Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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BARICHARA, Colombia (AP) - The first loud crackle tastes and feels like popcorn, but by the time the juices spray wildly in your mouth and the filament-like legs slide down your throat, there's no mistaking this toasted ant queen.

The people of sun-soaked northern Colombia have been eating ants for centuries. They believe the accurately named "hormiga culona" - big-butt queen ant - is everything from a natural form of Viagra to a protein-rich defense against cancer.

Now the invertebrates are going global: A businessman in Santander province exported more than 880 pounds of the inch-long queen ants last year, many of them to be hand-dipped in Belgian chocolate and sold in fancy packaging at $8 for a half dozen at upscale London department stores like Harrods and Fortnum & Mason.

But even as the delicacy begins to expand beyond Colombia, the ants appear to be dwindling in Santander, and that worries the region's ant-eating bipeds.

This year's harvest, which usually begins around Easter and lasts as late as June, was one of the worst on record, with peasants in the artist colony of Barichara reporting half their normal year's haul.

Entomologists say the winter was unusually harsh and spring rains were late, which may have disturbed the virgin queen ants' nuptial flights - the one time a year when they emerge from their dune-like ant hills to seek a mate and form a new colony. Almost as often, the queens are grabbed by lizards, birds or humans.

Expanding fields of beans, tomatoes and tobacco also have replaced the region's last remaining wilderness and farmers consider the leaf-cutting ants - the species atta laevigata - to be serious pests.

"It's an age-old dilemma for the farmer - should I kill it or eat it?" said Andres Santamaria, who was given a $40,000 grant from Santander's government to develop an environmentally sustainable, export-oriented program for breeding the ants.

Whatever the local conditions, overseas demand by itself won't endanger the ant supply, say those involved in the trade.

"We're never going to eat Colombians out of their ants," said Todd Dalton, a 30-year-old chef in London whose yen for the exotic dish led him to create Edible, a novelty food brand whose products are not for the squeamish.

Last year, Edible sold some 220 pounds of the ants, most of them dipped in chocolate, along with other specialties like lollipops with scorpions inside.

In Colombia, people generally toast the ants in salt at community gatherings and eat them as a snack. But there is innovation. Restaurants in Barichara offer an ant-based spread for bread and an ant-flavored lamb sauce.

Stuffed tortilla "atta wraps" led the menu at a recent tasting at the Montreal Insectarium, an insect museum in Canada.

"In France, they're so highly regarded people started calling them the caviar of Santander," said Stephane Le Tirant, curator at the Montreal Insectarium.

During harvest time in Santander, ants by the bagful are sold at almost every roadside stop. But although relatively abundant, they're not cheap - costing as much as $11 a pound.

The culona is a source of regional pride, its image gracing everything from the logo of a long-distance bus company to the provincial La Culona lottery. It also connects locals to the province's indigenous past, when ants were a part of a complex mating ritual of the Guane Indians.

Rising demand from the outside has helped push up prices that peasant harvesters are getting.

"A few years ago they cost half as much," said Hernando Medina, the province's main exporter.

Not everyone is cashing in. Jorge Raul Diaz maintains 37 ant colonies on a small farm outside Barichara, but in homage to native culture, he gives them away.

During last year's harvest, he organized the first culona-gathering contest, in which 22 participants competed over two months to see who could bag the most insects.

Carmen Rondon, a jovial 71-year-old cleaning woman, finished second and won an electric blender.

She no longer eats the ants, because of a near toothless mouth, but Rondon says she eagerly awaits the yearly hunt, when she scrambles about on hands and knees while ants crawl up and down her legs.

"Whenever the culonas come out, I'm there the first day!" she said.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - New Orleans quarterback Adrian McPherson went to the locker room early in the third quarter after a golf cart ridden by the Titans' mascot hit him at the end of halftime Saturday night.

A Saints spokesman wasn't immediately available for an update on the quarterback, who's heading into his second season.

The mascot was riding on a golf cart and throwing items into the stands during halftime, and was heading off the field when the Saints were returning from their locker room for the third quarter.

The cart hit McPherson, who stayed on the field for a few minutes being checked out by a trainer on the sideline. He then walked off the field.
PHOENIX (AP) - Dealing with a strict state law banning junk food and soda, creative educators have thought of a way to feed students chunks of potatoes that aren't fried.

Because of the new state law prohibiting fried food, soft drinks and junk food in K-8 schools during the school day, French fries are off-limits. But now, many school districts think banning French fries - a staple for many youngsters - is simply too much, and are whipping up imitation fries as a consolation prize.

The low-fat impostors go by various names, including oven wedge, oven fry and potato stick. They're baked and have fewer calories.

"They're not bad," said Kelby Lytle, a 13-year-old eighth-grader at Payne Junior High School in Queen Creek "But I still like the old ones better. These are mushier."

Chandler Unified and Mesa Public Schools are among the districts that replaced French fries with baked ones this year. Fries were taken off the regular lunch menu at many schools years ago because of federal limits on fat and calories. But schools could get around this restriction by selling them as a side item.

Arizona's new state law requires that all food sold during the school day in K-8 schools meet certain nutrition standards.

A lot of thought went into the baked fries.

Wes Delbridge, a Chandler Unified food and nutrition supervisor, taste-tested different brands and passed out samples to employees to get their opinions. He said the fries had to bake quickly, not turn soggy under warming lights and, above all, taste good. Except for being lighter in color, the final version looks just like a real fry, although it lacks the old fries' crunch and full-flavored, oily taste.

The oven wedges at Payne Junior High have half the fat and 25 percent fewer calories than French fries.

A 4-ounce bag goes for $1, the same price as the French fries used to run.

Some kids say they're pleased with the change.

"They're good. I love them," said seventh-grader Brock Davis.
TUCSON - Authorities followed their noses to nearly a ton of marijuana hidden in a Tucson stash house.

Pima County sheriff's deputies were on a call about 6:30 a.m. Sunday when they smelled fresh marijuana coming from next door, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a spokeswoman for the department.

The smell got stronger as they approached the house from where the odor was coming, she said.

The deputies contacted the Counter Narcotics Alliance, which obtained a search warrant for the house. When alliance officers entered the house, no one was there.

But they did find 1,835 pounds of marijuana in a room hidden behind a wall, Barkman said.

The house was "obviously a stash house" and had no furniture, she said. The false wall was removed to reveal a door to the room where the marijuana was stored.

The marijuana was taken as evidence.

This stash house was at least the eighth discovered in the Tucson area this year. Tucson is a key logistical point in the illegal drug business, investigators say. Shipments from Mexico make their way to Tucson, where they are stored and distributed to dealers in other cities and states.
PORTAGE, Ind. - A judge fed up with teenage traffic violators is hitting them where it hurts - in the driver's seat - by sentencing them to the embarrassment of riding the school bus.

Porter Superior Judge Julia Jent got the idea after a girl in her court for a moving traffic violation appeared not to take seriously either the offense or the possible fine.

The judge said she knew she had found a way to reach the teen after she ordered her to park her car and ride the school bus.

"The girl cried outside my courtroom. I guess I found the right button," said Jent, who said she's trying to save the lives of young drivers, or at least teach them responsibility.

Jent not only orders teens ages 16 to 18 found guilty of traffic infractions to ride the school bus instead of driving to school, but also warns their parents that they could be held in contempt of court if they drive their child to school.

"Kid does crime, kid does time, and mom and dad can't get them out of it and don't have to feel guilty for not helping," Jent said.

If the teens comply, the case is dismissed.

If they don't -and Jent has been checking with schools and bus drivers to make sure - then the teens' licenses are suspended and they are fined.
LACEY, Wash. (AP) - An anti-tailgating strategy on Interstate 5 backfired in the form of unexpected traffic jams, state transportation officials have discovered.

Officials from the state Transportation Department and Washington State Patrol planned to meet Monday to reassess the $35,000 Two Dots To Safety pilot program on a two-mile stretch of the freeway north of this Thurston County town. Similar programs are in use in Maryland, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

Road crews painted dots 80 feet apart and posted signs telling drivers to stay at least two dots - 160 feet - from the vehicle ahead, based on the traffic safety principle of being at least two seconds behind another vehicle when going 60 mph.

