Avian Flu



What do you think is going to happen? Do you think that the world will collapse (not literally, of course) or do you think that humanity will be saved.

Post here your concerns on the Avian Flu. What do you know about it?

Is that the bird disease that spreads more and more. If so, I think it's pretty scary. If you have normal flue it can kill you or something, I don't know exactly. But it's pretty scary.
Pfft. I just read a bit on this. I can just say that it's nothing more than every scare that we get every year. Remember Japan? They got infected and eventually leaked to overseas? Well, it was contained. So if it's contained this time, nothing bad will happen. And there's a slim chance that teh virus could replicate itself to make it fit for humans.
Well... birdflu (like we call it) has landed to Europe already so... oh well.

Tho I am bit worried... I'm a duck after all :p
^ :lol: I don't think you have to worrie much, Sanna. All that Vodka you're drinking will probably kill the virus :lol:
they handed out info on it at my workplace; it does sound kind of scary, but hopefully if it does spread to north america, it can be contained...
Does anyone remember SARS? SARS was supposed to be the end of the world and theoretically, had it not been properly contained, it was. Think about it, it was an airborne virus that had the ability to infect millions, and it hit two major cities, Toronto and Bejing.

However, the virus was contained. Medical science and health care professionals knew how to react to these situations and while they may have seemed a bit extreme (something like a 48 hour quarantine?) it was ultimately the right thing to do, regardless of how much being on quarantine sucked.

I think the Avian Flu is pretty much a lot of hype too. They talk about what 'could' happen, not what 'will' happen.

If you want a really good site about the Avian Flu, visit CBC Indepth
Birdflu was in headlines already last year. So it's not that new. Now it's just gone bit further.