Britney (CSI) Spears


CSI Level Three
WOW people, guess wat? i just heard on teh radio that Britney Spears' favouite show is CSI and that she wants to become a Forensic Scientist, lol now thats cool, my new fav singer is now B.S lol :lol: :D
^:lol: :lol:
I'm sorry but this is just hilarious *wipes of the tears of joy*
"hmm...gum on the crime scene..? BRITNEY, have you spit out a gum again?
-Yea well, I wanted new one because that one didnt' taste good anymore"
Imagine if Marg, Melina, and Emily dressed like Britney Spears. That would be some something.
"oh look Britney, i found a nail at our crime scene... and since the victim did not have nail varnish this colour, i would suggest-"
Britney: "Damn! I broke a nail!" :rolleyes:
In court, Britney would probably A. Open-mouth kiss the judge B. Marry a jury member C. Divorce said jury member by the end of the session D. Strip and dance sluttily across the floor E. All of the above

Hmm...not a bad court date...
Posted by Agertays:
WOW people, guess wat? i just heard on teh radio that Britney Spears' favouite show is CSI and that she wants to become a Forensic Scientist, lol now thats cool, my new fav singer is now B.S lol :lol: :D
Now see this would get a reaction from Grissom, you know him running away screaming "KEEP HER AWAY PLEASE" :lol:

Marg, Emily and Melina wouldn't dress like her, they would simply take britney aside and kick her butt till she wised up, i can just see the casts now.
William (Walking up to the cast) Seen Marg?
(shake their heads no)
Gary (Walks up to the group) Seen Melina?
(Again a no)
David (Walks up to the group) Seen Emily?
(And again a No)
Jorja (Walks up to the group) your Looking for the girls right? (they agree) Okay well see, they decided to kick brits butt till she dressed right, (looks at watch) wow they have been gone for hours already, that chick isn't very bright is she?
(They all shake their heads No) :lol:
hehehehe... does brittany spears REALLY want to be a forensic scientist or was did she just say that caus shes stupid?
Yeh, its all true, i heard it on the radio lol. It woud be so funny, i cant even image it, i bet she doesn't even know how to spell CSI!! :lol:
True on the spelling, one would think she would have to know her ABC's first, i am not certain but i think one time i heard she is able to count to 15, her new goal is to be able to count to 20! :lol: