Bones *Spoilers*

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New ep tonight? It's about time, and I can't wait!
Re: Pairings, definitely Angela/Hodgins, they're so sweet, funny and flirtatious together, and it seems very natural. I also like Cam/Booth *dodging rotten tomatoes* Sorry, I just don't see the Booth/Bones thing, it seems kind of forced and unnatural, to me. But I can also see Zack/Cam, he looks up to her, and she's impressed by him very much, she just doesn't like to admit it to his face.
^^ Wow you have to be the first person I've met in this Fandom who doesn't see the Booth/Bones!

Personally, I think Booth and Brennan have the best chemistry/relationship in TV dramas at the moment so I guess it's not surprising that I think the Booth/Cam is forced. It's like the writers thought 'How can we stop Booth and Brennan getting together so soon? I know, let's bring in a new character and force Booth and her together.' The way Booth is with Brennan, I'm surprised Cam hasn't given up on him already. I mean realistically it's got to feel like having a third person in the relationship.

That's only my opinion of course. Kudos to you if you can watch a show where the focus of the show is the building up of the relationship between two characters you don't particularly think belong together! I mean shows like CSI, you can ignore the shipping aspects of it far more easily than with Bones. :)

Angela/Hodgins are very cute together and they're the great light-hearted alternative to the Booth/Brennan saga. I hope they keep it light and funny and not throw in any major angst for them at the moment.
Angela and Hodgins are really funny :D

As for Booth/Bones...I love it. Can't help it, but they're just too hilarious.
I am probably weird when it comes to Bones pairings :p I've got a few pairings ;)

I totally call Booth/Zach right now. Since I'm probably the only person in the world who ships them. And I didn't really, until my friend requested that I write a Booth/various pairings fic for her. And me? So not pairing Booth with Hodgins. *nods* So Zach it was, and now I like them together.

I really like Booth/Brennan, as does my 8-year-old sister, but for some reason Hodgins/Angela rubs me the wrong way. I can't say why, I don't even know myself. I just don't like it. I guess I like Angela living the big life and dancing on bars and having jello shots.
just saw the episode

boy do I have a lot to catch up on :eek:

I did pick up season 1 at Costco today so I'll be watching

I'm with you guys I like Booth and Brennan together they do have a certain chemisty...
Gee Alyssa, your're not a FAN ARE YOU? [insert sarcasm here]
actually it was pretty good

I liked the creepy-ness of it, the guy was too off the wall and the exploding capsule of poison, very cleaver :rolleyes:

Can't wait for next week
I too enjoyed the episode, but somehow it wasn't as good as it could have been, I think. I found the ending sort of anticlimactic, and the killed guy just didn't seem as diabolical as he could be. All the wild goose chases for clues seemed a little contrived to me...

Other than that, I enjoyed it well enough I guess. :lol:
^^ I agree!

It's very hard to have a bad 'Bones' episode and there was no way this episode could be classified as such but there was something anticlimaxical (new word?) about it.

Personally, I think it was because I've watched 'Judas On A Pole' so many times and love that episode so much that anything that follows was bound to be a bit of an anticlimax.
I absolutely loved "Judas On A Pole". I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching that episode either. :)

As for pairings, I'm starting to get used to Booth/Cam, but I'm still a Booth/Bones shipper all the way. I mean, there are LOTS of times when I just want to push their heads together just so I could see them kiss. My sister looks at me funny every time I grab the TV or computer screen. :lol:
Drumchik said:
Okay, keich...that icon rocks. Novak is hilarious :D

LOL, thanks! Yeah, she's hilarious! I so love her! :D

Okay, I almost forget we're in the Bones thread. ^^; Anybody have spoilers for the next episodes?
but I'm still a Booth/Bones shipper all the way. I mean, there are LOTS of times when I just want to push their heads together just so I could see them kiss. My sister looks at me funny every time I grab the TV or computer screen.
:lol: That's totally what I do too, keich! Rock on! :lol: I'm a total B&B shipper! They've been about to kiss SOOOO many times this season so far, I can't wait til they finally do, they really really need to already dang it! They SOOO clearly both want to! :D
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