Borderline of Death (Sara/Grissom)

Update soon, although its slightly sad that your only doing fifteen chapters that means there are only two more chapters left *cries*
SaraSullivan, brilliant story. You've written it very well, and you've stayed true to the characters. The story has left me in awe of your talent. When you have more chapters up, I can't wait to read them. (Even if there are only a couple) :)
wow, thanks guys. =) I loooove the reviews!


Chapter Fourteen.


"Yes it is Sara, you just wanted revenge. Is a life sentence enough revenge for you?"

"NO I DIDN'T!" Sara screamed. Grissom ran into the room, along with two other nurses who were wondering the same thing he was, who was she yelling at?

"You've been hiding from the truth your whole life, Sara, but right now, you're going to stop. You will kill your beloved Gilbert Grissom, just like your Mother killed the person that she thought she loved."

"I WON'T KILL GRISSOM! I'D NEVER DO THAT!" Sara screamed, she was in tears now. The nurses could hold her down as much as they wanted, nothing would make her stop yelling.

"Your Mother never thought she would kill anyone. She also never thought that her husband would use their daughter."

"NO! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Sara yelled. She sobbed.

"What's happening?" Gil asked, finally speaking up.

"GRISSOM!" Sara screamed.

"I'm here." Grissom said and stood by her side. He held onto her hand, which was shaking uncontrollably.

"She's hallucinating, probably hearing voices," said one of the nurses.

"She's going to make me hurt you... Grissom, I don't want to hurt you... she said I'd kill you." Sara said, she was delirious, confused, terrified and still sobbing.

"Don't listen to her." Grissom said.

A doctor ran into the room and turned to one of the nurses, "what's going on?"

"She's hearing voiced inside her head, they're telling her to kill people," answered a nurse. "She calmed slightly when her friend stood by her."

"Shh.. shh.. it's okay, Sara." Grissom said softly.

"You can't run from it Sara, face it or be forever scared."


Sara woke up surrounded by Grissom, Greg, Catherine, Nick, Warrick, and Brass. She looked around the room, her mind was spaced out.

"What happened?" Sara asked quietly, partly scared of the answer.

"You passed out, after having a panic attack." Grissom said, answering in the same soft tone as hers. "Do you remember it?"

"Yes," she answered quietly.

"You were hearing voices." Gil said.

"I know." Sara answered.

"They were telling you to kill people."

"You in particular."

At this, the room was silent. Sara needed time to think, and being in a room full of people didn't help.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Brass left the room quietly.

"We should probably go start working on our case," said Catherine as she looked from Nick to Warrick.

"Okay." Nick answered, then he turned to Sara, "see you later, Sar." Sara shivered at the sound of her nickname. Then Catherine, Nick and Warrick left the room. Greg seemed to notice the tension in the room, and left without saying a word. Now, only Grissom and Sara were in the room. Sara looked over at him.

Grissom's cell phone beeped, and he looked down at it.

"I'm going to have to take this outside." Grissom said. Sara glanced over at the 'no cell phones' sign. "Will you be okay?" He asked.

Sara nodded. Grissom got up from his chair, kissed her, and left the room.
Okay, well here's the last chapter..


Chapter Fifteen.

Two Months Later

Sara had stayed in the hospital for another month, then she was released and given a prescription that would help the hallucinations go away. She was allowed to go back to work, someone just had to be with her at all times. Grissom didn't have a problem with that.

Sara knew that Gil was hurting more everyday. He hated seeing her the way she was, but he wouldn't leave her alone.

He was always making sure she was alright. He had tried countless times to start a random conversation to make it less obvious. Sara was starting to get annoyed by it. Gil, whenever he passed the room she was working in, would stare at her until he passed or until she looked at him. If they were working in the same room, he would glance at her every five seconds to make sure she was still there mentally. Sara's life would never be normal, or at least the normal it used to be, again.

Grissom took her to the lab every morning, and brought her home every morning. If Sara wished to work overtime, Gil would work overtime too. He took her right up to her apartment door when he took her home. He made sure that their days off were the same day, and Gil was always with her on those days off. Sara always had the creepy feeling that Grissom was listening outside her apartment to make sure she wasn't yelling at no one.

