Big Brother All-Stars


Lab Technician
It's that time of year again! Summer's best guilty pleasure (aka summertime crack) is back! Only this time, the stakes are higher! It's the All-Star edition! 12 former houseguests (more likely 14 after some twist) will enter the Big Brother house to duke it out for $500,000 (or more). Viewers select 6 of 12 potential houseguests and producers pick the other 6. The 20 eligible to reenter are:

George - season 1
Bunky - season 2
Will -season 2
Mike "Boogie" - season 2
Monica - season 2
Marcellas - season 3
Lisa - season 3
Danielle - season 3
Erika - season 4
Dana - season 4
Alison - season 4
Jase - season 5
Cowboy - season 5
Nakomis - season 5
Diane - season 5
Howie - season 6
Kaysar - season 6
James - season 6
Ivette - season 6
Janelle - season 6

Vote for your faves here.

The top 12 will be announced on the July 6 show at 8/7c on CBS.

Sorry if this is a duplicate thread, but I didn't see another when I was searching.

My fave former HG is Diane, and I think she'll get in. I'm excited. Anyone else watch this show or the live internet feeds?
I really want Nakomis (a.k.a Jennifer) to get back in the house. I thought she was so awesome. I love her style :D Big Brother is definitely my guilty pleasure :lol:
I've been waiting all year for Big Brother. I so want Kaysar to get voted back in. He was the one who totally separated the house last season. The house was so distinctly divided there were no secret alliances or people backstabbing others (except for James). That was so Kaysar. I also want Howie to get voted in. I loved how he was the comical relief. ONce he left, the game turned ugly.
I LOVE Big Brother All-Stars! My favorites are the Season 6 people listed [except for Ivette]! I've loved this season so far. :D
The ones that made it into the house:

George - season 1
Will -season 2
Mike "Boogie" - season 2
Marcellas - season 3
Danielle - season 3
Erika - season 4
Alison - season 4
Jase - season 5
Nakomis - season 5
Diane - season 5
Howie - season 6
Kaysar - season 6
James - season 6
Janelle - season 6

Alison and Nakomis have been booted so far and Will and Jase are up for eviction this week.
Wow. I was so dissapointed that Nakomis got booted. I was sure Diane was gone. *sigh* Oh well.

The slop is an interesting twist. I wonder if it really is that nasty.

I can't wait to see Jase GONE, his little hissy fit was so pathetic. :lol:
Yeah, I was hoping Diane would get the boot too. Not a big fan of her, but I didn't pay much attention to her in season 5.

Just by the looks of it, I think it must be terrible!

:lol: I know! I saw that last night. I loved watching him and Marcellus get in each other's faces.
you know...i'm a big fan of s6(yay kaysar!) and i'm just in awww at how stupid they are being sometimes. maybe its me but i think they should have broek up chill town as soon as they could. if they were smart they'd realize that will is just playing them like he did when he WON in season 2.
Ohh Marcellas :lol: He is so hilarious.

"Guys, i am like falling in love with Kayasar!" and when he was describing Kaysars smell! :lol: Best moment ever.
Does anybody get the live feeds? I don't but I read the recaps and see some of the videos on youtube...most of them are much funnier than the actual show :lol:
"Guys, i am like falling in love with Kayasar!" and when he was describing Kaysars smell!

I know! :lol: I loved that! He was saying he had to try to soak it all in so he could hold onto it. I love how he refers to Kaysar as his Iraqi Peach.

Will's speach was certainly awsome. His speech and Chicken George's were the longest speeches they've had so far this season.
This show, well, more like Pinoy Big Brother is a hit here. Though, I don't watch. Why I know 'bout it? People talk about it non-stop.