Long backups developed Saturday, the day after the program began, when drivers slowed down because of heavy traffic and continued to maintain the two-dot separation, although that much distance was not necessary at slower speeds, said Lisa Mordock, a Transportation Department spokeswoman.

Road crews covered the signs later Saturday pending reconsideration of the program, including the wording on the signs, Mordock said.
GREEN LAKE, Wis. (AP) - A detour that bypasses road work near this popular vacation spot sends motorists more than 50 miles out of their way, even though there's a five-minute alternative nearby.

The construction work is being done about 10 miles west of Green Lake, on a 10-block stretch of state Highway 23 in Princeton.

Locals avoid the construction by taking legal shortcuts through Princeton's downtown, about a five-minute trip.

But those who follow official signs travel a circuitous route spanning about 50 miles along state Highways 73, 21 and 49.

The official detour is long, but it's the best way to divert non-local traffic around the construction zone, said Kevin Garrigan, Department of Transportation manager for the project.

A detour using county highways would be shorter, he said, but many of those highways weren't built under state standards for lane widths and shoulder widths.

Also, not all county highways can safely handle higher traffic levels, he added.
PAHOKEE, Fla. (AP) - A pregnant woman in labor, driving herself to the hospital, crashed her car and gave birth while trapped in the mangled, partially submerged vehicle, authorities said.

Kenyetta Biggs spent more than an hour in the car Sunday morning before she - and her newborn daughter - were rescued and taken to a hospital, authorities said. Her father said she had not told the family she was pregnant.

Biggs, 21, suffered a broken leg but she and the baby she named Myracle were reported to be doing well.

Palm Beach County sheriff's Deputy Stephen Maxwell had been starting his shift Sunday when he noticed a person's head poking out through some tall grass along a canal bank.

The deputy stopped and found Biggs trying to get out of her partially submerged car. She told him her baby was inside.

"As I looked around her I saw the newborn baby laying in the passenger seat with the placenta and umbilical cord still attached," Maxwell said.

Maxwell and another deputy pried open the door to free Biggs. Police said she had been driving to a hospital and a strong contraction caused her to lose control of the car shortly after 5 a.m.

Biggs' father, Kenneth Biggs, said he figured his daughter didn't tell relatives of her pregnancy because she was afraid of their reaction. None of that matters now, he said.

"We are definitely welcoming this baby with open arms," he said.
ATHENS, Ga. (AP) - Police have been looking for a disgruntled McDonald's customer who ran into two other customers with her car after a dispute over who was next in line.

Melinda Ann Thomas, 34, and Linda Ann Thomas, 51, were standing in a crowded line around 8:30 a.m. Saturday as they waited to order breakfast, police said. A cashier opened a new line and they stepped to the front of it - a move that angered another customer who was waiting to order.

According to the report, the unidentified woman started yelling at them and threatened to kill them.

The woman then left the restaurant before the Thomases and stayed in the parking lot, sitting in her dark blue Jeep Cherokee, witnesses told police. As the Thomases made their way to their car, witnesses said the woman pulled out of her parking space and sped toward the women, striking them both with the passenger side of the Jeep.

Neither woman was badly injured, the police report said.

The woman is being sought by police on charges of aggravated assault.

On May 23 at a McDonald's in Covington, about 30 miles southwest of Athens, a man ran over two women and their three children, killing a 2-year-old. A suspect is facing murder and aggravated assault charges in the attack, for which authorities have said they have no motive.
NIXA, Mo. (AP) - A leisurely Sunday morning turned frightening for one southwest Missouri man when a giant sinkhole opened up and swallowed a portion of his home, including his garage and a car parked inside.

The homeowner was reading the paper when the ground started shifting around 8:30 a.m. Initially, the man thought a tornado was responsible for the loud rumble, said city spokesman Bryan Newberry.

No one was hurt, but at least six other homes in a half-block area were evacuated while geologists evaluated the widening hole. It measured between 55 and 65 feet in diameter and about 75 feet deep.

Newberry said the geologists, including one from Missouri State University, were considering several possibilities, including that an underground cavern gave way.

By early evening, only two homes remained off limits - the partially collapsed residence and another home to the north of it. Newberry said the neighborhood was built in the late 1960s.

"These homes had been there without problems until this point," he said.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Single male (red hair, long arms, interests include hanging in trees and grooming) seeks female for long-distance relationship and possibility of meeting up in future to help save species.

Zookeepers in the Netherlands are planning to hook up Dutch and Indonesian orangutans over the Internet and believe the link could at some stage be used as an online dating service where apes could get to know one another and keepers could work out whether they would be compatible mates.

First things first: A romantic dinner for two.

"We are going to set up an Internet connection between Indonesia and Apeldoorn so that the apes can see each other and, by means of pressing a button, be able to give one another food, for example," said Anouk Ballot, a spokeswoman for the Apenheul ape park in the central Dutch city of Apeldoorn.

She said the chance of two orangutans actually mating as a result of the online interaction was small due to the problem of transporting them between the Netherlands and Indonesia. "But I wouldn't rule it out completely," she told The Associated Press.

Ballot said the primary aim of the computer link between Apenheul and an orangutan center on the Indonesian part of Borneo was to raise public awareness of the apes and their plight. Activists say that the spread of palm oil plantations, coupled with logging, especially on Malaysian and Indonesian territories on Borneo island, is threatening animals such as wild orangutans with extinction by chewing up their native jungle habitat.

Ballot said that, in the past, captive orangutans separated by a wall have communicated with one another via a mirror placed in front of the two enclosures. Using Web cams and computer screens is an extension of that, she said.

She stressed that only orangutans who show a natural interest and aptitude will take part. The Apenheul park has 13 orangutans among its collection of apes.

There is still work to be done to set up the Internet connection. "We need to find ape-proof cables and screens," Ballot said, adding that the zoo hopes to have the orangutans online by the end of this year or early 2007.

So next time you run into someone in a chatroom and think "what a baboon," think twice: it just might be.
JERUSALEM (AFP) - One Israeli woman has received an unexpected boost from her breast implants during the Lebanon war -- the silicone embeds saved her life during a Hezbollah rocket attack, a doctor said.

"This is an extraordinary case, but it's a fact that the silicone implants prevented her from a more serious and deeper wound," Jacky Govrin, of the hospital in Nahariya that treated the woman, told army radio Tuesday.

"The young woman went through surgery two years ago to have a larger chest," he said. "During the war she was wounded in the chest by shrapnel" that got stuck in the implants instead of penetrating further.

The woman did not emerge from her ordeal completely unscathed, however.

"The shrapnel was removed but the implant had to be replaced," Govrin said.
RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- Ignore the reports -- the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology said it does not have the body of the legendary Bigfoot.

An Internet site "reported" that one of the mythological creatures had been shot near Slim Buttes on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and that the body was taken to a School of Mines laboratory for studies.

The school has $14 million in research projects under way, but "no facilities dedicated to Bigfoot or other cryptozoology research," the School of Mines and Technology said in a statement.

The body of Bigfoot was supposedly seen and given a ceremonial treatment by three Lakota elders, including Wilmer Mesteth.

"Tell them it's a bunch of baloney," Mesteth said. "I think someone is playing a practical joke."
David Copperfield says he's found Fountain of Youth
Aug 16, 8:34 AM (ET)
By Jane Sutton

MIAMI (Reuters) - The man who made the Statue of Liberty appear to vanish may soon claim to do the same for unsightly bags and wrinkles.

Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the "Fountain of Youth" in the southern Bahamas, amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $50 million.

One of his islands in the Exuma chain, Musha Cay, is a private resort that rents for up to $300,000 a week and the other islands serve as buffers to keep prying eyes away from celebrity guests on the white sand beaches.

Copperfield is coy about his reasons for the Fountain of Youth claim, but the man best known for entertaining with grand deception insists his archipelago also contains the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth. Seriously.

