Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

I had promised to myself that I'd take a break from ffs, but apparently all the inspo I haven't had so far is all coming out now, so... I've written another CaRWash piece. Please, someone make me stop, it's becoming a drug!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Oh very good, I like it a lot. 2 thumbs up. You know what? This was my first carwash fic I ever read all the way through. I have found a few on but only read a few lines and stopped. At that time I just couldn't see them together, but now, damn you all, I can. Great story.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Twiz you have to read more CaRWash, that was how I fell in love with this couple. I read Luna's 'Here without you' and it was great. I also like a couple of fics but I'd have to PM you 'cause they're a little hot!!! And you have to read Dutchie's..

BTW, I have a little present for her!!! ;)

Luna Killing me softly? Like the song? I love that song: strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words, killing me softly with his song, killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words, killing me softly with his song :sighs: I'll read it now!!! :D

I think you're right guys, I won't follow the authors spoiler, why would they tell the truth? I mean they just want us to desperate (I think :p). I'll wait till season 5 starts :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

I'm wrong and braindead, that wasn't my first really. I've read more I guess. Like the one on the board here where they killed ryan off, but as a hero. But was that considered a fic, because he was dead and there was no romance between them, he died before she told him she loved him,,,Gosh that was so sad..going togo read that again.. I can't type togo with out togo...get it. I recall reading another one but I'm not sure I finished it. I've read a lot of slash ones...r/g r/e...runs away in shame.. :devil:

Runs back in...hey calleighwolfe did you get to read dutchie story? DId she post it on yet? WHERE IS SHE? Runs back out.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

CalleighWolfe said:
Luna Killing me softly? Like the song? I love that song: strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words, killing me softly with his song, killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words, killing me softly with his song

Yeah, I know! Isn't this song absolutely woderful? It kind of tells my story. I just love it.

Yay, Twiz, I'm secretly a little a R/E shipper, but it's obviously a minor thing, cuz nothing can be more important than CaRWash in my heart.
The funny thing is that I ship Cal with almost every guy of the team, but I jut can't stand her paired with Speedle. They just don't work together.
Calleigh and Ryan, on the other hand... :devil:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Well, Twiz I read a Dutchie's fic in the fanficton forum, I'll try to link it later, wait for me!!! :p

I can't find it!!! :( it doesn't have a name, well it didn't, the name is "Misunderstandings and...", I have it in my puter. There was a link in the prevous thread.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Ok thanks calleighwolfe. Has anyone on here heard from Dutchie? does anyone know her personally? I just can't believe she just hasn't been around to do the carwash rp. She was so excited about getting the part and doing it and then boom she's gone. I don't get it. I'm concerned.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

CalleighDuCaine, I love the fic! It's really good, and makes me feel better about the spoiler. (not the part when he hurts her, but when she ends up with Ryan :))

Im concered about Dutchie too. Shes been gone for how many days? 5/6? :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

Hey guys!

I bring a gift that's long overdue for those of you who obviously love Ryan and Calleigh together. Here's the Link for Chapter 2 of "Jagged Little Memories" and I used the song, "You Oughta Know":

I know it's told from Calleigh's perspective, but Ryan's in there being his HOT self, I promise! :devil: So enjoy! :D And feedback at would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

I finished reading 'So unCalleigh' and 'Killing me softly' :sighs: :sighs: :sighs: (I insist I need a sigher smiley :lol:) although I have this one
it describes my feelings right now.

Very good fics Luna!!! I'll save them in my private collection ;) I need more CaRWash right now!!!!!!!

BTW, I didn't know the name Cyan for CaRWash :interesting: and don't worry about the time Shadow it must be difficult to work with the songs of only one CD, that's what you'll do, won't you?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

wow lots of fics!! i'm so excited!!

Little kids... mud... soccer balls... NOT A GOOD COMBO!!!

sandersidle - Dutchie's 15!!?? Holy cow!! Well i can tell you this right now it could be school... i'm 15 and it's pretty tough for me and i'm like a totaly slacker!

Twiz - I know this ship is like all i think about anymore!! It's become an addiction!! ahhhhh!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

yah i was thinking Dutchie might be in school.

and this ship is one of my top five, it's number four for me. four because i love Ryan and Calleigh but i'm liking the FBI agent Heather more...*cough*gofindthethread*cough*

has anybody shoved Calleigh and Ryan in to the closet across from the CatNip closet? we could probably lure them in there with marshmellows and chocolate moose and strawberries...:devil:

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

oh oh oh don't forget whipped cream!!! ;)

CalleighDuCaine - your writing is beautiful!! I love all of it!!! :D

Frost - good lord woman when do you start school?? I started a week ago! :cool:

I almost got on yesterday in biology but my comp wouldn't recognize my name!! :mad:

ok... story time!! :D
So i was in Walmarket and i was getting some Chocolate Cherry Chip ice cream (oh ya Frost add Chocolate covered cherries to the shopping list ;)) and i was checking out and i was looking at the magazines and who is on the cover of First magazine? None other than the SNAKE!! Why does she have to be so pretty!! grrrrrr!! Curse you aqua scum!! :mad:
ok i'm done...


:) :lol: :mad: :eek: :rolleyes: ;) :p :( :devil: :eek: :cool: :confused: :D

ok... and i'm done... nnnnnnnow!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

i started three weeks ago!!! leave me alone! i've been on nearly every day and i don't get home untill 5 o'clock at night! i have to take the city bus to get home because i live 20 miles away from my school.

but that has nothing to do with CaRWash.

wait...aqua scum? oh yeah def adding Chocolate cover cherries, what about licorice? the pull-n-peel kind...that would be kinky.

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW

why was she on it and what magizine? I need a new pic for my no I'm just playing. I thought Dutchie told me she didn't start school until Sept something. My son's go back tuesday..doing happy togo dance that day. I'm thinking it's not school, that's why I'm a lil worried.

let me ask a q's...what if they put ryan and calleigh together on the show, totally hook up and in love, but then something happens and they break up, who gets us in the divorce? In shows for some reason it seems like as soon as they hook people up they only let them be happy for a second, then something bad happens. death or just hate. Maybe it's best it never happens on the show, just leave it happy in our minds of them being together. OH Ryan get custody of me for sure...
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