Gil made sure that Sara and him were always working on the same case, or as much as he could get away with. Catherine noticed this and talked to him. She basically told him to stop 'crowding' her, but Grissom was too worried and didn't listen.

At least Sara was allowed to go to the washroom alone, one day Catherine was also in the washroom. Sara was in the stall, leaning against the door.

"I see Grissom lets you go to the bathroom by yourself." Catherine commented.

"He's waiting outside the door," Sara replied.

"In my opinion, he's over-reacting." Catherine said supportively.

Sara came out of the stall and smirked, "everyone does."

Catherine paused, then spoke quietly, "how are you doing?"

"I'm great." Sara lied.

Catherine smiled a little, then picked up her purse from the counter. "Okay, well, that's good. I'll talk to you later." Then she left.

Sara stood in the small washroom. She was alone. Finally, peace. Finally, no one to nag, bother or torture her.

"I can still torture you, Sara."

"What?" Sara whispered.

"You heard me."

"No, go away, I don't want you here." Sara whispered.

"Gil Grissom doesn't love you."

"Stop it." Sara said.

"He doesn't care about you."

"You're trying to convince me to kill him." Sara whispered.

"He would rather you dead."

"Stop it." Sara whispered.

"He likes watching you suffer, he likes seeing you in pain."

"No, stop it." Sara whispered, a little bit louder this time.

"Have you ever thought about what you would look like on the coroner's table? Gil Grissom would stand there and figure out you killed yourself."

"Stop it." Sara said.

"You were the one who wanted to remember the old memories, Sara. Now, you have to remember me."

"The diary..." Sara whispered.

"Your Father didn't love you either. He just wanted to use you, and he did."

"Stop it!" Sara yelled.

Grissom ran into the room to see Sara in tears. She was yelling at no one again, just the voice inside her head. He hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"Sara, it's just your mind playing tricks on you, don't listen to it." Grissom said calmly.

Sara sobbed, "She says you don't care about me.. you want.. you want me dead.. and you don't.. you don't love me."

"That's not true, Sara." Grissom said. "I love you, I care about you, and I don't even want to think about you being dead."

"I love you too." Sara said quietly.


One Month Later

Grissom had given Sara some space for a while. He found that he was only making things worse and stressing her out. Gil decided to visit Sara one day. He drove to her apartment complex and walked up to her apartment.

Gil knocked at the door, but there was no answer. His first thought was that something was wrong. [/i]No, she could just be out shopping or something...[/i]

Grissom's brain started to think of different situations that Sara could be in. None of them were assuring him that she was safe.

Gil opened the door, and found out it was unlocked. He walked into the room, and it was empty.

"Sara?" Gil asked into the silence. No answer. The furniture was gone, all her books were gone. He noticed a note on the counter. Gil picked it up and read it:

I know you'll read this Grissom. Before I write anymore, I have to tell you that I love you, and that's why I moved. Don't bother trying to find me, I'm in another country.

I've been watching you live in pain for two months, and I couldn't take it anymore. I'll be safe, don't worry.

I know that me leaving will hurt and cause even more pain, but it's like a band-aid. Take it off quickly, right? If I stayed at the lab, and in Vegas, you'd hurt a little each day I was there. Now, you can hurt a lot for a while, but you'll get over me and find someone new.

At this point, Gil noticed that there were tear drops on the note. He was also crying, but he continued to read it:

I'll write to you, or e-mail you in a few months so you know that I'm alright. Please don't worry about me, even though I know you already are.

I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused, I hate to say it, but this is for the best.

Sara Sidle.

OMG Why did you have to end like that ... Will you do a follow up omg there are so unanswered questions...AHHHHH *goes insane* this is one of the best stories I have ever read oh your killin me here.
Please, don't let it end this way! *tears apear in eyes*

You are an amazing writer and this story is the living proof of it...
I really really really really really hope that you write more... you can't let it just end the way you did.... I can't stand it .. I need more..... *cries* I need a hug....*sniffles*