"I've discovered a true phenomenon," he told Reuters in a telephone interview. "You can take dead leaves, they come in contact with the water, they become full of life again. ... Bugs or insects that are near death, come in contact with the water, they'll fly away. It's an amazing thing, very, very exciting."

Copperfield, who turns 50 next month, said he had hired biologists and geologists to examine its potential effect on humans but he's not inviting visitors to swim in or drink from it just yet.
Too much free time on their hands...

UK firefighters suspended for tumble dryer stunt
Aug 17, 10:25 AM (ET)

LONDON (Reuters) - Four British firefighters were suspended by their force Wednesday over a stunt which saw one of the men spun around in a tumble dryer at their fire station.

The prank, which was filmed on a mobile phone and later broadcast on the Internet, shows one of the officers at Blackley fire station in Manchester climbing into the dryer and padding it with clothes.

The machine is then turned on and he spins around inside a few times while his laughing colleagues look on.

The firefighter then emerges looking dizzy.

"Due to the serious nature of the incident, the decision has been taken to suspend them until the outcome of a disciplinary hearing," said Greater Manchester's Deputy County Fire Officer Tony Proctor.

Media reports said the officer shown in the footage had apologized for his behavior and would be complying fully with the internal investigation.

Footage of the incident can be viewed at:

Pahokee, Fla.---A pregnant woman in labor, driving hereself to the hospital, crashed her car, and gave birth, while trapped in the mangled, partially submerged vehicle, authorites (lord have mercy)Kenyetta Biggs spent more tan an hour in the car Sunday morning beofre she and her newborn daughter were rescued and taken to a hospital, authorities said. Her father said she had not told the family she was pregnant (like they're blind) Biggs. 21, suffered a broken leg, but she and the baby she name Myracle were reported doing well :eek: Palm Beach County sheriff's deputy Steophen Maxwell was starting his shift Sunday when he noticed a persons head poking out throuhg some tall grass along a canal back. The deputy stopped and found Biggs trying to get oput of her partially submerged car. She told him the baby was inside. "As I looked inside, I saw the baby girl laying in the passenger seat with the plancenta and umbiblical cord still attached" He and another duputy pried open the door and rushed them to the hospital. She told authorities that she was driving to the hospital and a strong contraction hit and she lost control of the car. The family while in shock about the baby they didn't know about, are thrilled and happy and welcome the baby girl with open arms ;)
Know when to wear 'em, know when to bare 'em...
Aug 18, 8:33 AM (ET)

LONDON (Reuters) - Up to 200 strip poker players will compete Saturday to see who will lose their shirts -- and more -- and who will scoop 10,000 pounds by retaining their clothes and modesty.

Organized by Irish bookmaker Paddy Power, the inaugural World Strip Poker Championship takes place at the prestigious Cafe Royal in central London with players battling it out in games of "No Limit Texas Hold 'em."

"We are holding the competition because we got so much interest from our spoof April Fool this year about a strip poker competition that we thought, 'why not? let's do it for real," Paddy Power's Darren Haines told Reuters Friday.

He said players of both sexes from over 12 countries would battle it out for the "Gold Fig Leaf" trophy and the right to revel in the title of World Strip Poker Champion.

Aside from strict rules governing the poker play, Paddy Power has laid down clear guidelines on the stripping element -- most importantly that each player starts the match by wearing five items of clothing supplied by the organizers.

Each contestant will be given a towel to sit on and to cover themselves when naked, but only after they have stripped completely.

"Inappropriate behavior," will not be tolerated, said Paddy Power.
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (AP) - A naked man attacked a Cape Girardeau police officer and tried go to grab his gun before officers used a stun gun to subdue him.

The incident happened Sunday afternoon as police responded to a call of an attempted break-in at a trailer park, police spokesman Jason Selzer said. At the scene, police spotted the naked man walking.

As an officer was getting out of his car, the 52-year-old man walked toward the squad car and grabbed the officer, slamming him into the side of the vehicle.

The officer fired his stun gun, but the assailant kept attacking, grabbing at the officer's neck. When the two fell to the ground, the man attempted to grab the officer's handgun, Selzer said.

The officer struck the man's face with his forearm and was able to put the suspect's arms behind his back. A second officer arrived, fired his stun gun at the suspect and handcuffed him, Selzer said.

The man was suspected of being under the influence of drugs, and was taken to a hospital for evaluation.

Charges have not been filed. The officer was not seriously hurt.
GREENWOOD, S.C. (AP) - Thieves stole almost nothing but the kitchen sink from a church after the restaurant-style, stainless steel basin was left outside during renovations.

"We were just giving the painters enough room to work," said the Rev. Wilbert Simpson of the Calvary Grove Baptist Church. "It's sad to think ... that someone would come on God's grounds to steal something."

The sink was left behind a building during renovations to a fellowship hall, and Simpson said someone noticed it was missing over the weekend. A cake warmer was also taken.

Simpson said two weeks ago someone threw rocks through church windows.

"We've been having a time lately," he said. "We are in a secluded-type area, but there are houses all around us. I think (the stolen sink) is more mischief than anything else."

The church is offering a reward for information on the theft.
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Kevin Holder's rap sheet is 43 pages long, dating back to 1980, and he just got another entry - his 226th arrest. Police say they caught him Sunday morning after a brief chase and found burglar tools in his possession.

"He's very well-known to Lincoln police officers," Police Chief Tom Casady said.

Holder's convictions include criminal mischief, marijuana possession, violation of protection order, assault, resisting arrest, assault on an officer, possession of cocaine. Many were misdemeanors, but he also has been sentenced to at least three prison terms for felonies, including a four-year stretch starting in 1996.

"Your average Nebraskan thinks after a prisoner has committed a certain number of crimes (he) will be put away for a long period of time. That doesn't happen," Casady said.

Lancaster County Attorney Gary Lacey said Holder was charged Tuesday with felony possession of burglar tools and prosecutors will urge a judge to treat Holder as a habitual criminal. With another felony conviction, that could result in a sentence of up to 60 years. Holder remained behind bars Tuesday afternoon.

Holder's list of arrests doesn't come close to setting a record for Lincoln-Lancaster County. He's No. 40, police spokeswoman Katherine Finnell said Tuesday.

A number of people have more than 500 arrests in the city of 226,000 people. The record was held by Edward Rooks, who died in 2004, with 652 arrests.
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) - A public meeting to discuss the city's proposed half-cent sales tax ended in fisticuffs between a former police chief and a member of the city's planning commission.

About a dozen people attended Monday night's meeting, which was coming to a close when punches were thrown between retired Norman Police Chief Don Holyfield, 64, who opposes the sales tax, and Planning Commissioner Duane Olinger, 73, who supports it.

Both men acknowledged the scuffle, but claim the other threw the first punch. Olinger told police he suffered a bloody nose in the melee.

"I was a little dazed and a little slow to respond," Olinger wrote in an e-mail to The Norman Transcript. "Just as well, because I was somewhat enraged. I was completely caught off guard and ready to revert to my Korean War days."

Holyfield described the incident as "a little pinchin' contest."

Norman residents will vote Aug. 22 on whether to extend the city's half-cent sales tax to fund public safety and economic development projects.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - A man who was barred from boarding his flight because authorities said he was drunk was arrested a few hours later after he turned up on the airport tarmac.

Christopher Beyerbach, 42, was denied permission to board a flight leaving Charlotte/Douglas International Airport at 10 p.m. Monday, aviation director Jerry Orr said.

"He came back and was disruptive and went away and appeared on the ramp around 12:30 a.m.," Orr said. He declined to say how Beyerbach eluded security.

"Without going into details, in a public facility, you can get to where you aren't supposed to be," Orr said. "There's lots of people, and you can't lock all the doors because some are fire exits."

Airport authorities said they are reviewing security measures.

Beyerbach, of Lexington, S.C., was charged with second-degree trespassing, being intoxicated and disruptive, resisting a public officer and injury to personal property. He was released from jail on $2,000 bond.

