Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Very dangerous girl, actif on If you don't want to become a CaRWasher, don't talk to her

Heey, give that beer back :eek: I'm not a minor :rolleyes: Actually, I am, but what's wrong with beer? It goes very well together with cookies :D But, ontopic: I'd love to see that Cal is the hero, and Ryan in trouble. Because, if Ryan is the hero, it breaks it's imago. :( I think he'll become a macho then, and he's no macho-typ. Just let Cal do the work, and tie Ryan on a chair with some ducktape on his mouth. :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Today's my birthday, I'm more year until I am!!

Here's hoping my birthday wish of some carwash makeout sessions comes true
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Raven :D :D May it be a day full of CaRWash goodness for you! :lol:

Mo... NO YOU'RE TOO CUTE!! ha ha! I like your idea... long shot but i love it!
Lol, nah, you're too cute! :lol: **Mo huggles Kate!** Lol, I know wouldn't that be a fun thing to have could right?! ;)

Dutchie nice CPOTD! Love it, and nice job recruiting, you ROCK at it, seriously! :lol:

Has anyone of you ever thought about a realistic way they could end up togther in the show? I mean, something like the hints dropped around the eps culminating into THE CaRWash ep, where we find out they're having an affair... Do tell, I'm curious.
Mmmmm, good question Luna....I kinda hope they don't go the secret affair route actually...too Grissom and Sara for my taste. (I mean I love GSR, but I don't want a bunch of copy cat stories either, ya know!) I say we have them continue their flirting, etc for a while and then something happens where for some reason one of the has to go undercover (I know they're not cops, but say it was a special circumstance and they HAD to!) and then something happened where they were put in danger and they had to get out and so one charges in and rescues the other and then from them on they are a couple! (Hmmm, now that I think about it...that's alot like what just happened on CSI:NY with my ship there...oops! :lol: But still I like it as a story!!) So yeah something involving danger and rescue and realizing they can't live without eachother anymore! :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Happy BD Raven! The CPOTD was for you in that case. I didn't know we had a birthday today. Nice! :D

Mo, me LOVES recruiting, though now I have my other friends chasing me for turning another friend into a CaRWasher. :eek: *sigh* NON-CaRWashers really don't know what they're missing. :rolleyes:

I was just gonna say that looked like M&M but you found out yourself. Nice idea though. :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

So, are we really in trouble Nikki ? I think one of our friends is going mad. But don't mind. You're a good recruiter. We almost got CSI-haters best friend on this board :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

OEH, OEH, I've got a new discussion point! (well...maybe for a while.) I was making a new video. BUT I needed the end scene of Deviant for that, which Luna so kindly got to me. :D So I watched it a couple of times (say...10? :rolleyes:) and I noticed:

When Calleigh asks Ryan out she DEFINITELY thickens her accent. Now that's just sexy. Did anyone notice that? OH and that look she gives him. OMG I can't believe he didn't faint right there. (and her either, for that matter :eek:) They TOTALLY look like they wanna jump each other and start ripping some clothes of there... :devil:

*gets whacked by PG-13 meter* OKAY SORRY! But they do! :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Happy birthday Raven :D Hope you have a great day!!!

I just realized I havent posted for a whole page!! :eek: I feel like such a bad CaRWasher :lol:

*sings* Pirated, Pirated, Pirated... *cough* sorry! :lol: I love that episode. Ryan's so cute!! And we have few cute glances :D

Calleigh: "You, in the elevator, with me! (we're leaving) Now!
Ryan: "Well well...that took you long enough to realize huh?"
Me: *hiding on the elevator* "Muhaha..." *grabs camera*

*joins Nikki in elevator* "Shhhhh they're coming!" *grabs video recorder* :p Now THAT... I would like to see ;)

Welcome to the thread MrsGregHSanders! :D I saw you in the Sandle thread too! :lol: Are you stalking me? :p Just kidding. *passes cookies down* Have a cookie :)

Im SO excited! There HAS to be atleast a little bit of CaRWash in this episode!! When someone you love thinks they see dead people... Well, you either talk to them or send them to therapy :lol: Lets hope we get the first option :p ;)

ETA: I just saw Nikki's post and I have to say; I love the video hun!! Thanks its awesome :D *hugs*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

can we pull the emergency button on the elevator trapping them inside? It would be nothing but Ryan, Calleigh, Nikki, sandersidle (secretly), ...and a video camera...whatever shall they do... :sigh:

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey guys, I just posted this yesterday and apparently is was overlooked.


