Re: A New Fight
They told her she could a few minutes later.
Mac had gotten to thinking about Claire, and how much he wished she were there to face this with him, whatever it was. He was happy that Stella was there; something inside told him that she was going to become more important to him during this.
He'd been given a throrough physical and in the process had lost most of his clothes except his shorts, traded for a hospital gown. An IV had been started, though no drugs were in it yet-they might influence the tests-only liquids for hydration. His vitals were also being monitored between one of those finger monitors and a heart monitor. He wasn't really feeling any effects of the experience now, but his head throbbed, not letting him forget.
"The first thing we're going to do is a CAT scan; probably followed by an MRI and possibly an EEG. We need to get an accruate a map as possible of what's going on inside your head, because that's what will tell us how to proceed with treatment." the doctor explained.