A telephone number for Beyerbach was not listed.
VALPARAISO, Ind. (AP) - A man who cursed in court and gave a judge an obscene gesture was thrown in jail and ordered to pen a letter of apology.

Jonathan Wilson, 31, of San Pierre, remained in the Porter County Jail on Wednesday following his outburst, which came after he failed to have a speeding ticket thrown out.

Wilson had faced no more than a fine Tuesday until he reacted with his offensive language and gesture to the ruling by Porter Superior Judge David Chidester. Chidester promptly ordered Wilson jailed and to remain behind bars until he writes a letter of apology.

Chidester said Wilson's letter must convince the judge that Wilson understands why he was found guilty and also that the correct way to challenge a verdict is through an appeal.

Wilson was found guilty of driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone along Indiana 49 in northern Indiana during the early morning hours of June 2.
PHOENIX (AP) - Police have arrested a man who they believe watched women shower, exposed himself and performed sex acts at nine mobile home and RV parks in Mesa.

Forty-five-year-old William Allen Holt Jr. of Gilbert was arrested on seven counts of public sexual indecency, one count of assault, one count of sexual abuse and four counts of making harassing telephone calls. Holt is married with two children.

"I worked sex crimes for 12 or 13 years and I thought I heard it all," said Det. Jerry Gissel, a Mesa police spokesman. "This is how they get their sexual gratification."

The incidents occurred at nine Mesa mobile home and RV parks, several of them clustered on East Main Street, between March and July 2006, police said.

Dan Martin, general manager of the Good Life RV Park, said a female resident reported that a man using an outdoor shower at about 7:30 a.m. last month exposed and fondled himself.

Jean Fogge, manager of the Mesa Spirit RV Park, said one resident in her park screamed when she saw a man peeking over the shower, and then the man left. She said she feels relieved by Wednesday's arrest.

"I think it's terrific," Fogge said.

A resident at one of the parks took a photo of a car and license plate following one of the incidents. The photo led police to Holt. A police booking document said Holt worked for the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale for two months and has a history of misdemeanor convictions for indecent exposure, trespassing and theft.

When police confronted Holt Monday at his home, they say he admitted to most of the crimes but grabbed a gun hidden in a television cabinet and pointed it at himself.

Detectives retreated from the home and called in a SWAT team. After a three-hour standoff, police launched a chemical agent and Holt surrendered peacefully.

Holt was being held on a $180,000 bond at a Maricopa County Jail.
TURNER, Maine (AP) - Residents are wondering if an animal found dead over the weekend may be the mysterious creature that has mauled dogs, frightened residents and been the subject of local legend for half a generation.

The animal was found near power lines along Route 4 on Saturday, apparently struck by a car while chasing a cat. The carcass was photographed and inspected by several people who live in the area, but nobody is sure exactly what it is.

Michelle O'Donnell of Turner spotted the animal near her yard about a week before it was killed. She called it a "hybrid mutant of something."

"It was evil, evil looking. And it had a horrible stench I will never forget," she told the Sun Journal of Lewiston. "We locked eyes for a few seconds and then it took off. I've lived in Maine my whole life and I've never seen anything like it."

For the past 15 years, residents across Androscoggin County have reported seeing and hearing a mysterious animal with chilling monstrous cries and eyes that glow in the night. The animal has been blamed for attacking and killing a Doberman pinscher and a Rottweiler the past couple of years.

People from Litchfield, Sabattus, Greene, Turner, Lewiston and Auburn have come forward to speak of a mystery monster that roams the woods. Nobody knows for sure what it is, and theories have ranged from a hyena or dingo to a fisher or coydog, an offspring of a coyote and a wild dog.

Now, people are asking if the mystery beast and the animal killed over the weekend are one and the same.

Wildlife officials and animal control officers declined to go to Turner to examine the remains. By Tuesday, the carcass had been picked clean by vultures and there was not much left of the dead animal.

Loren Coleman, a Portland author and cryptozoologist, said it's unlikely that the animal was anybody's pet.

After reviewing photos of the carcass, Coleman said he was bothered by the animal's ears and snout. It reminded him of a case years ago in northern Maine in which an animal shot by a hunter could not be identified. In the end, wildlife officials got a DNA analysis that showed the animal was a rare wolf-dog hybrid, he said.

Mike O'Donnell, who is married to Michelle O'Donnell, said the animal looked "half-rodent, half-dog" to him.

It was charcoal gray, weighed between 40 and 50 pounds and had a bushy tail, a short snout, short ears and curled fangs hanging over its lips, he said. It looked like "something out of a Stephen King story."

"This is something I've never seen before. It's an evil-looking thing," he said.
ALEXANDRIA, Ind. (AP) - This cool cat has traded in his catnip for some bling. Sebastian, a one-year-old Persian with long black hair, sports gold crowns on his two bottom canines, which grew sticking out from his lips in an underbite similar to a bulldog's.

His owner, dentist David Steele, said he gave Sebastian gold crowns to help strengthen the fanged feline's teeth. Steele said he was worried the unique canines would break off or become a problem.

"It's possible to work on animals the same way we do humans," he said. "I did it to strengthen (Sebastian's) teeth, but it had an excellent cosmetic result. The cat gets a lot of attention now. Everyone is tickled to death when they see him."

Sebastian's two gold teeth protruding from his furry face make him seem a little menacing, like a hip-hop star's guard-cat or a movie villain's pet. The feline didn't seem too happy with his new look at first.

"He's normally around me all the time," Steele said. "After I put the crowns on, he didn't 'speak' to me for two days."

When Sebastian was tranquilized about a month ago to get his coat trimmed, Steele used the occasion to take impressions of his teeth. He then sent those impressions to a company that prepares crowns for his human patients.

"They called back and asked me what I was up to," Steele said.

Two weeks ago, veterinarian Larry Owen tranquilized the cat at the Alexandria Animal Hospital about 30 miles northeast of Indianapolis so Steele could do the dentistry work, which took about 15 minutes to complete.

Owen said putting gold crowns on teeth can be done for any pet with a dental problem.

"Mostly, though, it was a fun thing to do," Owen said. "(Steele is) always up to something or trying something new."

Steele said he has put a crown on a cat once before, after the animal was hit by a car. He also put a gold crown on his Boston terrier.

Steele said the cost for each gold tooth is about the same as for humans - about $900 each.
An Erath County man fell to his death Saturday after becoming airborne in a parachute while tethered to a parked truck, a state trooper said Wednesday.

Kelly Mills, 33, and some friends found the old parachute while cleaning out a barn, said Cpl. Kenneth Bratton of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

The group wanted to try out the parachute, and Mills volunteered to be strapped in, the friends told investigators.

They took the parachute to a field off County Road 208 and tethered Mills to a pickup truck with a rope, Bratton said.

The friends held the parachute open until the wind caught it and lifted Mills 30 to 40 feet in the air, Bratton said.

"Unfortunately, the wind stopped, and he fell straight down," he said.

Wind gusts in Erath County were 15 to 20 mph Saturday afternoon but with many calm periods, according to the National Weather Service.

The Tarrant County Medical Examiner has ruled Mills' death an accident.

(I see a potential darwin award winner.)
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - A perfect score on the American College Testing exam is rare enough. Same goes for perfection on the SAT Reasoning Test. Acing both? No statistics are available on how many students manage that feat, but it's a safe bet that Bishop Carroll High School senior Jakub Voboril doesn't have a lot of company.

"Suffice it to say, it's a very, very small number," said Brian O'Reilly, a spokesman for the College Board, which administers the SAT.

Voboril, 17, learned last month that he had scored a 36 on his ACT, which he took in June. His perfect score, one of only two in Kansas on the June test, came after he scored 32 and 34 on his first two tries.

"Part of me said, 'That's good enough. You can stop there,'" he said. "But I decided to take it one more time to see what happened."

The perfect score came despite a bad night before the ACT.

"I get really nervous before tests," he said, "so I didn't sleep very well that night."

He took the SAT the same week. Those results - a perfect 2400 - came in shortly after Voboril got his ACT scores.

About 1.5 million students took the SAT last year, and fewer than 300 got perfect scores.

