Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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mjszud said:
Ooh, they would have cute kids!!! We have kids in our EDeN thread, too. :D

Hmmm, I'd say one boy & one girl, both complete toeheads, the girl w/ Calleigh's eyes & the boy, brown eyes. Beautifuuulllll!!

Oh, im kinda late her but I picture Jake as being someone who could grill really good so I visualise Cal coming home & him having big fat steaks out on the grill, & the upside would be him standing over the hot coals wiping the sweat from his brows, taking his shirt off....uhhm..ok then.*jumps out of smutty pool*
I'm sure their kids would be fantastic :D
The girl with green eyes...very sweet like Calleigh :D
The boy with brown eyes, the same hair of Jake (I love his hair..I always imagine me passing my hands through it :devil: ) ...and being always lively like him :D
I totally can imagine them also arguing for their toys and their parents trying to calm them down :D (eg. "Jake jr. don't treat in this way your should share your toys with her" :D )
Calleigh would be a fantastic mother...Jake...I'd love to have him like my father :devil: ...I don't know why...but I think he'd be very patient with his kids ;)
*starts imagining this happy normal family and she cries knowing the authors will never realize her dreams :( *
Your idea of Jake cooking is fantastic for my ears and especially my eyes :devil:
tonight is the speed's night..but is also a cake's night!
i hope to see many cake's clips on this episode..maybe some sexy cake's clips! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
I've just watched the episode...what can I say...
there's only one CAKE scene :( ...but it was pierce less :lol:
I couldn't stop laughing all the time.
Calleigh really cracked me up whene she pronounced "macchietio" or "capuccciino" :lol: ...and Jake...AAHH I love him when he imitated her :lol: ...I didn't find it offensive as other many people...this couple knows when to enjoy...when to be serious and when to have fun :devil:
I love them every day more and more :D
I thought that scene was all kinds of cute, actually. :D I grinned the entire way through it. But then again, I'm generally kind of giggly whenever Jake's on the screen ... :lol:

"When would I ever make a macchiato?"
"You would make one every morning, after we buy it."

Every morning, hmm? :devil: Sounds like Calleigh's perfectly content with keeping him around for awhile... :D And I totally cracked up at the way she kept her face completely serious during that one line, heh. :D I love the way these two tease each other.
Florry86 said:
I've just watched the episode...what can I say...
there's only one CAKE scene :( ...but it was pierce less :lol:
I couldn't stop laughing all the time.
Calleigh really cracked me up whene she pronounced "macchietio" or "capuccciino" :lol: ...and Jake...AAHH I love him when he imitated her :lol: ...I didn't find it offensive as other many people...this couple knows when to enjoy...when to be serious and when to have fun :devil:
I love them every day more and more :D

i agree flo!
i love the cake's scene!
i love their interaction..they are funny and hot.
only just 1 thing:(*"call,if you want...i have a great italian's coffee machine and i could prepare cappuccino,macchiato and espresso for you every mornings!think about that calleigh! ;) :cool:"*)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........the cake! :devil:

After WE buy it!!! I have to say I was giggly over that scene....their first sweet! I dont care what other folks say, these two have a nice chemistry together, at least she smiles & appears to be the "normal Calleigh" when she's around him.

But on a bad note: Give this boy a new wardrobe, I am freaking begging here. It wasn't godawful but wasnt it the same as he wore in his last appearance??? Take off the vest, my boy, less clothes is much better anyway!!!!
mjszud said:
After WE buy it!!! I have to say I was giggly over that scene....their first sweet! I dont care what other folks say, these two have a nice chemistry together, at least she smiles & appears to be the "normal Calleigh" when she's around him.

But on a bad note: Give this boy a new wardrobe, I am freaking begging here. It wasn't godawful but wasnt it the same as he wore in his last appearance??? Take off the vest, my boy, less clothes is much better anyway!!!!
I couldn't say it better :D
Not the "normal Calleigh" the cheerful one...the best one ever ;)

As for the vest...Jake..please...throw away that vest :eek:'s digusting :( ...althoug I have to say he's always so hot vest or not :devil: ...I'd prefer him shirtless :devil: :devil: ...Please stop me :devil:

Ps: Akex...we can organize this ;)
Calleigh at your home with you being her slave and making her Makkieito without the coffee machine..
At the same time jake can come to my flat and I cant teach him how to make the best "macchiato" of the world :devil:
I know this idea is too perfect :lol:

Ps: Akex...we can organize this ;)
Calleigh at your home with you being her slave and making her Makkieito without the coffee machine..
At the same time jake can come to my flat and I cant teach him how to make the best "macchiato" of the world :devil:
I know this idea is too perfect :lol:

oooooohooooooo great idea flo!
i'm ready for you calleigh!
*start to make cappuccino,macchiato and espresso*
...ehy call...i prepare for you also a great TIRAMISù!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
I know you would have like it ;)
I'm the best :D
Tiramisù would be great for our CAKE especcily for Calleigh...with all the caffeine in it :devil:
Go Calleigh! :D
Go Jake :devil: :devil:
GO CAKE :devil:
so..maybe during this season....we could see the CAKE'S HOUSE!
jake and call togheter at home....she cooks and he irons! :lol:
On Yahoo tv you can find a clip from next episode with Eric telling Stetler (who is complaining about the relationships in MDPD especially EDEN) about our CAKE :mad:
It lookes like Calleigh and Jake are in troubles because of I really want Calleigh to be very pissed ar Eric (this man doesn't love you at all with all the bad actions he did against you )...I BBYD Eric lied her 4 times and now he tries to ruin our CAKE :( :mad:
Eric you really don't know what a big mistake you are going to do :mad: Never mess with Calleigh Duquesne and never mess with us CAKE shipper :mad:
bad bad bad mistake eric!
this is not a right way for calleigh's hearth!
GOOD FOR THE CAKE! ;) :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
:confused: What is BBYD?

TBTB absolutely love to mix up conversations, I swear they live for this s**t. Look at Eric/Nat/Ryan crap from "dead air" & Yelina thinking Suzie was H's daughter...eeshk.. Its entertainment, though, I guess.

I am concerned where this will put CAKE...I don't think its going to end this quick but Calleigh is so into being the "good girl" that I hope she doesn't end it later because of her job, she so badly needs a life!
WOW....Happy Birthday mjszud :D
*hands a chocolate and pepper cake made by her*

ok returning on topic ;)
BBYD= Bang bang your debt ;)
I'm concerned about it too :(
but we know that they're still together till the ep.9

This is the one which concernes me....I mean..the spoilers I've read are so negative for our CAKE with Jake begging pardon for not believing first Calleigh's reconstruction of her accident.I don't know but I'm relly worried they're trying to show Jake as dumb as they want just to ruin this perfect couple :(

I don't think Calleigh will break up with Jake for this stupid reason ;) She's too smart for Stetler and for it...I mean this is the most stupid rule I've ever heard :eek: . And Eric....I really hated him with her in BBY and now what a big mistake he did...hopefully she will be very mad at him :mad:
MMM, thankies for the cake!!!

Ok, yeah, he did lie to her in that epi. To me, ive always seen them (E/C) as soooo different anyway & a little bit competitive at times. I just couldn't see them having real feelings for each other.

Calleigh is sure to be pissed for a while....just goes to show that the whole line in the season finale "You know I trust you w/ my life"... yeah, so much for that, huh?
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