Battlestar Galactica ~ Current Series

Re: Battlestar Galactica

Don't you want to go around saying FRACK all the time?
and WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO APPOLO? when did he get so bloated? and Married?
and I knew Baltar was crazy but not that crazy.. It's that 6 man I tell you she twists him up every time... Love I don't think so..
saw the Kara/child thing from her being in the breeding farm
and I like how she bonded with the little girl.. but how did she get there? I guess there is a lot I missed from last season
Re: Battlestar Galactica

A lot of that stuff happened during the year they were on Caprica and the months that followed after the occupation began. You might want to go to the SciFi website and watch all of The Resistance Webisodes. They help fill in *some* of the gaps, though more will be covered in a flashback episode.

And last night's ep was FRAKKKIN' AWESOME!!!! :devil:
Re: Battlestar Galactica

yes it was
FRACKIN awesome!
I will check it out.. I want to know what happened to Appolo :confused:
ohhh can't wait for the flashback episode
Re: Battlestar Galactica

I got a laugh--Rob Thomas who produces Veronica Mars had the characters saying Frak (no C in it, man!) because the RA in Piz's dorm was trying to stop cussing and was using it in lieu of the F-bomb. Then later in the ep, Veronica used it with Mac!

It's obvious RT likes Sci-Fi--he also had the lost numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42) show up on a fortune cookie fortune in one ep! :D
Re: Battlestar Galactica

How abso-frakkin'-lutely great was the season premiere? Kara kicked Leoben-ass!!

I cringed when I saw Apollo and cracked up when Adama went "Get your fat ass out of my office!" lol! Oh, Papa Adama can be so cruel!

Didn't you just love it when Tigh cut through the BS and told Tyrol and Anders about his eye?!?! I'm lovin' Tigh now.

Since Starbuck's certainly going back to Galactica, I wonder what happens to Anders... hmm...

I'm still in denial about Jammer being in the NCP though. Heheh.. I wish he hadn't turned!!
Re: Battlestar Galactica

I don't care for the newer version at all. Rather watch the original myself. EJO does a fine job as Adama but, was surprised they didn't make him a woman. LOL. Whoever heard a woman being called Starbuck. LOL Please. Only time I've watched this is when Richard Hatch guest starred on it. Other than that I wish they'd never brough tit on. Not like it is anyway.
Re: Battlestar Galactica

TOS is no longer on TV other than occasional reruns on Scifi or Space. This discussion board is about the Frakking awesome new BSG that is a show for grownups, not that cockamamie kids' show that TOS was.

I liked TOS when I was a 10 year old kid, but Ronald D Moore took the original concept and gave it a deeper storyline and an edgier plot. The current series has won critical acclaim, while TOS is treated like a joke. The current series has been able to do a lot more while TOS was left high and dry.

What I find amazing is that RDM was able to even take elements of that lame Galactica 1980 show (the humanoid Cylons) and use them so much more effectively, without all the cheeseball overdramatics of TOS.

As someone that loved the original series as a kid, when RDM came out with the new series, I kept on running into all the TOSers that were griping and moaning about it not being a continuation of the original series, while I was just plain glad that the concept was back with the name of that great ship.

After the miniseries, I was blown away and said "Dang it! This is what the show SHOULD HAVE BEEN back in 1978!" The more realisitic struggle of survival in space and fleeing from the Cylons without the disco planet and the 1970s shampoo commercial hair was spot on, in my opinion.

Even Richard Hatch was won over by Ronald D Moore and he's enjoying new life in his career as the Machiavellian Tom Zarek. Tom Zarek is WAY COOLER than that Captain Clean-Apollo character who was too sickeningly noble for his own good. Kudos to Richard Hatch for being open to RDM's vision, unlike Dirk Benedict who (after his meeting with Katie Sackhoff at a Starbuck's Coffee for commentary on the Miniseries DVD) has been a total @$$hole and wrote really unflattering comments on the new BSG on his website.

The TOSers need to get it through their thick skulls that they're not going to get their continuation because RDM's BSG has surpassed TOS in number of episodes, fan following, critical acclaim and quality of production. It's 2006, not 1978. Grow the heck up already!!!
Re: Battlestar Galactica

Hankster, I agree with you.
I have watched since 1978 BABY, I loved the series as a kid also. But you are right, this is more for grownups. I never thought it would be a continuation of the original.
It was pretty cleaver back in 'the day'. With the idea that GOD is your destiny, ( very similar to the Star Wars movies don't you think?)
now as you said, they have taken the original idea and expanded on it making it edgier and more invovled storylines
the obvious one is #6! When I saw her, I was like, WOW this really is not for kids and how she kept FRACKING( he he he) with Baltar's head,
AWESOME man truely awesome
My husband LOVES this show, he is more of a sci-fi fanatic than I am but this show is TOTALLY FRACKING AWESOME
I am curious to see where it goes... :)
Re: Battlestar Galactica

