Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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Thanks Nikki and Twiz
Maze said:
You know we'd be lost without you. lol

couldn't say it better! :)
Welcome back Maze! I'm glad you sorted your pc problems out.
the wedding fic is soo cute and lovely. :D
I'm also excited about the episode tonight.
I hope I can read some reviews about CaRWash moments tomorrow morning. ;)
Ooooh! I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just found this synopsis of tonight's episode online:

After collecting the evidence at a crime scene involving a murdered ATF agent who was working undercover, Calleigh (Emily Procter) is run off the road into a canal -- corrupting her evidence. Since almost none of her original work is salvageable, the CSIs must work to uncover new, untainted evidence in order to solve the case. In the meantime, Calleigh's ex-boyfriend -- also an undercover ATF agent -- offers interesting but conflicting insight into the investigation. Does he have something to do with it? David Caruso, Adam Rodriguez and Khandi Alexander also star.
*cries* I don't see Jonathan Togo's name in here, so I'm worried that he won't be in it at all or not even get enough screentime. *cries some more* :( I hope he at least gets to interact with Calleigh the way she was there for him at the end of Driven. And I'm so confused. I thought I read somewhere that the ATF guy was supposed to be someone Calleigh knew from before but didn't necessarily like. Did the writers change their minds and now he's Calleigh's ex-boyfriend? WTF? Someone help me understand this... I'm a bit confused. :confused:
OMG NO! He isn't in it!! If his name isn't listed, does that mean he wont make an appearance? :eek: That is so not cool!!

:( Im really worried now!! No, Calleigh has known the ATF guy before the show started, and they didn't get along. So now they, do or something :rolleyes: :( :eek: Ahh

"Thanks babe" Man I now live in heaven.
Truely this is an insnely happy moment for all who ship CaRWash. I know I'm not hip on the social scene but THAT has got to be a really good sign for us.

Calleigh said, "Thanks, babe" to Ryan??? Spoil me please! I'm in Australia and won't see the ep until at least a few hours. What was the context? What did he do? Oh-Em-Gee SQUEE!!!
Who said babe?? Did Calleigh say that to Ryan?!?! I'm watching it right now!!
"Hey Cal... I'm glad your ok." squeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE!! The beau really isn't a beau! And ne's a motorcycle gang guy so if she does get back with him then there will angst!! squeeee!! oooooooooh i do wish however that ryan was the kind sir that gave Cal the boost... te he!
I thought Cal said Thanks babe to Ryan!! I am the only one who heard that!!!! Did she say beau? What omg im so confused help!!!!
i'm so glad there are other people here watching this!!
I'm still stunned about the babe thing... i haven't even been paying attention... Alot of Eric... i see not much Ryan... :(
ewwwwwwe Rick!! EVIL SPAWN!!
YAY MORE CaRWash!! and Ryan in Green!! I SEE WORRY IN HIS EYES!!! :D

3x03: You're crazy, you know that?
3x03: You could have been gator bait on your first day.
3x03: I'm glad everything turned out okay.
3x03: Looking for this? I took the backdoor.
3x03: I did sacrifise my lunch. Just remember that.
3x05: Those are nice earrings by the way.
3x05: You took my class?
3x16: Let's go introduce ourselves.
3x21: Making sure Calleigh's okay
3x23: Eric: "You're always defending him."
4x08: You. In the elevator. With me.
4x08: So I guess you can take the girl out of firearms..but no you can't. 'Cause it's you.
4x08: Ryan: "You always take his side." Calleigh: "Funny, he always says the same thing about you."
4x08: Ever pushed aside the dinner plate to get some?
4x16: You wanna ask me again in an hour over a beer?
4x16: Ryan: "You're not mad at me... Cause I heard we had a really big fight today." Calleigh: "Don't believe everything you hear."
4x17: Big day coming up for the both of you?
4x19: You'd do the same for me.
4x23: You have plans later?
4x23: You're fantastic.
5x01: You look very beautiful.
5x01: Well, that's a... That's a nice save.
5x01: Why are you beating yourself up? You just broke the case!
5x02: Thanks babe.
5x03: Hey Cal... I'm glad your ok...
I deleted my post.. I thought it would be a spoiler.. is it??? anyways, my little heart is complete for now ;) :D :D *sighs* IM not gonna be able to sleep tonight :lol:
I'm so mad! I saw that entire scene, and I heard him say "I'm glad you're okay." But when she said her lilne I totally missed it because I dropped something... I think it was the remote!... and it made a big sound. And I missed it! Oh my gosh! That makes me mad! :lol:
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