long live CaRWash ;)
Oh my gosh, I didn't know you guys said anything to me. If you remember back on the first page...sorry. :D

Dutchie, multishipper I don't know. I have my one main ship, but I like to experience others. But Ryan and Calleigh are very cute.

Luna, nice to see you around, too. :D

Hello Need4Speed, looks like it took you awhile to find this thread. :lol:
Hey Xanessa, I remember. As long as you don't talk about your main ship in here, you're welcome :p

Need4Speed, Kate_McT, both welcome! Join the discussion and the shipping :)

VaveAma, in-between all my other fics, I'd be willing to give your plot bunny a chance, that is, if you'd like me to. If you could write it yourself, that would be much better, of course, like Happilyhappy mentioned. :D
OMG!!! the other night i watched recoil and when the shootout happened...Ryan was so concerened for Calleigh that he didn't even notice the huge ass shards of glass sticking out of his hand......awwwwww......poor Ryan......but way to go for pushing Calleigh out of harms way and in the process getting hurt....just to make sure she's ok....and if thats not showing some sign affection twoards her then what is..... :D
Sorry about the spoilers - couldn't work it out properly but i think i have the hang of it now.

I love Recoil! Ryan's expressions were great in that epic. But i like Under the Influence better because that's when you get Ryan for the first time - just how cute is he?

I hope Calleigh and Ryan will get together - i mean, they got sara/Grissom together (Not a fan) so they could get them together - just as long they don't take like 7/8 years for it, that would be annoying.
oh, he's very cute......and it's so obvious they like each other and i know H can tell...i think that's why he pairs them up on crime scenes so much...... :D but that's just me.... i definatly hope this goes somewhere soon...... we don't want another sara/Grissom(Not a shipper) where it takes like seven seasons to get together.... i want it to be sooner so that way we get a little more romance on the show...just to spice things up a bit....... :D
Hey, new to the tread, love CaRWash intensly :)

well ive been readin what eveyone else has put and well if Ryan or Calleigh did ask eachother out would they acually say yes

i mean i see the chemistry between them just like all of you but hmm Calliegh's been hurt alot and well you know

I would hope that they would go out because it would be an awsome CaRWash moment but you know
well Ryan is different than those jerks she's dated before......Ryan's not that ass Hagen......and he won't ask Calleigh out for drinks to tell her that he's with someone Peter Elliot... Ryan is not like that at maybe she'll come to realize that and mybe then it will go somewhere......i hope :D
Welcome xtriggerx, I hope you enjoy your stay here. I do think that if Ryan or Calleigh would ask the other out, they would say yes. EVEN if it wasn't in a romantic way, they're still great friends, so they would go for that reason. I'm convinced that Calleigh would doubt about it because she's been hurt, but she knows that Ryan is not Hagen, or Peter, or Jake. He's just not like that. So yeah I do think she'd say yes if Ryan asked her. And Ryan would jump at the chance to go out with her :lol:

Xanessa, I'd have to torture you if you did that :p Kidding.

Spacegal, it's okay ;) It was just a friendly warning, one CaRWasher to another. Oh I added you as my friend on LJ. Hope that's okay.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Recoil)


Touchy aren't we? :devil:
I just saw that the other night. he was like "calleigh! Calleigh!" She was like "It's alright, I'm not hit." Then she saw that the vile broke. I was like, "Is she concerned that it broke because now evidence was lost or because he could be cut?" Probably both.

Happilyhappy- Why thankyou! According to my grades, I did better at writing than 90% of sophmores and I'm a freshman. But that makes up for all the math and science I stink at:p.
I might try to write that story. I actually have a nifty idea in my head. But feel free to write something similar. I'm just getting tired of some of these unrealistic stories I read. I love fluff and I am a true romantic at heart, but what's the point if it isn't real? Like having Calleigh cry, becuse she wasn't there for someone. But hey that's just me.:) Just call me Vave.:) It was nice to officially meet you all.
As far as this possible Calleigh/Eric thing happening, we CaRWashers have nothing to worry about. Eric and Calleigh have been friends for a LONG time, longer than Ryan has been around, so they are going to have a special relationship with one another. However, their relationship is not a romantic one, more like siblings than anything. Besides, we all know that Calleigh belongs only to Ryan! ;)

I have to agree that I think I would be slightly disappointed if CaRWash actually became cannon. I enjoy the little scenes that make you think 'They are SO a couple', but that never really come out and say for sure. I'm all for more little CaRWash hints, but I think a real realationship out in the open might ruin the dynamics of the show. We all know that they're together anyway right? ;)

I had an awesome CaRWash dream last night! I tend to dream whole episodes of CSI Miami, the crime, the victim, everything. (weird, I know). In this dream, the very last scene of the 'episode' was Ryan and Calleigh meeting up in the locker room after a long day. Ryan came over to her and said something to the effect of "It's the end of the day. You can put on your rings now you know." She smiled up at him and said "Be my guest". He slips the rings on her left hand and then kisses her hand. "How long do you think we can keep this marriage a secret?" Ryan asks. "We work with CSIs Ryan," she says raising an eyebrow at him, "It's not going to be long until they figure it out, if they haven't already." Ryan just laughs and then leans in and kisses her.

This dream felt so real that when I woke up I ran over to my room mate's bed (she's as much of a CSI Miami fan as I) and I was just about to shake her awake when I realized it was all a dream. :( Saddest moment of my life!
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