Another NY RP-A New Fight-Smacked

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Re: A New Fight

Aiden smiled up at him, "You" and kissed him, "I want you" She whispered against his lips.
Re: A New Fight

Danny gladly moved closer to her and deepened the kiss as well. He was relieved Lindsay didn't move or shy away when he did that, his arms now tight around her to hold her against him.
Flack smiled a little when Aiden said that, leaning closer to her to press his lips to hers gently.
Re: A New Fight

It was Lindsay who finally pulled away. Afterwards, she just gazed up into his eyes. "It feels so long since we've kissed, I've missed that." she told him.
Re: A New Fight

Danny smiled, gently running his hand through her hair for a moment. "Even if it was only earlier today.. It does feel like its been weeks," he replied to her, gazing back into her eyes.
Re: A New Fight

If it felt like that after just a few hours, I'm not really anticipating what it would feel like during work, I'm going to come home and have to slam you against a wall kissing you everyday." she said with a laugh.
Re: A New Fight

Danny smirked a little. "Well.. I'm not complainin' about that.." he said, chuckling a bit. "Just as long as we don't get in trouble for it, at least.."
Re: A New Fight

They told her she could a few minutes later.

Mac had gotten to thinking about Claire, and how much he wished she were there to face this with him, whatever it was. He was happy that Stella was there; something inside told him that she was going to become more important to him during this.

He'd been given a throrough physical and in the process had lost most of his clothes except his shorts, traded for a hospital gown. An IV had been started, though no drugs were in it yet-they might influence the tests-only liquids for hydration. His vitals were also being monitored between one of those finger monitors and a heart monitor. He wasn't really feeling any effects of the experience now, but his head throbbed, not letting him forget.

"The first thing we're going to do is a CAT scan; probably followed by an MRI and possibly an EEG. We need to get an accruate a map as possible of what's going on inside your head, because that's what will tell us how to proceed with treatment." the doctor explained.
Re: A New Fight

"As long as we're at home I don't think it will be a problem." she told him. She then yawned. "I'm turning in for the night, you're welcome to come sleep with me if you're comfortable.....and I mean literally sleep." she said as an afterthought. She then walked into the bedroom, taking her hair out of her ponytail and slowly climbing into bed.
Re: A New Fight

Danny knew what she ment in the first place, but that still made him smirk. He hesitated a bit, looking at the couch once and thinking it'd be a better idea, but he soon followed her. Danny made his way over to the bed, climbing in as well. His mind flashed back to what happened earlier in this room but he soon pushed that aside, rolling over to lay on his side to look at her.
Re: A New Fight

Lindsay had closed her eyes, but they soon opened again when she felt the wieght on the other side of her bed. She smiled and opened her eyes to look at him. She gazed into his eyes a little before curling up close to him.
Re: A New Fight

Danny smiled a bit, whispering to her softly. "I hope you don't mind.." he said, wrapping his arms around her and holding her, his eyes soon drifting closed.
Re: A New Fight

Lindsay allowed him to wrap his arms around her, feeling his warmth. "Not at all." she said as she gave him a goodnight kiss on the lips.
Re: A New Fight

Danny gently kissed her back, smiling softly for a moment before whispering "Good night" to her and soon drifting off. The ibuprophen and ebbing stress soon catching up with him.
Re: A New Fight

Lindsay muttered a 'good night' before falling asleep herself. Her medications were one reason for her falling asleep, and the whole day was exhausting to her. She was glad to finally get sleep.
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