"It wasn't so much a feeling of, 'Wow, I'm shocked,' because I went in thinking I could do this," he said. "So it's just a good feeling. I'm really happy."

He had only one tip for those who would do well on the SAT: Go to the College Board's Web site and sign up for the "Official SAT Question of the Day."

"They send you one question every day, right to your inbox," he said. "So you get a feel for the types of questions, but you don't have to sit down for a couple hours and take a practice test."

Beyond that, he has no quick answer for how he did so well.

"It's weird, because before I took it, I checked out a couple books from the library. I expected there to be this big secret that all the smart people had that I just had to read.

"But I found out there's not a secret formula. Obviously, you have to pay attention in classes, take classes that are going to teach you what you need to know - that sort of thing."

Voboril participates in Science Olympiad, Scholars Bowl and debate at Bishop Carroll, where he has earned straight A's in advanced-placement classes. His mother, Pam, is a school nurse there, and his father, Bob, is superintendent of Catholic schools in Wichita.

His two older sisters, Millie and Katie, were valedictorians both at Carroll and at Benedictine College in Atchison.
The next article is extremely long, so I'm only posting the first couple paragraphs.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. (AP) - As a chocolatier to the rich and famous, Martucci Angiano has posed with many celebrities - but on Thursday she held in her hand a figure that dazzles her more than any Hollywood star.

Workers at Angiano's gourmet chocolate company, Bodega Chocolates, discovered under a vat a 2-inch-tall column of chocolate drippings that they believe bears a striking resemblance to the Virgin Mary.
CHICAGO - A lucky adolescent male bottlenose dolphin is back to living nude and free in Florida's Sarasota Bay after making a potentially fatal wardrobe choice early this summer.

The 10-year-old dolphin, known as Scrappy, probably owes its life to a Brookfield Zoo marine mammal research team that works year round in the bay.

The drama began July 6, when a member of the team working in the bay spotted Scrappy unaccountably and uncomfortably swimming around while wearing a black, Speedo-brand man's bikini swimsuit.

"He must have found the swimsuit floating in the water," said Randall Wells, a population biologist who runs the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program for the Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield Zoo's parent organization.

"Somehow he got his head and torso through the waist and one of the leg holes of the suit, and it was hugging him right where his pectoral fins and body meet."

The project team, which has been tracking and observing 150 resident dolphins in the bay for the last 36 years, began looking for Scrappy every day. They feared the tight-fitting, non-rotting synthetic cloth suit could injure or kill the dolphin as "drag" force from swimming pushed it into the soft skin in front of the pectoral fins.

"Eventually it could cut deeply enough to sever arteries, causing him to bleed," Wells said.

When the swimsuit was still stubbornly clinging to Scrappy after three weeks, the team got an emergency rescue authorization from federal officials who monitor its work in the bay.

Scrappy's capture turned into an all-day ordeal for the depantsing team Wells organized Aug. 3. Five fast boats carrying 31 people raced across the bay after the animal, trying to surround it with a net.

In one close call, the net got caught in a boat propeller, allowing the dolphin to swim away. In a second encounter, Scrappy adroitly evaded the net by leaping over it. Late in the day they were able to bring the dolphin aboard a boat.

The suit had made cuts a half-inch deep and three-quarters of an inch long in front of each fin. Scrappy was visibly underweight and also had a fresh, visible but non-serious shark bite, both conditions probably caused by a hampered ability to swim because of the suit.

"We had been prepared to take him ashore to our veterinary hospital," said Wells, whose team works out of Sarasota's Mote Marine Laboratory research facility. "But that is the last thing we wanted to do. We don't like to have our dolphins becoming familiar with humans, which can happen during extended veterinary care.

"We felt his injuries weren't that serious, so after we removed the swimsuit, we cleaned the wounds and gave him a strong antibiotic. Then we attached a small radio tag to one of his fins and, after about half an hour, we let him go."

With the radio tag, his team can locate the animal easily every day, Wells said, and Scrappy, who as an immature male still lives mostly by himself, has shown no ill effects from his wardrobe experiment.

"One of the comedians on our team said the lesson in all this is that Speedos can be a threat to more than just good taste," Wells said.

"I suppose the real lesson for humans is that, if you bring something to the beach or on your boat, take it home with you. Anything you leave behind could have dire consequences for wildlife."

CANTON, Conn. (AP) - An emu that took flight - not easy for a bird that can't fly - was captured in Canton on Thursday, six weeks after it fled a West Simsbury farm with a companion that is still on the loose.

The native Australian emu, known as Louise, was busted by a dog. Patrick Sullivan, 11, heard his dog barking, went outside his Canton home and saw what he called a "huge bird."

"I came running in to tell my mom and everyone else," Patrick said. "They were shocked to see this bird standing out in our yard."

His brothers corralled the bird by leading it to a shed. The emu ran into a nearby woods, but the captors bribed it with wheat bread and it soon entered an area cordoned off by rope.

Nevin Christensen, a worker at Flamig Farm where the emu lived, arrived with four helpers. He grabbed the bird and the others used rope to secure its legs, which are known for their strong kick.

Louise was returned by truck to the farm where she "seemed sort of resigned," Christensen said.

The bird appears to be fine, he said.

One emu remains on the lam. An emu has been spotted not far from where Louise was picked up, but it's unclear if that bird was Louise or her missing compatriot.

"The saga continues," Christensen said.

(That remindes me of the time I had/found a turkey in my driveway)
LONDON (AP) - A naked performance artist who says she experienced fantasies of "interspecies metamorphoses" while working with dead pigs has angered British animal rights activists.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals criticized an exhibition where artist Kira O'Reilly sits naked for hours with a dead pig, planned for Friday evening at the Newlyn Art Gallery in Penzance, southwest England.

"As Miss O'Reilly seems to have to depend on the shock value of using a murdered pig as a prop, perhaps lacking the talent to make it as a proper artist, may we suggest she take up a day job instead to pay the bills?" PETA said Friday in a statement. "Cruelty is not entertainment."

The exhibition is called "Inthewrongplaceness" and is described on the Tract Live Art Web site as a "slow crushing dance with a pig for one person at a time." About two dozen people have booked to see the exhibition - people watch the performance alone, for a maximum of 10 minutes - gallery director James Green said.

There had been no complaints from the public, and it has been performed before without problems, he said.

"Clearly, the piece is controversial in many respects; in part it is intentionally so," Green said.

On the Tract Live Art Web site, O'Reilly is quoted as saying that when she first started working with a dead pig she began making "fiercely tender and ferocious identifications with the pig."

"The work left me with an undercurrent of pigginess, unexpected fantasies of mergence and interspecies metamorphoses began to flicker into my consciousness," she said.
LAS VEGAS (AP) - City officials have made it illegal to sleep within 500 feet of urine or feces, but the city attorney says the new law was passed by mistake and won't be enforced.

The new ordinance makes it illegal to "knowingly establish" sleeping quarters near defecation unless that "deposit" is made in an appropriate sanitary facility. It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.

City Attorney Brad Jerbic says the council will consider a revised version of the ordinance that shortens the distance between sleeper and deposits.

"We were reviewing all park rules, including sleeping, camping and a number of other things people associate with parks," Jerbic said Thursday. "The decision, by me, was to take this (provision) out of the defecation urination bill and look at it with respect to park rules in general. It was my mistake that it didn't come out."

The law has been signed by Mayor Oscar Goodman, but Jerbic said law enforcement personnel will be told not to enforce the no sleeping near feces and urine provision. A revised ordinance will appear on the Sept. 6 council agenda, he said.

Homeless and civil rights advocates said the ordinance is another attempt by city officials to target the homeless.

"Seriously, are you kidding me?" asked Lee Rowland, public advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada. "I don't know how on earth a police officer would determine whether someone has knowingly set up shop next to" urine or feces.

An ordinance making it illegal to feed homeless people in parks passed July 19 and a lawsuit was filed shortly after by the ACLU saying the ordinance violates civil rights.

