Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

SO, PoV was won by Jen on tuesday, taking herself off of the chopping block. Daniele suspected Eric was behind all of the lies... so she picked him as the replacement nominee. but America's Player is safe for another week (thank goodness!!) After that huge blowout from Amber, I thought for sure he was a goner. But now that Kail is out of the house.. no more pawn :lol:
Jessica is now HoH!! YAY! I imagine that her plan, as well as her alliance's plan, is to get Dick, Daniele, Jen, or Zach outta the house. Hopefully, they will backdoor Dick..

..and weren't those bunny costumes awfully funny?! My favorite was how Zach dressed it up on eviction night! :lol:
Ok I like Dick so no I hope he doesn't go this week. I wonder who Jessica will put up? I think Amber went a little nuttsy over that and did you see everyone, they looked like they wanted to crawl under the couch or become invisible. I think it is a good possiblity that Danielle and Dick will go up this week but who knows because Jess listens to Eric and whoever America tells him to get nominated might just break up her whole plan.
The bunny suits were funny. I'm kinda mad that Eric didn't go, but I'm also glad he stay and Kail went, because she doesn't need to ne there anyway/ I hope that Jess don't put up Evel or Dannielle this week, but oh well, we'll see what happens,
Well now since Dick and Danni are up he should be more Evil this week cause he is trying to protect her. I hope neither of them go home and hopefully someone else will show get the heat on themselves.

I don't think that this is considered a spoiler because it will not be shown on CBS but was on CNN or FOx news that Amber was shown saying racist remarks about Jews to Jamecka.

Excerpt from
In the incident I saw, Amber was talking about how nasty New York is. She claimed it was "all selfish Jews who only care about money." She went on to say that she can tell by last names and noses. She tends to automatically know if someone's Jewish and dislike them. According to her, her mother and sister feel the same way. I am trying to find out Jameckas response to that. But my opion of Amber has changed because she is seen praying and acting all good and says something like that. And that after she said she has done drugs, then she shouldn't preach.
I don't think Dick will go this week now. I think it will be Dustin. I for sure America will tell Eric to vote for Dustin. So that makes 1 vote for Dustin, then you have Dannielle, Jen, and i'm sure that Zach would vote for Dustin as well make 4 votes for him and Amber and Jameka would be the only votes for Dick, So I hope that's the way it turns out.
If America tells Eric to vote Dustin.. Eric will probably be suspected yet again, and go home next week. I don't want that to happen!! :lol: Vote Dick out!! :lol: Eric is too much fun!! I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face at the end, when they find out that he is America's Player!! :lol:
Dick, however, is doing a good job of making everybody hate him even more. Butm i'm glad that Daniele finally told everyone to stop blaming her for her father's actions.
As for the next HoH.. I hope it's Eric :D
Yeah I too want Dustin out instead of Dick. I think he is funny and I like the music they use when he is up to something. Eric just rubs me the wrong way and I really don't care if he stays or not.
Turned out like I said, It went perfect this week, Dick styaed, and Dannielle won HOH. I really hope that Jameka and Amber go up this week,
Ok, I just got the Jen low-down from a PA at CBS. Apparently, very early on in the game, Eric was leaving the DR and Jen was going in. Eric had just received some instructions, but the staff left the envelope on the couch. Jen came in and found it, and saw HER name on the card (it was a vote on getting someone put on the block). At that time, they had to scramble and fill her in, although she doesn't know the names are coming from America- she just thinks it BB. This now explain why she's calling him 'Mr. America" (it's on the outside of the envelope), and why she's fairly cocky about knowing so much more than others. For the record, they did not tell Eric that she knows. Also, there has been no proof or even suspicion of either Eric OR Jen telling anybody else about his status. Oh, yeah- in return for playing along, if Jen wins the money, she does NOT have to give up the $250K she wagered.
Well, I think Eric and Jessica made the right decision to be on Dick and Daniele's team. Who'd have thought that?! :lol: I'm guessing that Amber and Jameka are the next targets as well..
I would miss Eric if he went, he's funny (He killed me when he compaired Nick to a 13 year old girl, but it was true, that was somthing a 13 year old girl could have made.) But man I really hope that either Amber or Jemeka goes this week. Amber cries to much, it's pretty annoying.
I am so happy Dani won HOH. I am also glad Amber and Jamecka are on the block. I am getting tired of seeing Amber crying.
:lol: Eric talking about Nick's scrapbook-type letter was Hilarious!! :lol: well as Eric wearing Jessica's dress!!
And I'm on board with getting Amber out.. her crying has gotten too excessive, and really really annoying!!