As I reported last Thursday, because of President Obama's prime time address tomorrow night, "Bones" is in danger of losing a whole hour of its season to accommodate "American Idol"'s schedule. And as of late last week, FOX's tentative plan was to push "Bones"' season finale to fall.
However, it seems the tentative plan has been tweaked.
Though FOX is not commenting on "Bones"' schedule, insiders tell me that a revised version of their spring lineup was released earlier today and though "Bones" will indeed lose an episode this season, the finale hour is no longer the one marked for postponement. Instead, they've axed ep 4.18 "Beaver in the Otter" (otherwise known on fan sites as ep 4.24, episode numbers are wonky this season due to several year 3 episodes being pushed last spring).
Perhaps the network peeped some of the fans' helpful suggestions and decided to take their feelings into account.
Of course all schedules are subject to change, but I will monitor the situation and keep you updated.
Assuming the current plan stands, are you satisfied? Or are you pissed that you're still probably losing an hour of "Bones" this season?