"Better Off Dead" Discussion *SPOILERS*

For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo...

...if Romeo was a dog.

I'm not sure what to think about this episode. I really enjoyed all the team members doing their thing. Nick, Greg, and Sara were awesome. We had more of Cath and less Ray :). They need to do the teaming up of Sara and Catherine more often. I like them together when they get along. From now on all duos in the field should be Nick and Greg, Sara and Cath, and leave Ray in the lab.

Did anyone else notice Greg mention Warrick? It may have been me, but did Nick hesitate after Greg said it?

I think I've been reading too much fanfiction. The revelation of Catherine and Vartann didn't even phase me. I like it. Vartann is my favorite detective behind Brass and Sofia (wherever she might be).

As for the case, I wish it were two seperate ones. At the beginning, I prayed the shooting and the body dump were not connected. I sensed they were, but I still hoped. Darn it. After they were connected, and Sam was revealed to be suicidal and not a sociopath, I lost interest.

Is it wrong that I wanted Sam to jump?

Favorite scene: Greg and Catherine making jokes. Perhaps everything is alright with them now. Oh, and it was nice to see Bobby D. again.

All in all, decent but not the best. Leave it to CSI to make the holidays depressing.
Now THIS is how my girls should have been throughout the 9+ years - I guess good things come to those who wait. and wait. and wait. - Finally after 9 ½ LONG seasons, we get to see Catherine & Sara joking with each other. That’s got to be one of my Top-5 Favorite Scenes of all time for this show

-This episode reminded me a bit of “Dog Eat Dog” (dead dog), “Shooting Stars” (drinking poison for suicide) and “recipe for murder” (bi-polar disorder).

- Great to see the return of Bobby D!

- a mention of Warrick! AWWWW.

- Johnny Cash, John Wayne, the Terminator, dogs... how much more can one episode handle?

- the two-cases-into-one scenario is. getting. WAY. TOO. OVERDONE!! It would have been great to see Cath & Sara finish out their case together. All of a sudden, Sara was off with Ray for the rest of the episode. Bummer.

My full review can be found here
I think we should congratulate TPTB for beautifully faking out the audience with what looked like a depressing ending, only to have the airbag save the day at the last second.
I agree with the above posts. I enjoyed this episode (lots of Sara!), and appreciated the non-depressing ending. (OT-Honestly, after the 'Dexter' finale this week, I've had all the sadness I can handle for a while.) There were several nice, and believable, plot twists, and it was great to see Sara and Catherine work so well together. I like the 'girl talk' scenes between them.

I could go for a Vartann/Catherine pairing. I've always liked Vartann.

An 'A' from me. Would have been an A+ with a Grissom mention. :)
excellent ep in my opinion also

so cath/vartann could be interesting and i've wanted to see cath get a love interest, what's their ship name?

someone said they're sadder over the dog dying than carrie, well we are used to seeing dead people not animals

greg/cath scenes and sara/cath scenes:)
warrick mentioned:thumbsup::thumbsup:
and sam i'd say is both horribly lucky/unlucky
Wait! There was an airbag? I didn't see that! My stupid channel kept messing up so I missed some things. Did I miss anything else with Cath/Vartann besides him helping her down the hill? That was super cute. I'm gonna have to watch this ep online since watching it on my tape is pointless due to the channel screwing up. I'm all for some Cath/Vartann. :D

A Warrick mention! Nice! :D

401 AK.... heh.

Terminator. :lol:

Henry to Sara (about Superdave's words): The tragic fates of the Phillips family dogs.

Bobby! :D "You're looking for the truth about cats and dogs."

"What about the boyfriend? He got a name?"
"Dirtbag and I can't recall the last name." :guffaw:

Greg (holding up teddy bear): I mean, is this what women really want?

I personally love teddy bears and stuff like that. :D

Loved Greg saying (in that really deep voice): All the women I take out just order a salad. :lol:

Paul Trent: What's this about?
Sara: An overdue library book. :lol:

Vic's note to Sam: Leave me alone or my neighbor will kick your a$$. :lol:

I'm glad that it turned out that the dog's death was an accident. She killed herself cause she couldn't stand the thought of life without her doggie. :(
Wait! There was an airbag? I didn't see that! My stupid channel kept messing up so I missed some things. Did I miss anything else with Cath/Vartann besides him helping her down the hill? That was super cute. I'm gonna have to watch this ep online since watching it on my tape is pointless due to the channel screwing up. I'm all for some Cath/Vartann. :D

There was another moment when Sara asked Catherine about Vartann. Since she smirked and saw 'something' between those two when he helped Catherine down the hill.

