- that opening scene when the guy was being force-fed the soup was one of the only times I’ve almost gagged while watching this show.
- I totally adore Sara’s curls & short hair. I remember Jorja saying that’s how her hair actually gets after it’s wet. This is also the way we first saw her when she arrived back in episode 2 of the first season. I really wish they would have kept that style all the way through instead of the flat/straight style. She’s so much more adorable with the short curls.
- it was great to hear Brass get the pre-credit liner again as he sees the eyeball amongst the shredded pieces: “Here’s looking at you, kid”
- Sara, Greg & Hodges “Rock, paper, scissors” was so cute. I was surprised that Sara didn’t whine after losing and having to do the “yuck”. They should have given it to Hodges, since he’s lowest on the totem pole.
- The vis effect of showing the skull being put back together from the pieces was kind of cool.
- Was it bad that I was laughing at Ray when he opened the letter from Haskell & saw the kidney bean? They don’t seem to be consistent in writing Ray these days. I was expecting to see Ray shrug it off and chuckle a little, not get upset & throw the letter & bean across the room.
- Sara coming from the shower and still smelling. Ha! What happened to the lemons, Sara? There should have been a lemon reference for a little continuity, I think.
- It’s cute how Hodges & Greg are calling each other by their initials: G & H
- It’s great to see Brass back to his old self. Him trading places with DeVries, having him switch chairs in the interrogation was cute.
- The ID Theft story reminds me of the old Sandra Bullock movie, The Net, where people who used the security system were the ones who got scammed. Yet when that movie came out, the internet was just a baby. Things like that seem a million times scarier these days.
- I was chuckling at the full view of the “Crime Solve Board” as Cath & Greg were talking in the hallway. It seems that it’s just Nick, Catherine & the infamous “Joe” on the board these days. I’m guessing the board has become an inside joke for the cast & crew after all these years.
- After all of the references to “man date”, and “who wants a beer?”, and “wanna get a drink”, I was really hoping to see one of the very infrequent shift get-togethers at a diner or bar (or even a bowling alley). Alas, I was highly disappointed.
- I loved the silhouette shot of Sara fishing the bottle out of the pool with the light behind. Looked like she was on a lake fishing at sunset.
- it’s funny that after all these years, every time I heard “quid pro quo”, I immediately think of Clarice Starling & Hannibal Lecter.
- This “CSIs and their guns” thing is really starting to annoy me. If they were going to have the CSIs be the main cops to clear scenes and arrest people, why not do it from the beginning of the series? Why wait until you’ve done half a dozen seasons of the series, then start bringing it into the limelight? What was it…season 7…8…9…when they really started having the main CSIs draw their weapons on a regular basis? Before that, it was just a random thing. Either the detectives or uniform cops would be the ones to clear scenes and arrest suspects. I guess I don’t mind that they’re doing it, other than it bugs me that it’s happening more frequently as the series goes on and it ruins the continuity of earlier seasons. It’s also the reason that we seem to lack screentime for the detectives these days. Even Brass has been a bit AWOL recently.
That being said - I was a bit fearful when Sara went out of the house on her own as they were clearing it and found the dead body. However, on the bright side, it was great to see Sara in “cop” mode with her gun!
- Did all of the trash processing remind anyone else of Cath, Sara & Nick going to the landfill in one of the early season episodes? I remember Marg saying back then that they went to a real landfill with real stinky trash and how she threw her shoes out of her car and into the pile of trash as she left the location when they were done filming. I also remember her saying that during filming of that early episode that Jorja & George were whining like little kids that they had to do a scene in the landfill. Wonder how it went here for Jorja, Eric & Wally. I’m sure they were cursing the writers at some point. I know I would be.
my full review
can be found here