Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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I saw this guy on "Dateline" and it showed him before, and after- this "fetus" weas draining him, and living off him, while dead, and now he' got his energy back and look's and feels great-- unreal, HUH?

1920's 10-cent stamp sells for $74,000

Wilmington, DEL.--A 1920's-era 10-cent stamp containing an extradinarily rare printing error sold at an auction for $74,000. The owner of The Stamp Center, which handeled the auction, would not disclose the identify or location of the buyer of the mint-condition unused stamp!! which bears the likeness of President James Monroe. The bid was submitted by telephone as almost 100 people gathered at the center looked on!! The center's owner Keith Marsh, had expected the stamp to fetch between $25,000 and $50,000. While more than 800 million of the stamps were printed between 1923 and 1927, the typical Monroe stamp has 11 perforation holes on all four sides. The stamp sold Friday has only 10 holes, or would have went for more :eek: crap, I'll take it- for that kind of money

Athletics judge speared by javelin.
2.00pm Wednesday September 27, 2006
SAO PAULO - An athletics judge was speared in the foot by a wayward javelin while watching over warm-ups for the national javelin championships in Sao Paulo.
The javelin pierced Lia Marie Lourenco's entire foot, before she fell screaming to the ground.
Medics desperately tried to calm her while an ambulance was called to take her to hospital after the incident on Sunday. The tip of the javelin was successfully removed by surgery.
Lourenco is a well-experienced javelin judge, with more than 10 years of experience, and had entered the warm-up field to recover another fallen javelin.


^I can't believe people can be so careless.

I'm a judge for athletics.
I've thrown javelin since I was 7.

1)Thrower always checks there is no one in landing area.
2) the people up on the field shoudl ALWAYS FOLLOW when others throw javelin so this wouldn't happen

Man I hate when people don't follow :rolleyes:

It's awful that something like this happened - but someone with such an experience - this should not happen. But she can only blame herself.
"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty squirrel!"

Squirrels Go On Attack At South Bay Park
POSTED: 8:49 am PDT September 27, 2006
UPDATED: 8:57 pm PDT September 28, 2006

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- An aggressive squirrel pounced on a 4-year-old boy in an attack last week in Cuesta Park in Mountain View, Calif.

The attack happened as the boy's mother unwrapped a muffin during a picnic.

The boy had to get rabies shot after the attack. He is still getting the shots.

The attack is not the first one reported at the park.

Mountain View Community Services Director David Muela said that as many as six people have been bitten or scratched by squirrels since May, and that the attacks have become more ferocious in the last month.

In response to attacks, the city of Mountain View has announced it plans to start trapping and killing the aggressive tree squirrels.

Over the next three weeks, park workers will set tube-like traps in the trees of Cuesta Park and euthanize captured squirrels "in a humane way," said David Muela, Mountain View's community services director.

Ironically, efforts to curb the behavior may have exacerbated the squirrels' aggressive tendencies, Muela said.

This summer, the city installed new trash receptacles featuring metal tops with a latch that makes it nearly impossible for an animal to rummage through the can in search of food. Increased park ranger patrols and flier distributions cautioning against feeding the animals might have further cut the squirrels' food supply, prompting them to act more assertively in their quest for food.

NBC11 and first ran this story Wednesday and it stirred up a lot of outrage with viewers.

Many have e-mailed, saying that euthanizing the squirrels is the wrong response.

One viewer wrote, "I come to the parks to watch the wild animals, not the humans. I will no longer visit your parks knowing that any of them have become a killing ground for natural wildlife."

Wildlife advocates also oppose the unusual measure of killing the animals and said it won't solve the problem.

"The squirrels will be back," South Bay wildlife rehabilitator Norma Campbell said. "For every one you take out, two more will come in. It could be a never-ending project that isn't going to accomplish anything."

Officials said the increasingly brazen behavior stems from years of being fed by park visitors.

The state Department of Fish and Game recommends against relocating habituated squirrels, he said, because their fear of humans has diminished and the problem is likely to remain. Instead, the department recommends the animals be put to sleep, Muela said.

Muela said the city couldn't afford to wait and see if the squirrels' aggressive behavior goes away eventually, because of the threat posed to public health and safety.

Emphasizing his concern for the welfare of park visitors, Muela said, "We will need the public's cooperation on this, because as long as they continue to feed the squirrels it will exacerbate the problem."

Although the squirrels' behavior has led some to fear the animals might be rabid, Muela said that is highly unlikely because incidents of rabid tree squirrels are extremely rare.
So furry little squrrels aren't that cute :(


Inneapolis, IN.---A 14-yr. old boy was arrested after his 3-yr. old sister was found passed out from drinking hard liquor at their home!! The girl was unconscious when she was taken to a hospital after the other sister called the police Monday night!! The child could have easily died, said Lt. Greg Reinhard. She is recovering and was released to a childrens home, by Wed. morning. The girl's teenage brother wa arrested on Tues. for suspicion of child endangerment. He said the neglect and abuse appeared to have caused the girl's condition, rather that then alcohol poisioning :( The girl's blood alcohol was 0.12 %, authorities said. (where were the parents) GEEZ :mad:
SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) - A Brazilian law designed to ensure fair elections has kept police from arresting a 23-year-old law student who confessed to hiring hitmen to kill his mother.

Adriano Saddi Lima Oliveira told police he paid 40,000 reais ($18,433) to hitmen who killed his mother Marisa, a real estate tycoon, several months ago, a police investigator told local TV. Oliveira told police his mother was squandering his inheritance going out with her boyfriend.

