Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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CaRWashLuvr said:
You have got to be kidding me.. this cannot happen!! I seriously hope that doesn't mean what it sounds like it means b/c I will be SO mad!! :mad:
Maybe Calleigh is comforting Eric about something. Perhaps he messes up again. Just think positive. We don't know what happens until it happens. Ryan... I really hope he doesn't get into trouble. I really hope he doesn't get into trouble. :(
Spacegal, could you please use a spoiler box in your post? There are some people who do not want to be spoiled for future episodes, which is why we use those boxes to hide spoilers. Thanks! ;)

You know, I really think it won't be that big of a deal. Right now I am hoping Ryan doesn't have to pay his own debt, but maybe help someone else out. As for the Eric/Calleigh thing, I really think they're taking it too far. Calleigh is gonna pull a shard of glass out of his finger and they're supposed to stand close together. They're friends, I can live with that. But if the writers go E/C and keep it on for a long time then it's bye bye Miami for me. I do hope it's nothing.

I haven't posted a CPOTD in ages!

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Driven)


I am in desperate need to look at good old times.
Actually,I am not really into CarWash THAT much.Though CarWasher are more than I think. ;)
The problem is that Calleigh is the only main female charactor in MAIMI.In LV,I like Cath,Sarah,even Sofia. :cool:
Ryan should have more choices in finding his truly love. :D

Besides,Calleigh and Eric is in the same age,and they work together for a long time than with Ryan.Ryan is too young for Cal(and she is a little bossy).He is better with a young,charimg,soft girl.Don't get me wrong,I am still a CarWasher,but I am not so disappointed about that in the future eppy. :p
The writers made lots of CarWash moments in S3 and S4,now them change their mind to go a different way in S5.Who knows they will change again in S6. :)

BTW,if they take Ryan out of the show,I will not watch MAIMI in the future.Ryan is the only reason I care about MAIMI. :devil:
^ o_O I could be that young girl!!! :p^

soz I wasn't on here for ages I've not been sleeping to good and me parents don't let me come on here that often anymore cuz of the electric bill being way too much or summin. :rolleyes:

anywho I can't remember when I was last here so has there been any carwash at all since I was gone?

CHIAWOLFE I didn't realise (although it is extremely obvious!lol) that Calleigh is the only main female character in miami!I also think that in reality (and by that I mean on the show not in real will probably end up with Delko instead of Ryan.

Ok so I love Ryan & Calleigh very much but nothing is really hapening so Im starting to give up on them :( but who knows what'll happen in the future maybe someday the writers will suddenly let then be together but for now it doesn't look like that will happen :(
Well if you feel like Calleigh is going to end up with Eric you are both in the wrong thread. Now I'm keeping the spirit's up and I would prefer to do that by talking about CaRWash, and not about Eric/Calleigh, they have their own thread. Thanks.

I'm actually seeing a brigh light here, Calleigh could be a big help and support to him, and I know he will need one.

On another note: where are all the CARWASHERS? :confused:
I actually think that maybe the spoiler about Ryan being in debt and the fact that Ho-Caine can't help him might lend Ryan some support later on from Calleigh. She's always seemed like his mentor and his friend and she had supported him when it seemed like no one else did. I think that there might be a chance of something CaRWash related in their future because of this storyline.

I consider myself quite a new CaRWasher. :D And basically it's because Nikki converted me. :p BUT one of the reasons why I like this ship is that there is just so much ther for us to analyse and watch, to pick things out that could indicate that Calleigh and Ryan are more than friends. I love how they work together on almost every case. I think it's great that their relationship is quite subtle but it's building each week so if they were to get together in the end, it wouldn't come as a huge surprise and I think it's actually look forward to it. - Being new and all. :)

I have a question though for some to think about. Who do you think would initiate the first step into a romantic relationship? (Ie: A date) Would it be Calleigh, or would it be Ryan? :devil: If this was already asked don't mind me but the thread seems a little dead as of late and there are new members who have joined. :D
*Raise hand*
I'm a CaRWasher too. :)
I think we've waited for a new CaRWash scene a long time....
I really want to see that Calleigh will help him....not be mad at him.
speed_cochrane said:
Who do you think would initiate the first step into a romantic relationship? (Ie: A date) Would it be Calleigh, or would it be Ryan? :devil:
Though Calleigh's tough and straightforward as she can be, I don't think she would initiate that first step, she might hint, but not say out loud. Ryan on the other hand, would be the more possible one among the two to ask for a date, though I just hope he won't mess things up if that opportunity arises, coz he tends to get nervous sometimes with Cal's presence...hmm. come to think of it, he doesn't have that much of that nervousness/shyness when comes to Nat...or maybe it's the tension between him & Cal? :devil:

