Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

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It's cause of politics again. Presidential speech or something. I suppose that wasn't known at the time and is something that was just planned quickly and without much notice. TV Guide magazine said the show was on, my cable guide on my cable box says President speech.
^^It seems we're losing an episode.
From Zap2IT:

As I reported last Thursday, because of President Obama's prime time address tomorrow night, "Bones" is in danger of losing a whole hour of its season to accommodate "American Idol"'s schedule. And as of late last week, FOX's tentative plan was to push "Bones"' season finale to fall.

However, it seems the tentative plan has been tweaked.

Though FOX is not commenting on "Bones"' schedule, insiders tell me that a revised version of their spring lineup was released earlier today and though "Bones" will indeed lose an episode this season, the finale hour is no longer the one marked for postponement. Instead, they've axed ep 4.18 "Beaver in the Otter" (otherwise known on fan sites as ep 4.24, episode numbers are wonky this season due to several year 3 episodes being pushed last spring).

Perhaps the network peeped some of the fans' helpful suggestions and decided to take their feelings into account.

Of course all schedules are subject to change, but I will monitor the situation and keep you updated.

Assuming the current plan stands, are you satisfied? Or are you pissed that you're still probably losing an hour of "Bones" this season?
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I can handle losing one episode if the season finale is still scheduled to air on time and if the axed episode is included in the DVD season box set.

What I really came here to say, though, is that I'm watching the latest episode, "The Salt in the Wounds", and I've gotta say... AWKWARD directing! Who told David, in the scene in his office with the father of the victim, to stand up, wander to the corner of his desk, sit on the edge for ONE LINE, and then wander back behind his desk? It was pointless and distracting, not to mention unnecessary. Plus, "Clinton" laying down to do one bench press and then get up to wander around, discussing pictures on the internet? Again, pointless, distracting and unnecessary.

Oh, and like GNRFan, I was highly disappointed with Brennan being so rude and prejudicial. I know she's unskilled in the art of social interaction and is often coldly logical, but that's exactly why she WOULDN'T go out of her way to say things like "despite the fact that you're not a real medical doctor" and "perhaps your religion wouldn't approve of it". Such comments serve no rational purpose other than to announce her disapproval of such things as "quack medicine" and "religious hokum". What did she hope to accomplish by voicing these comments? I can't think of any benefit she might hope to gain from blurting out these thoughts. It seemed rather out of character.
How much was Booth benchpressing? And by the way, was anyone else fanning themselves at that scene? ::chuckles:: Booth was hot. My tongue was on the floor and my eyes were going up and down, up and down as he was benchpressing, following the movements of those muscular arms.... Okay, enough of my drooling.

Like everyone else I thought Brennan's reactions to our new intern were way over the top and had no purpose. She's been insensitive in the past, but that was out of ignorance, usually, not lack of respect. I'm not sure about how the writers have written our girl this season...

Angela and Hodgins - the SECOND Jack got up and told Cam he was going to take Ange for 'coffee,' I soooo knew it. And now we found one of their hidey holes. Interesting how the cots were laid out like that, very very convenient, almost like they'd done it there hundreds of times while at work. hehe. I also liked how Angela was disturbed about how Brennan compared her and Ange's way of picking sexual partners. And let me just say, I about choked on my soda at Sweets' suggestion Ange go SIX MONTHS without sex!!!! Waiting with baited breath for the next eppy, if only for more of that, especially since she's going to actually attempt to go without. Any bets on how long she lasts? I give her two months, tops.

I did like very much how Booth took aside that kid and nailed him about his responsibilities. Nice dig to teenage moms and dads there. And Brennan is very aware of how he takes responsibility for his actions and the consequences of such actions so how could she say he ignores his responsibilities? I'm writing this from memory of last week's ep, so if I'm wrong about what was said between them, please let me know.
I know I've seen that kid that played the daddy of all the babies before, but I can't think of what he's been in. I do know that he's the brother of actress Abigail Bresline (The Ultimate Gift, Nim's Island, Little Miss Sunshine).
I know I've seen that kid that played the daddy of all the babies before, but I can't think of what he's been in. I do know that he's the brother of actress Abigail Bresline (The Ultimate Gift, Nim's Island, Little Miss Sunshine).

I always remember him from the Bruce Willis movie "The Kid".

He was also in a few episodes of the short-lived TV series "Wonderfalls".
The Kid... is that the one where he kept singing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith"? :lol: I thought that was him, but wasn't sure. :lol: Never watched Wonderfalls though.

Is "Beaver in the Otter" the one that was supposed to air this week?
Oh, and like GNRFan, I was highly disappointed with Brennan being so rude and prejudicial. I know she's unskilled in the art of social interaction and is often coldly logical, but that's exactly why she WOULDN'T go out of her way to say things like "despite the fact that you're not a real medical doctor" and "perhaps your religion wouldn't approve of it". Such comments serve no rational purpose other than to announce her disapproval of such things as "quack medicine" and "religious hokum". What did she hope to accomplish by voicing these comments? I can't think of any benefit she might hope to gain from blurting out these thoughts. It seemed rather out of character.