Police wanted to arrest him but were unable to do so because of a law that prohibits anybody from being arrested five days before and two days after an election, unless they are caught in the act of committing a crime.

The law aims to curb heavy-handed tactics -- like a local political chief trying to hang onto power by having his opponents arrested on election day and locked up until polls close.

Brazil holds general elections on Sunday and police say Oliveira will be arrested next week.

© Reuters 2006

Now, how stupid is that?! Some freakin' law is stopping this kid from being arrested right away. He killed his own mother, for heavensake. There is no end to people's stupidity!! :confused:

Legos aren't child's play for a sculptures in Redondo Beach, Valif.--they're his bread and butter!! Henry Lim says he's been creating Lego sculptures of celebrities like Audrey Hepburn, Michelle Pfeiffer, and the "Beatles" for several years now!! and says it takes him a month and thousands of the little squares just to make one sculpture. He says he can pretty much recreate any painting or portrait with legos "just by lookig at it", and he gets requests as far away as Finland. Lim keeps bins of Legos in all shpaes and sizes in his studio and claims he doesn't paint them even if they don't fit his vision. "I'm a Lego purist" OK-- :rolleyes:

The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ
COOL- Finland- of all the countries, that's the one he mentioned ;)


A whopping majority of American bosses are like Steve Carell's character on "The Office"--they think they're doing a good job, but are totlly oblivious to the truth, that some of their employess can't stand them!!! :( According to a new survey by the Hudson staffing company, 92 % of managers consider themselves excellent bosses, however 67 % of their underlings agree and 10 think the boss does a lousy job!! Still, there is one sign that the bosses may be aware of their leadership failings--26 % feel they did not get adequate training to handle their managerial responsibilities!! Meanwhile, 41 % of American workers believe if thier boss was canned, they'd be offered the job, but only half would take it!!

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
The next BIG action movie?

Escaped Hamster Forces Plane to Land
Friday, September 29, 2006
Associated Press

INNSBRUCK, Austria — It wasn't "Snakes on a Plane," but an Austrian Airlines jet made an unscheduled stop as a precaution Friday after a passenger sneaked a hamster aboard and the rodent escaped.

The flight from Palma de Mallorca, Spain, to the southern Austrian city of Graz made a stop in Innsbruck so officials could search for the furry stowaway and make sure it didn't gnaw through any cables, the airline said in a statement.

It said the flight was diverted after a passenger notified the crew that he had brought a hamster aboard and had lost track of the animal. Passengers were ordered off the plane, and some were taken by bus to Graz. It was not immediately clear how many people were aboard the disrupted flight.

CountryWatch: Austria

By mid-afternoon, a search of the aircraft still had not turned up any sign of the hamster, authorities said.

Austrian Airlines said the jet would remain grounded until the hamster was found "because it can't take off that way for safety reasons."
:D :D On the hamster one-


Vienna, Austria--A landlord who unlocked an apartment after his letters announcing a rent increase went unanswered, and fond the body of an elderly tenant, and police believe the man may have died three or four years ago-EWWWWWWWWW- :eek:The remains of the 93-yr. old man, a former professor whose name was not released, were found on Tuesday in a bed after the housing management company got the keys to his apt. and opened up his place, because he didn't respond the letters that were repeately sent to him, requesting a response about the rent increase. Investiagators believe the man may have died at least four years ago, stated Lt. Georg Rabensteiner. He said no one noticed earlier that he had died because his monthly checks were automatically sent to his bank account. GROSS- poor old guy, no friends or family- sad :(

The Buzz- Ken White LVRJ
^I remember hearing those stories in here in Helsinki area. And some people have had adult kids... but who haven't cared for them :( Been in their apartment dead for 2-3 years and no one noticed. Not even neighbours thinking "I wonder where he/she is because I haven't seen in weeks"
Teen repellent is Ig Nobel winner. (BBC).

A device that repels teenagers has won the peace prize at this year's Ig Nobels - the spoof alternative to the rather more sober Nobel prizes.
Welshman Howard Stapleton's device makes a high-pitched noise inaudible to adults but annoying to teenagers.
Other winners included a US-Israeli study into how a finger up the rectum cures hiccups and a report into why woodpeckers do not get headaches.
All the research is real and published in often prestigious journals.
Unlike the recipients of the more illustrious awards, Ig Nobel winners get no cash reward.
Nevertheless eight of the 10 winners this year paid their own way to receive their prizes in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Marc Abrahams, editor of science humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research, which co-sponsors the awards, said: "The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative - and spur people's interest in science, medicine and technology."
Real-life Nobel Laureates demonstrated winning research
The winners are given a one-minute acceptance speech, the time policed by a loud eight-year-old girl.
This year's winners included:
Maths: How many photos must be taken to almost ensure no-one in a group shot has their eyes closed, by Nic Svenson and Piers Barnes
Ornithology: Why woodpeckers do not get headaches, by Ivan Schwab and the late Philip RA May.
Nutrition: Why dung beetles are fussy eaters, by Wasmia al-Houty and Faten al-Mussalam.
Acoustics: Why the sound of fingernails scraping on blackboards is so annoying, by D Lynn Halpern, Randolph Blake and James Hillenbrand.
Medicine: The Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage, by Francis Fesmire, Majed Odeh, Harry Bassan and Arie Oliven.
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