City officials say the ordinances are aimed at getting homeless people out of city parks and into city services.
(This gives me an idea for a CSI episode. Can you imagine "CSI sleeping near piss unit")
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A woman is suing the J.C. Penney Co. (JCP) after an alleged run-in with a store mannequin that she says left her with a cracked tooth, a bloodied head and recurring shoulder pain.

Diana Newton, 51, of Westminster sued the Texas-based retailer last month in Orange County Superior Court, claiming she was cracked in the head by a legless female dummy at its Westminster Mall store.

Newton said the incident happened nearly a year ago in the women's department, as she was shopping for a blouse. The only one in her size was on the mannequin. As a salesclerk was removing the garment, the dummy's arm flew off and struck Newton's head, according to her lawsuit.

"I felt a burning sensation," she recalled.

Paramedics treated her bleeding scalp at the scene. Newton drove herself home, then had someone take her to a hospital for further treatment.

The blow also cracked a molar, which led to a root canal, she said.

The suit seeks unspecified damages.

A spokeswoman for J.C. Penney said the company doesn't comment on pending litigation.
KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) - It might sound like a chocoholic's dream, but stepping into a vat of bubbling chocolate became a two-hour nightmare for a 21-year-old man Friday morning.

Donovan Garcia, an employee of a company that supplies chocolate ingredients, said he was pushing the chocolate down into the vat at Debelis Corp. because it was stuck. But it became loose and he slid into the hopper.

"It was in my hair, in my ears, my mouth, everywhere," said Garcia, who has worked at the company for two years. "I felt like I weighed 900 pounds. I couldn't move."

The chocolate was 110 degrees, hotter than a hot tub, said Capt. Greg Sinnen of the Kenosha Fire Department.

Co-workers, police and firefighters tried to free the man but couldn't get him loose until the chocolate was thinned out with cocoa butter.

"It was pretty thick. It was virtually like quicksand," said police Capt. Randy Berner.

Garcia was treated for minor injuries at a nearby medical center and released
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese woman has appeared in court accused of transporting panties and long johns soaked in heroin, state media said Friday.
Wang Zhiqin, 42, from Wuhan, capital of China's central province of Hubei, was charged with transporting 1.44 kg (3.2lb) of heroin soaked into 15 items of underwear, the China Daily said.

"Drug tests apparently detected heroin on them and Wang was arrested after a tip-off," the China Daily said.

Wang pleaded innocent during her trial at a Shanghai court Thursday, saying the tainted underwear had been planted in her luggage, a pink trunk, after two men in Kunming, capital of the southwestern Yunnan province, offered her a job and a plane ticket to Shanghai.

Wang's lawyer queried the investigating police's methods, who derived the quantity of heroin by weighing the drug-soaked underwear, the paper said.

"There is no evidence of the exact purity and quantity of the heroin, and there is no evidence proving Wang was aware of what she was carrying," the paper quoted the lawyer as saying.

If convicted, Wang could face the death penalty, the paper said.

A chicken living in Sweden has changed from a female chicken to some sort of rooster :eek:, complete with comb and multicolored tail---and it evens crows. The chicken was born a female last year but the owner knew from the start it "was strange" YEAH!!!

A bar in Nanjing, China, is letting it';s patrons let off some steam. The Rising Sun Anger Relase Bar allows patrons to smash glasses, scream ,and even hit the bartenders to release anger and tension (glad I don't work there) :(

An elderly man in Wolf Laurel, N.C., is facing assult charges after shooting a paramedic who was trying to help him out of his car. Emergency workers were responding to a call from the man's wife, who said he was intoxicated and wanted him escorted home safely

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
NEW YORK - New York City police said a 28-year-old Queens man was stabbed in the stomach Friday after he came on to a lesbian in the West Village. Police said Dwayne Buckle was in critical condition Saturday at Saint Vincent's Hospital, where he underwent surgery on his liver.

Investigators said Buckle was stabbed after he stopped a 19-year-old woman and told her she was pretty.

The Daily News reported in its Saturday editions that Buckle, who the paper described as a ?DVD bootlegger in the West Village,? spat on the 4-foot-11 woman after she rebuffed him.

According to police, the woman pulled out a steak knife and stabbed Buckle.

Joining in the attack were the woman's six friends ranging in age from 18 to 31, according to police. The Daily News said they beat him with belts, and punched and kicked him.

Police arrested the women a block away on charges of attempted murder and gang assault. They were arraigned early Saturday morning.

The paper quoted one of the women as saying that ?he called us [homophobic slur] and he said he was going to f-- us all.?

?He spat on us and threw a cigarette,? another of the woman told the Daily News. ?This is a hate crime,? she said hours after the incident, as police led the seven suspects out of the 6th Precinct stationhouse.

According to a published report in Saturday's editions of the New York Post, relatives and friends of the women -- who are all from Newark -- said they are lesbians and denied the women attacked Buckle. The Daily News referred to the women as ?a gang of petite but ornery lesbians."
Why was this guy in the West Village in the first place? strange :(


Trying to pick up someone at a bar? To minimize chances of rejection, go for the person drinking bottled beer. People who prefer drinking bottled beer were the most accommodating of things such as "bad breath" "body order" and "belching", according to a new survey of beverage drinkers by the Aluminum Can Council. But the things that turn them off include "too much makeup" "being self-absorbed" and "lame pickup lines" However, wine drinkers are most offended by "body order" "belching" and "being self-absorbed" Canned beer drinkers are bugged the most by "too much make-up" "bad dancing" and "people who leech free drinks" (guess that leaves me out} :D who does these stupid surveys-- amazing and dumb :(

The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ

An Illinois farm is hosting a "corny" event that is sure to leave some people puzzled. The Richardson Farm in Spring Grove, Ill, currently boasts what is being billed as the "Worlds Largest Corn Maze" a 12.6-mile designer corn maze where people can wind their way through acres of corn. The maze salutes the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Cubs and one part of the maze is shaped like a baseball glove!!! Event coordinator Carol Richardson says it's possible to get lost in such a large maze, so she recommends snacking before conquering the trails, because "our corn is sterile and not edible"

Souce- The Buzz- Ken White-LVRJ
MILFORD, Conn. (AP) - Police have arrested two Stratford women accusing them of scamming a woman out of $145,000 through some bizarre rituals including drinking rooster blood.

Maria dos Santos, 52, and her daughter, Shirley Iannucci, 30, were arrested by police Tuesday on charges of first-degree larceny and conspiracy.

Police said the two women had become friendly with the alleged victim who was going through a divorce last year.

According to court documents, the alleged victim feared for her life after dos Santos told her that "God was going to kill her." The city woman called police in January, the day after dos Santos performed a satanic ritual in her West River Street home that included drinking blood from a dead rooster, according to the arrest warrant affidavit.

Dos Santos persuaded the victim to let her handle all of her financial affairs while the divorce was pending, according to court documents.

Both women were released after posting bond and are expected to be arraigned Sept. 5.
SPICELAND, Ind. (AP) - A postcard that a mother mailed to her son in 1948 was finally delivered to the recipient - but only after the town's postmaster bought it on eBay.

Spiceland Postmaster Judy Dishman, away from her office on leave, bought the postcard because it featured a country view of the Spiceland area, about 40 miles east of Indianapolis. Dishman noticed the postcard was addressed to 82-year-old Charles "Rocky" Rose of Spiceland, so she delivered it.

The card was from Rose's late mother, Dollie Rose. The mother and son used penny postcards to exchange news during the 1940s, while the son was working in Lima, Ohio, and the mother was in Spiceland, about 100 miles west.

Part of the address is crossed out, and Rose isn't sure why the postcard was never mailed or where it has been for the last 58 years. The postcard reads in part, "Hi Buddy. How's my boy? Fine I hope."

To Rose, the words are priceless.

"I wouldn't sell it for nothing on earth," he said.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A customer carrying a gun foiled a man who attempted to rob a fast-food restaurant with a screwdriver in his pocket, police said.

William McMiller Jr., 40, was being held at the Marion County jail Friday on an $80,000 bond for an initial charge of robbery.