I really did not appreciate the comment either. I thought it was simply rude and uncalled for. Plus the guy is really sweet and that just made me even more annoyed. I hope we see more of him. Maybe he can even get Bones to open up her mind a little about religion, who knows.

"Despite the fact that you'r enot a real medical doctor, you've been very helpful."

Loved the guy's comeback "You're not a real medical doctor either."

Then Booth saying "Ouch". :lol:

"I claim one of my freebies."
"I claim one of my freebie declines." :lol:

Haha, I knew Angela and Jack were gonna end up in bed together.

Booth: Who is this stud? (guy who's getting the girls pregnant)
Girl: Clinton.
Bones: President Bill Clinton?
Girl: Ew! No! :guffaw:

Those moments were sooooo funny :lol:. Brennan is indeed a very sore loser and she lost quite a few times during this episode.:lol:

I loved, loved, loved the end with Booth talking to the kid :thumbsup:. That was such a nice detail and conclusion. Booth is just so great :).

I have to say that I'm getting a little annoyed by Angela. How long have we've been listening to her dilema of "living in the moment" vs "thinking of the future"? It's gotten a little stale IMO and I just don't really like her much anymore. The fact that they slept together made me :rolleyes:. Come on Hodges, have some dignity. Sorry I just did not like what was done with this couple at all.
According to Wikipedia's list of season 4 episodes, "The Beaver in the Otter" was meant to be the 24th episode of the season, and wasn't scheduled to air until May 7th. I'll be OK as long as the double-episode season finale airs on time. What worries me is that...

I don't think I'm gonna buy into the "crossover". I keep picturing it in my mind and it gets weirder and weirder every time. Probably the worst idea ever. I simply don't see how I'll be able to take it seriously no matter what kind of scientific explanation they pull out of their butts.
Stewie Griffin, the youngest member of the FAMILY GUY clan, makes a very unique appearance on BONES Thursday, May 7 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

In “The Critic in the Cabernet” episode, Brennan (Emily Deschanel) decides she wants to have a baby and surprises Booth (David Boreanaz) with a request to father her child. Brennan’s request dredges up a host of unspoken feelings and unresolved issues between the two, and Booth becomes consumed by the prospect of having a child. The stress of the situation, coupled with Booth’s undiagnosed health issue, paves the way for a surprise visit from Stewie. The diabolically clever baby assesses the situation and offers advice in his inimitable style.

After returning from the BONES set, Griffin remarked on the experience of playing his first dramatic role: “Oh, have you seen it? Was I good? Because I heard they said I was amazing and they want me to replace Emily, but that’s just a rumor.”

“The guy was good during the actual scenes, which is the important thing,” Boreanaz commented. “But between takes he literally vanished – nowhere to be seen. I guess it’s true that Brits and cartoons tend to be standoff-ish. Or maybe it was a method thing, I don’t know.”(source: Fox)
^ ROTFLMAO! That was great. Thanks for posting that, Daquien.

David is featured in TV Guide's Sexiest Stars issue. Click to view the pic larger.

I just bought all three seasons on DVD on Ebay for a steal, barely 100 bucks, and have rewatched most of the series, but I have a question regarding season 3. Why were the first three episodes of Season 4 included in the box set? So confused. And like everyone else....

I'm not too sure about the BS crossover. I like the idea of Booth having some sort of injury that makes him hallucinate (Vicodin anyone? lol) but Stewy? Really? It's going to be interesting to see how Brennan comes up with this idea to have a baby, Booth's baby at that. I wonder if it's because she's been thinking about things since developing a relationship with her nieces and that little baby boy from Baby in the Bough. And then the whole thing about Brennan and Booth sleeping together. I'm really worried about how that's going to affect the series. I can only think of two really good series that getting the leads together early didn't kill the show: La Femme Nikita and Farscape. Neither of those are procedural shows like Bones is.
I literally don't understand. How is Bones going to do a crossover with an animated television show? How is an animated character going to be giving advice on Bones? This is weird, and I have to say I don't like the idea. The actual "Bones want a baby" thing is kind of cute, but I just hope the writers are careful with the storyline.
Here's the second pic of David from the tv guide issue:

All I'm saying is: :drool: ! :D

Does anyone know what font his name is in and if that font can be found (for free) on the web anywhere?

*laughing hysterically on the inside*

Oh my word!! I clicked on the link and opened the picture at school... for everyone in the student union to see. *blushes* Hehe, they probably think I'm ogling sexy man pictures now! :rolleyes: Not that the women (and some of the men) mind seeing David with so little to cover himself. :drool:
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