OK guys. I've seen quite a bit of short 1 or 2 line posts today. Remember that post must be a minimum of three lines of ON TOPIC posting.

So, let's get back on topic and post more than saying you enjoyed a fic, something completely off topic ^^, or that you can't wait for the next episode.

I'm not sure what the current topic was, but I'm sure someone can redirect the talk back to it.


Please stop posting one or two sentences that are completely off topic. Talking about birthdays, wishing someone happy birthday, commenting on a fic OR video, and any other off topic comments is NOT considered good posting. It is considered CHATTING, which, BTW, is against board rules.

I don't want to have to come back in here (and I'm sure you don't want me to) but if the chatting doesn't stop, I will be back.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Why are they having the halloween ep. on this coming week, when they should have it on 10/30, the day before halloween
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Whoaa, Nikki , getting naughty ideas? :lol: Baaaaad girl, baaad. I'd love to see them jump eachother. They so often have that look in their eyes: Don't jump him/her... And ehm, I'm sneaking in too.
*sneaks in the elevator, with a microphone*
Yes, we missed the mic. I don't wanna miss the beautiful quotes :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!


I just gave a discussion point, but I think that was completely overlooked as well.

When Calleigh asks Ryan out she DEFINITELY thickens her accent. Now that's just sexy. Did anyone notice that? :confused:

Accent thickening is a definite attempt at flirting to me. If I had an accent I'd do it too, I mean, it sounds totally...*dream* :p

Next Tuesday we have shock in Holland, and well, I'm exited. "you're fantastic!" I think I'm gonna squee. I mean if a guy would call me fantastic that would definitely make me feel very good. (hmm...somewhere I think I've been called fantastic at least three times this week. No wonder I'm so hyper on CaRWash. :lol:)

The Halloween ep is showed on this Monday, because on 30/10 a lot of people go out already to 'trick or treat'. Well, that's what I heard anyway. :rolleyes:

Say Katie, telling someone to go to a shrink is talking too, isn't it? :D

*gets squeezed against wall by Katie and Sheep* Say! I was here first! *leans down and hits emergancy button* Muhaha! :devil: *puts camera on*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Calleigh and Ryan....when i was watching Season 4, Ryan's character was very much looking at Calleigh often... hinting .. i havent watched the ending of season 4 year, currently still at the beginning of season 4...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Hey CaRWash buddies! ** Mo jumps into the thread and hands out cookies and hot cocoa! :D **
When Calleigh asks Ryan out she DEFINITELY thickens her accent. Now that's just sexy. Did anyone notice that? OH and that look she gives him. OMG I can't believe he didn't faint right there. (and her either, for that matter ) They TOTALLY look like they wanna jump each other and start ripping some clothes of there...
**Mo whacks herself on the forhead....MUST...WATCH...DEVIANT!!!** Since I haven't seen this ep, I haven't noticed that Dutchie but it sounds totally HOT! :devil: I know if I had an accent, I would totally deepen it around a guy I liked to sound sexy you gotta know Calleigh was doing it just for Ryan! ;)
can we pull the emergency button on the elevator trapping them inside? It would be nothing but Ryan & Calleigh
Ohhhh, Liv that's a fabulous idea! Them and a hidden video camera in an otherwise empty stopped elevator?! Bring on the smutty thoughts!! :devil: They'd SOOO be having fun! :devil:
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