Ask William Petersen Your Questions

Hi Billy. Thanks for the great years. You will be missed but I understand more than anyone about returning to your passion. Given your nine years on CSI, is there anything you will carry from the show that will make you a better stage actor? It seems as though many of the two person scenes in CSI play like mini scenes in a play. I always thoroughly enjoy stage-trained actors on television because the talent come through.

And as complicated as the relationship is I cannot imagine anyone else being as good for each other as Grissom and Sara but perhaps that is because I am a bit of a misfit myself! I hope they win out in the end.

Break a leg

Vancouver Canada
Hello Billy. I doubt you will be asked this question as I'm from England and it's an American magazine, but I'll ask anyway! I know you love doing theatre, and we are coming to see your play in Chicago. Do you have any plans to come to London and do a West End play, or even better, do a Kevin Spacey and take up an artistic directorship anywhere?

Yorkshire, England, UK.
With hind sight being 20/20 would you have wanted Sara and Grissom's Romance to have started earlier in the series say season 3 or 4 or not at all? What would you have changed about Grissom character or the show it's self if you, in the beginning had the power, if anything?
Have you already thought about what would have been your nine past years without CSI and Gil Grissom?

Alice / Vannes / FRANCE
Do you think there is a life after Grissom?
Cause I like to see you again in a Big Screen movie like the ones before CSI

thanks and good luck

The Netherlands
Mr. Peterson,
Thanks for a great run. I've watched every episode and can usually tell you the season a rerun is from. Anyway, I was also a huge Quincy fan and loved it when Brass called you that in the second Paul Millander staged suicide episode. I had always hoped (maybe even fantasized) about the writers coming up with an episode where Jack Klugman guest stars, as your old mentor from the LA County's coroner's office, wanting your help to check the DNA from a 30 year old case that has haunted him for years. What are the chances that could happen in the future? Perhaps he could arrive to find out you had just retired, so he looks you up and you work it together with Catherine and Greg, the history buff himself???

You will be missed.
One Question: Would you consider doing a movie of any kind or just stick to plays?

Thank you for your hard work.

Betsy From Utah
Hi Billy!

What is your favorite Grissom scene of all time? What will you miss most about the character?

Lynn O.
Boston, Ma
My question is probably out of the ordinary, but do you think that the CSI effect (ie: a sparked interest in criminology/forensics) is still, well, in effect? (I ask because I'm majoring in criminology with an intention on working as as crime scene investigator) BIG hugs and kisses, and I already miss you on will never be the same.

BIG hugs & kisses

Amberle from Michigan
Hi Mr. Petersen,

I am going to miss you playing Grissom on CSI. We've seen Grissom evolve throughout the show. What aspect of his personality do you love and miss the most?

Thank you so much for playing a great and memorable character. Hope to see you in future episodes of CSI, even though it's just a cameo appearance.

Dorothy from San Francisco
What was the most difficult aspect of Grissom 's character for you to play? Also, is there anything that you would have liked to explore about Grissom that never was written into the show?

Thanks for making Thursday nights worth watching for 9 years!
Tara - Fairbanks, Alaska
Billy -- What do you think you'd be if you weren't an actor? I'm not asking, "what career would you WANT to have," but rather, "what career WOULD you have if you hadn't been able to make it in acting". What else are you good at? (besides golf....)

Eugene, OR
Hi Billy !

I read that you were interested to turn an episode of CSI in Paris. At what stage is this project ? Why Paris ? Why France ?
When you were in the Basque country in 70's, it was a period enlivened in Spain...Franco had not died yet and the Basque freedom fighters continued to commit attacks. How did an American comedian live these various contexts of violence ? What incidences on your activities of theater, on your life at this moment ?

The direction (and sense) which you gave to your career shows your indifference of system star ; it is your strength...keep it !
Take care of you and good luck for the continuation.

Béatrice, Paris, France