'The Passenger In The Oven' was an ok episode. Given how awesome last week's eppy was, I knew there was no way this week's would be better. But it was very enjoyable nonetheless.
"Why do people always think we're gonna make out?" :guffaw:Best line ever. Cos, it's the way you two look at each other all! It's soooo obvious you're in :adore:
I really liked the cute old ladies that were the mystery buffs. And Caroline and Sweets doing the questioning instead of B&B was a nice change. I'm also starting to like Cam alot, especially after last week. I hope we get more development of her character.
Seems like Angela is ready to settle down, I just hope it's with Hodgins. I know I complained about Hodegla geting too much attention last season but now I find myself wanting them to get back together.
I really liked the B&B this episode, the way they looked at each other numerous times, no wonder people keep thinking they're a couple.
Overall an enjoyable episode, I liked how Booth was so concerned about Brennan saying she wanted to look at the old Chinese bones and was looking forward to it, and he was so upset and worried that she didn't like working with him anymore, and he was like "The spark is gone!" :lol: Sounded like an old married couple. In many ways they are like an old married couple.
I also found the way they had to improvise and go about doing forensics the old-fashioned way without technology very refreshing.
I must be as bad as Brennan when it comes to pop culture. Any idea what Booth meant when he told Brennan to take off her glasses, shake out her hair and say something like "Mr Booth, so you know what the penalty for...." I didn't catch the last part. I figured he was like flirting with her but I don't get the reference. Anyone want to enlighten me?