"Better Off Dead" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Well, I can't say that I didn't like this episode, but it surely isn't up there in my faves either. When I saw the preview, I honestly thought it was going to be a lame ep, but was pleased that it turned out better then what I had first imagined. Sure it had the Romeo and Juliet undertones to it, but at least it was decently handled...I suppose.

I thought it was interesting how the two cases were linked together this time. Personally, I didn't expect Sam to be suicidal at first. And I am certainly glad that Ray wasn't all in our faces. I liked the pairing of Greg/Nick, Cath/Sara. Like someone mentioned, it was like the classic CSI we all came to love.

Loved the little scene shared between Cath and Vartann, the look Sara gave, the mentions of Warrick by Greg.

I think I was still hyped up from last weeks episode, expecting...well I dunno, but I think it was a little difficult to follow up 'Appendicitement'.

But I agree, I think the episode should have aired before 'Appendicitement' due to the overall themes and moods of both episodes. A lighter themed show would have been nicer going into the holiday season....Oh well! :lol:
Okay, I just watched the ep on CBS to see what I missed (due to my channel messing up). So, I have some more thoughts on the episode:

Love that they were playing a Johnny Cash song at the beginning of the episode.

Loved Nicky talking about "The Duke". :D

Brass (about the mom in the gun shop): One tough mother.

Nick: Was he just lucky or bullet-proof?

Anyone notice how CBS.com now shows more commercials in between the shows' breaks than they used to? Used to, it was one commercial then back to the show. Now they show three commercials. Pretty soon its gonna be as bad as watching it on regular tv. :rolleyes:

Loved Cath's smile at Vartann... and Sara smirking at them. :lol:

Guy in hospital: I had to defend my mother... not that she's ever been a sissy.

What's the song playing when Greg and Nick were putting up the lasers? Something about putting it where the sun don't shine?

Is it just me or do the lasers look like Christmas lights with all the green and red? :lol:

Sam didn't look like he was tough, so why did those two thugs back away when he turned to face them?

:lol: Did Cath blush when Sara asked about her and Vartann or is it just me?

:lol: the way Sara and Bobby backed up when that bullet came out of the Tolkarev (sp?).

"Gee thanks". :lol: I liked that scene between Sara and Ray. There's a nice dynamic there.
GNRF- The song was probably Where The Sun Don't Shine by JJ Cale. It's on the song list on TV.com, but I haven't gotten a chance to check it.
FYI sharp

Catherine/Vartann shipper thread is here. :D

I watched the episode again, I'm still very bummed about the dog. It just made me sad all around.
I know that Sam tried to do right by Carrie but I think it came out all wrong. I do like the idea of the star crossed lovers, it was truly very Shakespearean. What would have made it better was a quote or two from Grissom. He did quote Romeo and Juilet at the beginning of Iced. Perhaps that's why I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, Grissom was missing. :eek:

I'm still loving the Cath/Vartann romance :luvlove:
I said on the Shipper Debate thread, I'm interested to see how they play out the 'romance' or them dating. They just need to keep Alex as a recurring character. ;)
I liked this episode, although my dog was at my brother's house all last week and I was getting paranoid that she was hurt, so I kept calling my brother up checking up on her :lol:
And I have no problem with canon relationships, as long as they're done tastefully and they don't take away from the actual meaning of the show. :)
This one wasn't too bad. Not my favorite, but not bad in the least. I really liked the pairing of Cath/Sara and Nick/Greg. Felt nice and old school. It was good to see Bobby D again. I also like the sparks that are flying with Catherine and Vartann, and how Sara called her on it and Catherine actually BLUSHED. Since when does tough Catherine Willows blush?! LOL It was cute, though. Nice to see Cath and Greg working together, too.

The ending was pretty cool. Call me crazy, but that inflatable thingy looked kinda fun. Not that I'm gonna jump off a building anytime soon, but man...
Thanks, Alex for the name of that song. :)

K-Bug, I agree about the inflatable thing. :lol: Reminds me of those bouncy castle things. :lol:
We re-watched this episode last night and I guess I was tired the 1st time. It was better the 2nd time around:bolian: And wasn't the song "Where The Sun Don't Shine" by Rascal Flatts? it was really good, I felt like dancing;) Some highlights I wrote down~

Sara: to Cath "So, what's going on with you and Det. Vartann? I am a trained observer you know" and her cute smirk:evil: [She's so pretty] "I see it's still in it's early investigated stages" Cath: "NO comment" and a big smile:D

The last scene with Sam and Ray and Sara on the rooftop. Sara: "Sam you loved Carrie and you tried to save her" Dr. Langston "Sam, you don't have to die today", we know about the pact. Sara: "She would want us to save you" Sam: "She loved that dog, was it the site of the dog or me"

Sara: "It was you Sam, I'm sure it was you" [kinda of corney] but good acting on JF part~