Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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WOW! I just watched "Shock" and CALLEIGH AND RYAN ARE SO GOING OUT! C'mon, he asked her what she was doing after work (implying, would she go to the boss' wedding with him) and she put his name on her present! That screams 'couple' to me.

Dutchie, Happy Birthday! You're not a kinder anymore (is that right? 'kinder' = kid?).
DUTCHIE, happy birthday to thee! we love you! :D

I loved how she put his name on the card, I just adored that part so much.
Maze...i read the story at! and i loved it!! can't wait until the next chapter!! I was so excited!!

i just watched "Shock" not that long ago.....i had just started watching CSI:Miami again. That eppie made me seriously think that they were a couple. That card scene was what really turned me into a CaRWash fan because they did come off looking like a couple.
Wow! A lot of posts since like two days ago lol...i cant stay away for too long I LOVE THIS SHIP. It looks like I am going to start coming in here everyday...frankly im tired of reading a hundred posts LOL. So I am just about to read the fanfic Maze...I'll definately review! Happy Birthday to ya Dutchie...hope it's everything you expected and hoped for! Be good Ya'll! PEACE! Oh and guys LOVED the pics VERY GOOD WAY TO START THE FIRST PAGE! BYE!
Hee hee... Couldn't help myself.

Favorite part from "Shock", plus pics:
Ryan: Hey, let me ask you something. Do you have plans after work tonight?
Calleigh: *smiles* Yes, I heard about the wedding. No, I'm not going. I'm really happy for them.
Ryan: Don't you think we should do something for them?
Calleigh: Well, they didn't want to make a fuss, but I got them something anyway *face scrunch*
Ryan: Would you do me a favor? *pause* Would you put *cute, short hesitant pause* my name on the card?
Calleigh: I already put your name on the card.
Ryan: You did?
Calleigh: Yeah.
Ryan: Thank you so much. You're fantastic.
Calleigh: *smiles and maybe giggles a bit?*

"You're fantastic" :D -> that should be our next thread name.

They are TOO cute.
HAHA! I loved that first when he asked "What are you doing after work?" I was like 0_0! Haha! I love it...I love them together I hope it happens...either the writers are out to torture us with the flirt scenes or their slowly putting them into a relationship....maybe its a little bit of both! oh...and MAZE! You did awesome on that fanfic. Frostbite you did a good job on the icons...and cinegirl LOVE YOUR BANNER!
Does anyone feel like they're reading each other's minds a lot?

In "shock," *points to scene above* she knows what he was referring to before he asked her.

In the season finale, he called her about the missing money RIGHT when she figured out who took & reported it.

Dear CSI:Miami writers. Please put Calleigh & Ryan together. Even if it's just a subplot to H & Eric's merry trip to Brazil. Sincerely, CaRWash fans.

EDIT: Woot. Page 3! Thread #3, here we come, uhh... yeah, like 900 posts more ;)
maybe they will come closer after the season finale. eric and horatio are in Brazil and they are 'alone' in the lab. ryan needs comfort after the natalia fiasco and calleigh after the peter/monica fiasco. ;)

PS: I'm not a big C/R shipper but i love your fics and this thread is nice! :)
Hi inge, nice from you to stop by at us CaRWashers!
And who knows: not yet a C/R-Shipper but this is CSI:Miami(Board), everything is possible! :D ;)
Ooh, Dutchie: Happy Birthday to you ;)
Damn, I can't wait till autumn. It's too long :mad:

Oh, and I've got 7 pages now at my ff...yesterday I wrote very much :D
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