I used to like Patience, but I turn the radio channel now whenever I hear it--don't know why, but there's usually something better on
I love AC/DC...My favourite song is Dirty Deeds, it's one of those songs where when you're driving, your steering wheel turns into a drum (even if you aren't really hitting it) and everyone looks at you like you're nuts. My visors are actually those CD holders with the cannon from the CD "For Those About to Rock" artwork on them. Some other favourites are:
--Shook me All Night long
--Money Talks
--Who Made Who
--Hell's Bells
--Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
--For Those About to Rock
--If You Want Blood
--Back in Black
--Givin' the Dog a Bone
I could go on for a while, but you get the idea. I remember when I first started liking AC/DC, I was at a carnival, and everyone was singing to this music that I didn't know of really. I went onto the Zipper for the first time in my life, and was screaming my head off, and as we were at the top, it was spinning and spinning and spinning, and the song that was blasting on the loudspeakers was Dirty Deeds.
For those about to rock....we salute you!