Catherine, of course, was evasive, but she didn't say there wasn't anything going on. So, you know, that means there probably is.

I'm glad Warrick was mentioned. Actually, I was kind of shocked. :eek:

Glad to hear that Greg doesn't put the word 'death' in his letters to women.

Poor Greg, getting reprimanded by Bobby D. :p Nice to see Bobby back! :thumbsup:

Alright, I still think it's spooky that putting Catherine and Vartann together was being talked about on here and now it was on the show. :shifty: Hmmmmmm...
To me this episode was horribly depressing. I'm sorry but did we have to see the Romeo and Juliet theme played out before Christmas? Not to say that I didn't like it, I did but come on... DID YOU HAVE TO KILL THE DOG!!!!!!! :confused::(

That's what turned it for me, the dead dog!!!!

BUT.... On a lighter note, LOVED Catherine and Vartann. I've been rooting for them since the end of season 6!!! All I have to say is IF you make them a couple, keep it low-key and fun. Catherine love stories don't always end well so I'd like to see this one end well... AND... PLEASE, Make Alex Carter a recurring character, PLEASE!!!! How can you have a romance with one person missing all the time???? Unless that's how you play it, then .... HMM we'll have to see. ;)

Overall, the episode bummer me out even though my favorite underdog of a couple is FINALLY getting together!!! ;)
This episopde was a bummer not the best of the season. Another bunch of losers:( A weak plot but strong acting. Like the old days, with Nick and Greg working closely, and Cath and Sara, it's been along time since they worked together. And Sara's startling observation about "Vartann and Cath" she would notice. So maybe this will be a new romance down the line. Cath "I'm not talking":alienblush: The poor twosome and the neighbor nosing into their business. The dog not cool,:scream: I don't want to see dead animals it's horrible:( I loved finally seeing Dr. Langston and Sara working together, a strong camraderie. Similiar in their personailty traits. Both laid back and calm and focused on the case. Sam a big wuss and not at all together. The ending sad but he was caught in the safety net. Not my favorite episode~
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PLEASE, Make Alex Carter a recurring character, PLEASE!!!! How can you have a romance with one person missing all the time????
I think that's why they've brought him back a little more this season. I'm sure they were leading up to this. It would have seemed a bit strange to have him show up all of a sudden and the 'relationship' revealed at the same time.

As much as I love the idea of Cath & Vartann, I don't want it as another GSR relationship where every time they're together, it becomes all about the 'relationship' and the gooey eyes. I think it'll help that C & V are not technically in the same job.

One thing about this episode that I really found funny was the way they had the camera directly in front of the yellow VW in the garage. It looked like a big smiley face - which kind of went well with the conversation Cath & Sara were having.
There was another moment when Sara asked Catherine about Vartann. Since she smirked and saw 'something' between those two when he helped Catherine down the hill.

Catherine, of course, was evasive, but she didn't say there wasn't anything going on. So, you know, that means there probably is.

Thank you for filling me in on what I missed. I'm definitely gonna have to watch online. :)

To me this episode was horribly depressing. I'm sorry but did we have to see the Romeo and Juliet theme played out before Christmas? Not to say that I didn't like it, I did but come on... DID YOU HAVE TO KILL THE DOG!!!!!!! :confused::(

That's what turned it for me, the dead dog!!!!

I agree. The thing with the dog made me sad. When Vartann said "you're not gonna like what you find in the bedroom", I never expected it to be a dead dog. Man that was incredibly depressing. Couldn't they just tell us that the dog died (like they do on Criminal Minds) instead of actually showing us a dead dog? :( I still can't watch the dog-fighting ep a second time.
PLEASE, Make Alex Carter a recurring character, PLEASE!!!! How can you have a romance with one person missing all the time????

As much as I love the idea of Cath & Vartann, I don't want it as another GSR relationship where every time they're together, it becomes all about the 'relationship' and the gooey eyes. I think it'll help that C & V are not technically in the same job.

Yes, please Lord, have mercy and don't let this turn into another GSR type romance. If it does, I'm officially finished. Catherine deserves some happiness, but the former was bad enough. Can't live that again. Plus, Marg's too good an actress to have her make gooey eyes 24/7. (So were Billy and Jorja, BTW.) They did not do that justice and it wasn't worth screwing up the best show on television. So if we're going down the romance road again, writers, please do it right.
I haven't seen this episode but after reading all the comments I will. Just gotta say sharp52092, I love your avatar. :)