Well..................I wasn't 10 when the original first aired but still enjoyed it and still do when SCI-FI shows it. Didn't care for the 1980 one though. Guess I wasn't entitled to my opinion on the show heh? HMMM Amazing.
Re: Battlestar Galactica

Hankster said:
This discussion board is about the Frakking awesome new BSG that is a show for grownups, not that cockamamie kids' show that TOS was.
As the title in the thread is 'Battlestar Galactica', I see no problem with discussing in the newer version or the older version. However if enough of you who post here would prefer that this thread were kept to the newer version of the show, then I could change the title name according.

katpin31791 said:
Guess I wasn't entitled to my opinion on the show heh? HMMM Amazing.
Everyone one is entitle to their own opinion on the board, it’s what makes the board interesting. If we all agreed on everything – we’d be bored stiff. At the same time, you may get other posters who might disagree with your comments, which, of course is their own opinion. :)
Re: Battlestar Galactica

In some ways, the debate between the two shows is like Star Trek vs. Star Trek the Next Generation, but we're dealing with shows that have the some concept, but aren't continuations of eachother. BSG: TOS is a dead show. It is no longer in production, while BSG is the show that is currently filming, has earned a Peabody award, and is the cornerstone of SciFi Friday.

The problems that have come up in the world of fandom involve hard-core TOSers that hate the current series and go onto boards that are dedicated to the current series and gripe about how they're not happy with the new series, that it's too dark and violent, and how the series isn't a continuation. They go on about how great BSG: TOS was but add very little to relevant discussion on the current series. They also typically insult the new series and call it GINO-Galactica in Name Only.

I didn't say katpin wasn't entitled to her opinion. I also didn't get the impression she was a hardcore TOSer. However, katpit did state that she doesn't care for the newer version, that she wishes they hadn't made it this way, and that she only watches when Richard Hatch is on. None of the other posters broached the topic of BSG: TOS until she did, so her add ons were negative and not really germaine to what everyone else was discussing.

SciFi took care of it on their boards by putting in a separate area for TOS fans to discuss it and not have those discussions interfere with the discussions that were relevant to the current series. I don't think we'd want this thread to stay on a debate between TOSers and fans of the current series. It *might* be a better idea to do one thread labeled Battlestar Galactica-1978 and another labeled Battlestar Galactica-current series to avoid a potential conflict.

That's my 2 cubits anyhoo....
Re: Battlestar Galactica

I didn't say katpin wasn't entitled to her opinion. I also didn't get the impression she was a hardcore TOSer. However, katpit did state that she doesn't care for the newer version, that she wishes they hadn't made it this way, and that she only watches when Richard Hatch is on. None of the other posters broached the topic of BSG: TOS until she did, so her add ons were negative and not really germaine to what everyone else was discussing.

I said I've only seen it when RH has been on & that's because I've always been a big fan of his & yes enjoyed him as Apollo.

Okay maybe I did go overboard stating I wish they'd never made the newer BSG. Sorry

Didn't realize I couldn't talk about BSG:TOS in here. My mistake.Won't make that one again

Please Tink DO NOT start a thread for BSG:TOS. I'm afraid that would be a waste of time to be honest. :D
Re: Battlestar Galactica ~ Currant Series

I’m going to change the name of this thread, focusing on the currant series of Battlestar Galactica, as that has been the main focus of this thread anyway. However, as you all know, constructive criticism is allowed in any thread, as long as you back yourself up and give reasons as why you dislike the show.

If anyone wishes to carry on discussing BSG: TOS then you are more than welcome to open up a thread dedicated to the older series.

katpin31791 said:
Didn't realize I couldn't talk about BSG:TOS in here. My mistake.Won't make that one again

Please Tink DO NOT start a thread for BSG:TOS. I'm afraid that would be a waste of time to be honest. :D
Sorry, I posted right after you and didn’t see your post. :eek: I'm not going to open up a BSG:TOS thread myself, but anyone else is more than welcome to if they wish. :)
Re: Battlestar Galactica ~ Currant Series

Sorry, I posted right after you and didn’t see your post. I'm not going to open up a BSG:TOS thread myself, but anyone else is more than welcome to if they wish.

Sorry Tink was trying to keep ya from having to do so but thanks, for not wasting time opening a thread for BSG:TOS. Sorry for upseeting people. Guess I tend to get upset when I read all over the board here people posting opinions but, when it seems I do well...............anyway, my aplogies again. Hankster sorry for getting you all upset.
Re: Battlestar Galactica ~ Currant Series

Katpin--sorry if it came across that I was jumping on you. I've had some conflicts with some rather vehement original BSG fans that have left a bad taste in my mouth and I should have been gentler than I was.