Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

Wow, Dani and Amber are gonna be on Power Of 10, that's so awesome, I really wish that Amber would have stayed up on the block, I'm sick of hearing her cry all the time, I really like to see Jameka go this week, but I don't see that happeing,
Jen was evicted last night and Jessica won HOH.

Jen broke house rules by eating food other than Slop. That made many very mad at her for cheating. She also destroyed Dicks cigs and he in turn found all her clothes and hide them in the HOH room.

I am hoping that Jess will not put them up but have a feeling Dick will be on the block.
I'm so sad because by the time I got home from work I only managed to see the last half of BB which was just Jen getting evicted and the HoH competition so I missed all the fun parts! I already knew about the cigarettes and the food thing but I was looking forward to seeing it. Oh well I am just happy Jen is gone because I have disliked her ever since she cried after seeing her picture. Now if they could just get rid of Dick I would be ecstatic.
I don't want Dick or Dani to go. I really hope that Jameka and Amber go up this week, I missed the Jen thing with her eating and tering up Dick's ciggies. Stupid Halo 2. Jk/
I think Dick is a good player and everything but I have disliked him ever since he and Dani were up and he was trying to annoy people so they would evict him instead of her. Some of the comments he made were rude and uncalled for and not the kind of things a civilized person would say. Even if he was trying to get people to hate him there was no need to make fun of what they do for a living or their religion. I lost what respect I had for him when he did that because no matter what happens there is never a reason to slander someones beliefs.

I liked Amber at the beginning but she has been getting on my nerves lately. All she does is cry. I understand that it may be an emotional time but some of the things she cries about are little ridiculous.
Well Jessica (HOH) put up Amber and Zach this week. Zach thought he had an understanding with Jess, and now I think we will see a little bit more of Zach's personality this week as he has been pretty quite. I am hoping Amber goes (and I imagine there is going to be a lot of praying this week).
something i heard

Okay this is what I heard, not how real it is, but I read somewhere that Eric is gonna win the power of veto, I guese we will have to wait till tommorrow to find out.

Don't forget to watch Power of Ten tommorrow, that's the one dani and amber is gonna be on, or did I miss it.
Ok we are getting to the end. Last Thurs there was a double eviction and Jess and Eric got evicted. The final four are Danielle, Dick, Jamecka and Zach. The last episode will be on Thurs the 13th.
I'm not even gonna bother watching anymore. Now that Eric and Jessica are gone, it's pointless. Unless Jameka somehow makes it to the final two, I'm going to hate whoever wins. :(
If the final two ends up being Jameka and Zach who do you think the jury would pick? Dick and Daniele? I am thinking if it were Dick and Daniele then hands down Daniele would win
I was soooo mad when both Jess and Eric got evicted!!
Zach kicked butt in the HoH competition this week - you could tell that Daniele was pissed :lol: It had been planned by Dick, Daniele & Zach that they would be final 3.. But, I'm glad that Zach is changing his plans!! He nominated both Dick and Daniele for eviction this week... let's hope that either Zach or Jameka wins PoV!!