But being Ryan's mentor (in a way), I think if Cal knows Ryan's trying (his best :lol:) to get her out for a date, and even if his best isn't his best, he gets nervous, he stutters etc, she will "help" him by lightening up the mood a little, maybe with a "let's go, what are we waiting for?" , same like when in 4x16, "You wanna ask me again over a beer?" ;)

Nikki, am still around...yohooo *waving* still positive with CaRWash, no matter who say what, coz I am the one who always believe what my eyes see, what my heart feels...awwww...another cheesy note from jue :p

Stay vibrant, CaRWashers! And wash this car more often! :lol:
Geni, you've croseed over? Yay! (sorry I'm a multi-shipper) Something I like about this ship is that you always catch those little CaRWash moments, and it's more real. CaRWash is a real possiblity with great chemistry and such potential, and I can't wait to see what the writers decide to do with it this season. We can only hope! :D

Calleigh was Ryan's first friend, besides Horatio, and she was the one who really brought him in. I loved 'Under the Influence' not just because our Wolfe joined, but because it was great to watch how Calleigh was with him. While she didn't welcome him with open arms, she did welcome him, and gave him a chance to prove himself. And he did, helping her and her dad. Wonderful way to introduce Ryan.

We have to remember that we've never seen Cal ask anyone out (have we?) Ryan might be a goofball, but he was albe to ask Natalia out semi- smootly (that's quite an overstatement, lol) and I think it would be him. He has impulse problems, he should have done it by now. :lol: He's the kind of guy who attracts someone for who they are- you don't look at Ryan and think he's a lady's man (do you?) He's goofy, funny, and a bit of a dork. A very cute dork, but a dork. :D

I'll try to come around here more often, I've been hiding out in the fanfic, art and Miami threads but I'll try to get on over here as often as possible. :D Thanks guys!
There has to be something about Calleigh in the story due to the fact she was the only one who knew about the hundred dollar bill earlier in the season.
Dutchie said:
Well if you feel like Calleigh is going to end up with Eric you are both in the wrong thread. Now I'm keeping the spirit's up and I would prefer to do that by talking about CaRWash, and not about Eric/Calleigh, they have their own thread. Thanks.

I'm actually seeing a brigh light here, Calleigh could be a big help and support to him, and I know he will need one.

On another note: where are all the CARWASHERS? :confused:

Sorry,I am not saying I will admire E/C shipper,and I def. will not go to that thread in the future. ;)
Just look at the shipper poll in this forum,CarWash is the most popular pairing in the poll.CarWashers just wait for moments quietly. :p
But maybe I will focus on Ryan's own storyline than CarWash moments recently.That will make me more comfortable. :rolleyes:

I think there are lots of CarWashers in forum. :D
Are you a member over there? I just opened the 2nd club. Same screen name for me.:D And yes there are alot of us over there. We all Stalk Ryan too.:p
VaveAma92 said:
Are you a member over there? I just opened the 2nd club. Same screen name for me.:D And yes there are alot of us over there. We all Stalk Ryan too.:p

Yeah~~~~I am also a CarWash club member there. :D
and some people made some fantastic CarWash banners. :lol:
You guys can also go here to join us. :)
Guys, come on, please post a minumum of 3 on-topic lines when you post. It's not that hard.

Geni, now I know what I want to become later. An official CaRWash recruiter! :lol: I like your question. Beware of my answer :p

Personally, I think if anything, Ryan will make the first step. Because Calleigh has asked him out in Deviant, kind of, though we never saw that. Thereby Calleigh, I think, might not want to take the relationship to such a level on her own. She's been hurt, and obviously she doesn't want to be hurt again, and because of that I don't think she'll take the first step easily. Ryan is a shy person, true, but I think that if he really wanted to go somewhere with her, he'd ask her out. Probably very cute and awkward, like he began to do in Shock. Which is still one of my fave episodes, for multiple reasons :p
*waves* Here I am Nikki.
I see that you just converted another person into CaRWash...Just like you did with me!
About the question asked, I am not sure. I don't know how things are going on in season 5, anyway...Ryan could take the first step, because I think Calleigh would be afraid of starting a relationship and showing any interest, also because she could doubt if it was going to work...Though we all know it would ;) But maybe Ryan would take a chance, inviting her or something...maybe he, even considering shiness, would try to figure out if she does feel the same for him that he feels for her, and if she might be interested in something. I just think he would not be that afraid of having a NO as an answer, or maybe he would just thought that she will not refuse...But, in another hand, maybe Calleigh would be the one starting it, as she is a strong woman, that knows what she want...As you can see, I am confused :rolleyes: Anyway, either being him or her taking the first step does not bother me at all...I just want to see it happening, and I don't really care about how they get together(not necessarily in a real compromise, though)
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