Ask William Petersen Your Questions

I know working for tv can be very taxing on the mental (and physical) health of those involved, and I presume your work for CSI was incredibly so. Are you going to take some time off, or take things slow, to reclaim yourself from CSI? or are you going head on into more acting, as a good workaholic would?

Polechka, Ausitn, TX
What factor has made it the hardest to leave CSI after nine seasons, and what will you miss the most when you are gone?


Megan W.
Parkersburg, WV
Greetings from the UK Billy!

My question is, fancy a pint? This one's on me. Ha, no, really this time...what will you miss most about being on CSI from day to day?

All the best,
Mr. Petersen,
If you could go back to the begining of CSI would you do everything exactly the same? And if not, what would you change? Thank you for the many years you played the wonderful Gil Grissom and best wishes in the future.

I work at Capilano University and a group of our film students were lucky enough to be able to film a behind-the-scenes documentary on the set of CSI a couple of years ago, thanks to contacts that some folks in our Film Department have with you. The students spoke glowingly of how they were treated by everyone in cast and crew while they were there. I am hoping you might consider giving our Convocation speech sometime. Would you?

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sorry if I add 2 questions but I like them both.

As a person who has visited many places in the world, outside the USA, which will be the place you would chose to live?
Your wife is Italian and you studied theater in Spain, do you speak Spanish and/or Italian?

Thanks, gracias, grazie!
Dear Mr Petersen,

You said in a recent article that you would like Grissom and Catherine to finally get a "roll in the sack". Did you ever have any thoughts on the Grissom/Catherine relationship being canon, or did you prefer Grissom with Sara?

Queensland, Australia
hey Billy, I'm just curious, which cast mate are you closest to and why do you think that is?

Alice, California
Hi Billy!

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to ask you questions and for your wonderful work on CSI! Are you planning on making more movies in the future, and if so, does that include a CSI movie, maybe?!? :) And...what is your most favorite place to travel?

Thanks! Best wishes!
Columbia, SC
Hey Billy!

We never really hear a lot of behind the scenes stuff, so I was wondering if there were any pranks pulled on you? If so, what was the most memorable?

Toronto, Canada
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Hi William,

Do you regret the decision of the other producers to pair up Grissom and Sara?

thanks and good luck

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Hello Mr Petersen,
Over the last nine seasons, what has been your favorite episode and why?
Thank you for allowing us fans the opportunity to put these questions to you.

Leeds, England