He demanded money and threatened to shoot a cashier at the Kentucky Fried Chicken on the city's west side Thursday afternoon, according to Indianapolis police.

McMiller ordered a bucket of chicken then told the cashier, "Give me the money before I shoot you," police said.

He held his hand in his back pocket as if reaching for a gun, police said, then began to climb over the counter.

Paul Sherlock, a customer sitting in the dining room, approached and pulled out his 9 mm handgun.

He held McMiller at gunpoint until police arrived. Officers found a long screwdriver, but no gun, in McMiller's pocket.

Sherlock had a valid gun permit, police said.
VALPARAISO, Ind. (AP) - A judge was not moved by a man's apology for cursing and making an obscene gesture in court, sentencing him to 10 days in jail.

"This 'apology' is hardly calculated to impress this court with the defendant's contrition," Porter Superior Court Judge David Chidester wrote in his order Thursday.

Chidester said he sentenced Jonathan Wilson, 31, to more jail time because the San Pierre man continues to try to persuade the court to throw out a speeding ticket.

Wilson was ticketed June 2 for driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on Indiana 49. On Tuesday, he tried to persuade Chidester to dismiss the ticket. When the judge didn't, Wilson made his outburst in court.

Chidester told Wilson he could avoid a contempt of court charge by writing an apology that convinces the judge that the man understands why he was found guilty and also that the correct way to challenge a verdict is through an appeal.

In the letter, faxed from the jail late Wednesday, Wilson apologized for disrupting the courtroom with his language and gesture. He then stated that he did not understand why he was found guilty, adding, "If the judge believes his sentence is fair and impartial, I have no choice but (to) follow his orders."

Chidester said Wilson came to court seeking a confrontation. Wilson was found sleeping in the courtroom before business began and when awakened, confronted security, Chidester said.

Chidester said Wilson failed to take responsibility for his actions and that not punishing him would show contempt for the law.

"Defendant's actions and words were a threat to the administration of justice," Chidester wrote.

Wilson had been facing no more than a fine for the speeding ticket before his outburst. Wilson is set to be released Aug. 24. He also was ordered to pay a $200 fine, $109 in court costs and had his license suspended for a year.
WATERLOO, Iowa (AP) - A man's robbery attempt was thwarted by employees of a fast food restaurant after he climbed through the drive-up window demanding money, police said.

Jacob Mason Choi Koelling, 24, of Waterloo, was arrested early Thursday morning after he was restrained by employees at a Hardee's restaurant, police said.

The dining area of the restaurant was closed, so Koelling placed his order for a bacon, egg and cheese combo at the drive-up window, police said.

They said he told employees he couldn't open his door to pay, so he parked his car and walked to the drive-up window. He then crawled through the window and demanded money, said Thane Soderstrom, 19, a restaurant employee.

Koelling was armed with a long cardboard tube covered in black tape, police said.

Another employee wrestled with Koelling while Soderstrom called for help, police said.

Koelling was charged with first-degree robbery and burglary.
KINGMAN, Ariz. (AP) - A man angry at firefighters who refused to rescue a cat from a tree was arrested after he started shooting at the fire crew, officials said.

Jeffrey Cullen, 58, was charged with four felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, Mohave County Sheriff's spokeswoman Trish Carter said.

A three-person fire crew went to Cullen's home Thursday when he reported a tree fire, but found no blaze, Hualapai Valley Fire Department spokeswoman Sandy Edwards said.

Instead, Cullen told firefighters he wanted a cat rescued from his tree and knew they would only respond to a fire call, Edwards said. A battalion chief told Cullen to call animal control or wait for the cat to get hungry and come down.

Cullen apparently didn't like the response, Edwards said.

"He went back into the house, got a small black revolver and came outside shooting," she said.

The firefighters and a 12-year-old boy who had come to see the fire truck ran for their lives, Edwards said. No one was injured.

Deputies arrested Cullen after a brief standoff and struggle.
CALGARY - Some consumers hoping to use a 1-800 line to book flights on WestJet Airlines are getting offers for a completely unexpected kind of service.

"Hey there, sexy guy! Welcome to an exciting new way to go live, one-on-one with hot, horny girls waiting right now to talk to you," purrs the female voice at the end of a 1-800-WestJet phone call.

The voice promises anything the caller wants for just $3.99 US per minute.

It apparently is not a side business dreamed up by WestJet CEO Clive Beddoe to improve the airline's bottom line.

"The 1-800-WestJet number has nothing to do with WestJet at all," sighed Gillian Bentley, a spokeswoman for the Calgary-based airline.

"It is a company out of the U.S. and that number was already used when WestJet first applied for a 1-800 number back in 1997," she explained.

The information surfaced a few years ago, she said, and WestJet employees are fully aware of it.

"You get the odd one who doesn't," she said with a laugh. "I get an odd e-mail saying, 'Did you know?' And I write back and say, 'Yes.' "

WestJet settled for 1-888-WestJet and 1-800-538-5696 for its reservation numbers.

"Unfortunately some people do dial the other number and they do get that line, but it has never been used in any form against WestJet," Bentley said.

The line has caught the eye and tickled the funny bones of many travellers on the Forum blog on the Internet.

"Maybe you guys have cracked Clive's secret revenue source ... Maybe this is one of WestJet's add-on value-added services?" quipped one participant.

"Thinking how 'relaxed' WestJet is, I thought that was some kind of special opening, so I continued to listen for a few more seconds. The more I listened, the more I thought ... what did I call?' wrote another.

Even a Calgary airline analyst was caught off guard after listening to the recording.

Rick Erickson said he thought at first it might be the brainchild of WestJet vice-president Sean Durphy, who once came up with some suggestive ads that the airline never did use.

"They were really on the cheeky side and there were sort of sexual overtones to those too," Erickson chuckled. "So I thought, whoa, what is Sean kind of hatching on us now?"

It's doubtful WestJet will lose business because of the sex line, said Erickson.

"I don't think it's going to be any kind of an issue to WestJet customers. WestJet is just victimized, if you will, and it's just bad luck."
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian businessman born with two penises wants one of them removed surgically as he wants to marry and lead a normal sexual life, a newspaper report said Saturday.

The 24-year-old man from the northern state of Uttar Pradesh admitted himself to a New Delhi hospital this week with an extremely rare medical condition called penile duplication or diphallus, the Times of India said.

"Two fully functional penes is unheard of even in medical literature. In the more common form of diphallus, one organ is rudimentary," the newspaper quoted a surgeon as saying.

The surgery was expected to be challenging as both organs were well-formed and full blood supply to the retained penis had to be ensured to allow it to function normally, he added.

The newspaper did not disclose the identity of the man or the hospital to protect the patient's privacy.

There are about 100 such reported cases of diphallus around the world and it is known to occur among one in 5.5 million men, the newspaper said.

It is caused by the failure of the mesodermal bands in the embryo to fuse properly. The mesodermal bands are one of three primary layers of the embryo from which several body parts are formed.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Two German women complaining on office email about their partners' poor sex drive found the details of their private lives broadcast to thousands after one of them hit the wrong button, Bild newspaper said on Saturday.

"Everyone stares at us now and whispers behind our backs," Anica G., a 21-year-old worker at the Federal Labour Office, told Bild.

The emails between Anica and colleague Christina S., with descriptions on how the women try but fail to arouse their partners, were first sent by accident to other colleagues in their department at the Labour Office.

They were then forwarded to thousands throughout the Labour Office and other government agencies and widely distributed by recipients to people across Germany.

Anica told the daily she and her colleague had not broken any rules because the emails were written on breaks.
AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Longhorns earned another national title Monday, not for football but as the country's best party school. But Arizona State University in Tempe didn't crack the Top 10.

The University of Texas at Austin beat Penn State University, West Virginia University and last year's winner, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the Princeton Review survey of 115,000 students at campuses around the country.

ASU, which fell from the Princeton Review's top 10 last year, remained off the list again this year, though it was in Playboy magazine's top 10.

Texas topped the overall list - its first time atop the Princeton Review chart - by ranking second in the use of hard liquor, third in beer drinking and 13th in marijuana smoking.

