Any Cheerleaders?

My gay school doesn't have any cheerleaders. And ironically we have NO school spirit. I would definately be a cheerleader... hah I love cheerleading....:lol:
I was a cheerleader for a year in highshcool! Then they sort of "forgot" to take us to Regionals, and we basically diminished from there.:lol: Our colors were red and gold.
I'm a cheerleader! We're doing the Santa Clause Parade in my city! :) We get to walk around in turtlenecks clapping our hands and doing step-behind-steps and tight arm movements. It's so adorable! Our colours are white & navy :)
My school went matirial, this year instead of having a cheerleading team they bought laptops :mad: we have computers already, new computers are school just got greedy.