Any Cheerleaders?

well since im a jr high cheerleader we dont start till next year but we get new uniforms and shoes and we have are jumpers and pants and are pom poms are sparly blue and shiny gold, im a base (GO BEARS) and you have to be in pain or your doing something wrong, doing the splits after a while can make your legs tingle :)
no cheerladers in France too, duno why maybe it's typical of english countries lol i've seen them on movies too, and everytime they act like bitch lol i so hope it's not always the case
I'm living in the Netherlands and I must say we don't have it as a school sport... For that matter.. We don;t really have sports at school like that! From what I have seen I think it is a very much gymnastic like sport and from my Kung Fu forms (with several persons) experience it is pretty hard to have a good routine... but I wouldn't choose it as a sport I would ever do even if they would have it here... Not my kind of thing!

I will do my gymnastic moves while practising kung fu hehe

RoosCSILover said:
I live in Holland, so we don't have Cheerleaders here. :). Neither sports teams.

the amsterdam admirals has a cheeerlaeding team. but maybe that is the only team for the whole country!

Sammie said:
We dont get cheerleaders in Scotland...but I've seen em in movies.

Okay that sounded really daft.

not really! to be honest I just saw them on tv/in movies as well
Mostly, in movies, the cheerleaders are stereotyped. Most of our team are straight A students and I cut back on pratice if my grades every fall below a B so *shrug*. I've never had to cut back so hopefully I won't need to.

I know that in England that sport isn't as big as it is in the states, although there are 2 associations (BCA and UKCA) so it's not all that small.

Generally, they don't do it in school here like they do in the states :( I think they should, it's great being a school cheerleader! There are, of course, disadvantages to it because sometimes the girls of the team join just to use it as a status symbol and it should be done as a sport.

i think every town should have a cheer team, it's a good way to meet people, get in shape and conpeate with other, plus you get to wear the uniforms
Lol I guess it could count yeah.
And csikicksurass - it also makes you gain trust and that's a big part of friendship. You generally make really close friends in a cheerleading team because of how much you trust them. Well that's what I've found anyway.
And yes I think every town should have a cheerleading team too.

I'm so excited about Saturday!

you gain friends because you trust them with stunts and you all have one thing in common cheerleading and i hope saterday goes swimmingly lol good luck :)
I was on Drill Team for a year
it was fun
different than cheering, more dance, less arcrobatics
our colors were marron and white
Thanks for the good luck, I'm really excited about it now. My coach has just changed the start of my routine because she said she "thinks I can do it" and I've gotta learn it for Saturday. I'm confident I can pull it off :D

Drill team sounds fun - I've done a bit of street dance before but I've never done gymnastics or anything like that so I've basically started from scratch with cheerleading.