For the ninth straight year, Brigham Young University was voted the most "stone cold sober" school.

UT spokesman Don Hale said campus leaders don't take such rankings very seriously.

"I know there were a lot of good parties here after we won the national football championship, and I'm going to guess that a lot of the kids who filled out the survey remembered those parties," he said.

Student body president Danielle Rugoff said the school had a vibrant social scene even before the top ranking. With about 1,000 student groups, including more than 50 social sororities and fraternities, it's easy to find a way to unwind after a long day of studying, she said.

"It's such a unique environment," said Rugoff, a senior government major. "It allows for students to just live life to the fullest and have such a rich academic environment and rigorous academic program and still have an amazing time and enjoy being in college."

The party school list is included in the Princeton Review's "Best 361 Colleges" guide, which goes on sale Tuesday. The company is not affiliated with Princeton University.

It contrasts with U.S. News and World Report's annual guide to "America's Best Colleges," where UT-Austin tied with four other schools in 47th place.

Rugoff said administrators and student leaders work hard to help students make good decisions about alcohol and drugs.

Despite those efforts, a freshman died of acute alcohol poisoning in December as a result of fraternity hazing.

Tests showed Phanta "Jack" Phoummarath's blood alcohol level was 0.50 percent, more than six times the legal limit. University officials canceled Lambda Phi Epsilon's status as a registered student organization until 2011 after an investigation found new members were expected to drink large amounts of liquor.

The author of the Princeton report, Robert Franek, said the lists are simply meant to provide more information for high school students.

"It's simply finding that community both inside and outside of the classroom that I think is the challenge for many students," he said.
BISMARCK, N.D. - Chicken was a part of the wedding of Terry Morris and Renee Biwer, but it had nothing to do with the menu or the name of a popular dance.

Henrietta, a hen, was a bridesmaid.

"She was a very good girl," maid of honor Paulette Winn said. "She wanted to eat part of the flower she was wearing."

Henrietta is the pet of the groom. About the size of a dove, she fit into the crook of flower girl Jasmyne Morris' arm.

Jasmyne, 8, said holding the hen through the ceremony was boring, but overall "it was fun."

Jasmyne, who is Terry Morris' granddaughter, has known Henrietta all of her life. "You can play with her, and she's a tame chicken," she said.

It was only natural for Henrietta to be in the wedding, Renee Morris said.

"She's a part of the family, and like one of our children," she said. "It is important to include her."
SEDALIA, Mo. - Stacey Robinson has a special tool for his art: a chainsaw.

For 15 years at the Missouri State Fair, he's been carving up chunks of wood, preferably oak and walnut, and turning them into all sorts of characters.

From old men to coyotes, Robinson says he stamps at least a hint of himself into each work.

"I've got my own style," he said.

He estimates that during the 11-day fair, which ended Sunday, he and his son, Clint, 22, used about 220 feet of logs that were 14 to 20 inches wide. The carvings were sold at an auction Saturday. Proceeds benefit the Missouri State Fair Foundation.

On Thursday, Robinson started out with a large section of oak. An hour later, it had been turned into a statuesque, shaggy-haired buffalo. Robinson created as many as 40 pieces in 11 days in front of audiences.
MONTREAL (CP) - What are the odds of believing you've won the Lotto 6-49 jackpot for a few hours and then realizing your numbers were wrong?

Ulysse Maillet thought he'd won a share of the $42-million prize on Aug. 12 after he checked the list of winning lottery numbers the next day in the Montreal Gazette.

But it turns out the numbers were a repeat of the winning numbers from the 6-49 draw three days earlier. There was no disclaimer at the bottom of the page telling readers to officially check their numbers with the lottery.

Maillet was back at work on Monday after taking a week off to deal with the shock of realizing he was not $10 million richer.

"That's what I really had won as far as I was concerned for four or five hours," Maillet said in an interview. "Everybody was saying what are the chances of something like this happening."

"I guess they are as rare as winning the 6-49 itself. . the wrong printing of the wrong six numbers and I go and grab them all."

Now Maillet is seeking "a fair settlement" from the newspaper for the "devastation" he says he suffered.

Maillet, who plays the lottery seven days a week, says he never bothered to check to make sure the winning numbers were official.

"I never go there because I've been playing the lottery for a good 30 to 35 years and I always go to Page 2 and check my numbers. I never had a problem before."

The 64-year-old car salesman says that a week later, he and his family are still upset.

Maillet, who has seven children, said the tears have been flowing.

"I see my kids crying because they just feel bad mainly because they see me (upset)," Maillet added. "I have a heart condition and I'm on medication and it's been rough; I can't eat, I can't sleep."

He said he only found out the numbers were wrong when he went to a local convenience store the same day to see how much he had won.

"When they showed me the amount, of course the official numbers come out and when I actually looked at the numbers I noticed the numbers and realized those aren't my numbers at all," Maillet said.

He said he then went outside and sat in his car for about 15 minutes, embarrassed and mortified.

"How do you go back home and explain this?" he asked. "Some neighbours were already aware by this time and they were already coming over to the house."

His lawyers said Monday they were in discussions with lawyers for the Gazette.

Erin Kavanagh, a lawyer for Maillet, pointed out there was no disclaimer with the lottery numbers on Aug. 13, but now the Gazette is running one.

"As they say now, in the event of discrepancy between this list and the official winning numbers of Loto-Quebec, the latter shall prevail," Kavanagh said.

She pointed out that many Montrealers who read the wrong numbers in the Gazette may have ripped up their tickets, thinking they didn't win.

Kavanagh said the newspaper has been advised that Maillet is seeking compensation for the damages he suffered.

"What that will be remains to be seen," she added.

Gazette lawyer Mark Bantey confirmed a letter arrived Friday from Maillet's lawyers, but said the paper was not ready to admit an error had been made.

Managing editor Raymond Brassard said nothing has been done so far.

"No actions have been taken," said Brassard. "We're just looking into it with the lawyers.

An official with Loto-Quebec pointed out a secure website was put in place for the media by the gambling agency in 2001.

Marie-Claude Rivet said newspapers usually go to the website, get the lottery results and print them directly in their newspapers.

A disclaimer appears at the bottom of the Loto-Quebec results. But she added it wasn't mandatory for newspapers that print their own list of lottery numbers.

"If the newspaper chooses to retransmit and print the lottery numbers on its own. . . the use of the disclaimer phrase is not necessary because it is not our official result," Rivet said.
Rachael Ray's sense of humor has inspired an article in the upcoming issue of Every Day With Rachael Ray, profiling three of America's grossest food festivals. Every day editor Gina Hameday says the strangest food fests swarm in September, and the grossest has to be the annual Bugfest in Raliegh, N.C., where locals gorge themselves on edible scorpions and ants :eek: There's also the Rayne Frog Festival in Rayne, LA., where those attending pick a Frog Queen and Frog King and then promptly eat them:eek: Hameday thinks Ray would be the most interested in the Roadkill Cook-Off in Marlinton W.V. (GROSS)

Source- LVRJ

A higher percentage of Americans know that Dopey is one of the seven dwarfs than know that Clarence Thomas is one of the 12 Supreme Court justices!!. That's one the of the sad statistics from a new survey for the online reality show "Gold Rush". Some 77 percent of Americans can name at least two dwarfs but only 24 percent can name two SC justices--60 % of Americans know who Homer Simpson is, but only 21% can name a poem by the Greek poet Homer--73 % can name all Three Stooges, but only 42 % know all three branches of the govt.--and 60 % of Americans know that Superman came form the fictional planet Krypton, but only 37 % are aware that Mercury is the closet planet to the Sun!!! :eek:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- LVRJ
A woman who says she was attacked by a squirrel, while leaving a Chicago shopping center in 2004, is filing a lawsuit against the mall.

Meckler clams she was leaving Tiffany's when a squirrel attacked her leg!!!!. She is accusing the mall management of enabling the squirrel by feeding it and failing to notify her of the rodents presence

Source-The Buzz- Ken
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