Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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whats up folks, am kinda stucj in for the night my ma's hurt her back okay back to topic Nat_Emily has a gd pic of Cal Wet S5 ep 2 go and take a nosie.
Picture, I'm snagging that, Nikki!

I think Cal saves herself, really. I think Ryan's on the beach somewheres...under a pier. could be where she's at
Yay CPOTD! :)

I looked in the Cal/Eric thread, and the girl who posted the pic said she cut "someone" out so its just the two of them.. I dont know who that someone is, but it could be Ryan!! :D Keep your hope up CaRWashers! ;)

I agree.. Ryan and Cal definatly have chemistry.. Thats something you can't deny or MAKE happen. It's something that just..... Happens. :p
sandersidle said:
I looked in the Cal/Eric thread, and the girl who posted the pic said she cut "someone" out so its just the two of them.. I dont know who that someone is, but it could be Ryan!! :D Keep your hope up CaRWashers! ;)

That someone happens to be Horatio, but there are only a few caps of the ep atm, so we don't know yet what Ryan's role is going to be. :)
POTD is nice as always.

I hate it to destroy your hope, but I saw the pic and H is cut out. I posted a link in the miami spoiler thread to the promo pics.

EDIT: sorry, too slow. didn't saw Lunas post before
Oh.. :lol: I should have none it was H. Oh well. Ryans gotta be there for her!! They are so close. Even if they dont show it in the episode, Im sure it still happens ;)
Those two ryan pics under the pier are from "Death Pool 100"

O.T.- There was a new promo for season 3 and in it was a three second flash of Sawyer and Kate kissing- you can find it on youtube, sorry guys I'm a skater!!!
aww, calleigh's all wet! :3

Ryan can Huggles bed! (sorry not a fortune cookie):devil:

Are there any Ryan promo pics for going under! :confused: I havent seen him in it at all! Its not his day off is it?? Maybe if it is, after he finds out about Calleigh he can come in and ask her if shes ok. Or atleast call her :D
Don't worry pretty. He's in Going Under. :) He looks cute too. CSI's mean this upcoming week. but hey us angst whores are all excited!
That's Brandon Fehr, aka: Dan Cooper, the A/V lab tech, who is also a gossip and that Ryan slams against the wall b/c he thought he was the mole. :D

im new here and i love CaRWash!! i mean calleigh and ryan are just made for each other!!!
i wish i could see going under but were only on season 4 here!!!
will some pls tell me what happens!!!! pretty please!!!!
does anyone know where i can get the screencaps for season 5? i cant find them!!!
Oh thanks Lynn! :D

Where did you see the pic of him in 'Going Under'? Was he with Calleigh? :lol: Thanks ;)

Welcome to the thread webbyshadow! :D They are made for eachother arent they? ;) Im sure that when 'Going Under' airs you will definatly hear what happens in this thread :)
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