Beyond Imagination: Back Online

just noticed your 'way to go' caps are bigger and much clearer than other episodes. are they all going to be like that now? theyre gorgeous! all the more reason to cap lots of nicky :lol: :p
Hey Robin, thanks a lot for updating the links. <3

allmaple, the dimensions of the caps depends. I can't promise you that all the new caps are going to be like that, but I'll do my best. :)

Lynny, I'm glad, too. Finally no more emails about when it would be online again. LOL.

csikicksurass, what kind of problem are you experiencing? Is it that the pics are not showing on your computer, or that you can't access the site at all? Have you changed the URL to the new one?
This is such great news. I was hoping that you didn't remove the site Erica. This is one of the supreme sites for screencaps for CSI. I was lost without your site up. I love the new layout that you have done. It looks incredible.


Take Care,
Thank you, jazzfan. :)

And Lynny, yeah. No more emails asking me when or whether the site would be UP again or even whether the last scene of WTG had shocked me so much that I decided to leave the fandom for good. LOL.