Another NY RP-A New Fight-Smacked

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Re: A New Fight

Lindsay's head popped up when he said those words. She hadn't expected him to say anything like that. "Do you consider me to be one of those people Danny?" she asked him. She knew that they were together, but being one of those people that you worry about on a daily basis is something a bit stronger than just a little crush. After all they had been through, she wasn't even sure where they stood.
Re: A New Fight

"If I'm being honest.. Yes. I was actually worried about coming here after I left because of what I did," Danny told her, pulling back a bit to look at her.
Re: A New Fight

"You know, I contemplated calling you. I had my finger on the send button, but I decided against it. I'm glad you came here, because I would never have had the guts to do it." she said.
Re: A New Fight

Danny smiled weakly. "I wouldn't have come if Hawkes didn't come after me.. I was millimetres from punchin' his lights out too," he explained, waving his hand through the air a bit. "Once I heard your voice over the phone though.. I had to come back and appologize.. See if you were okay."
Re: A New Fight

Lindsay nodded. "Remind me to thank Hawkes when I see him next. I'm glad he did that. And I thank God he has speakerphone." she said with a small laugh. "So....are we okay Danny?"
Re: A New Fight

"Remind me to thank him and to pay for the dent in his car," Danny chuckled. "Are we? Are you sure you want to deal with a hard-headed, tempermental New Yorker like me?"
Re: A New Fight

((I heard you! :lol: ..Yeah I would've, but Amanda said no killing of Flack, and then you reminded me that I could hit him, so I hit him... but yeah, nobody said anything about Lindsay :lol: ..And no amanda you can't say it now. muhawwhw! <insert evil laugh here>)

Aiden snuggled up to Flack, and let herself fall asleep. She wasn't going to let it all slide, but she loved him, what could she say? Maybe things will be better in the morning.
Re: A New Fight

Mac nodded. He didn't want to go to the hospital, he hated hospitals, but this wasn't something he could overlook. He just hoped it didn't cost him his career.

"I don't feel like I'll pass out now...just weak. And confused, I hate not knowing what's wrong with me." he said.
Re: A New Fight

"I know." Stella said as she was approached from behind by an EMS.

"Ma'am" the guy asked.

"Oh drivers side." she told him. As the other EMS personel tended to Mac she talked to him. "I'll ride with you and have someone come pick up the truck."
Re: A New Fight

"All right." he replied to her. He wasn't totally fond of all the attention but for now quietly went along with it, not feeling like griping about it right now. He just wanted to know what was wrong with him.
Re: A New Fight

"Good." Stella said with a smile.

"Ma'am were going to transport him." The other EMS said.

"Ok" she replied taking the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the passenger seat to let them load Mac onto a gurney.
Re: A New Fight

Mac thought it felt good to lay down for a bit. He was beginning to recover from the effects of what had happened but he was uneasy not knowing when it might happen again.
Re: A New Fight

After they loaded Mac onto the gurney and started to take him to the ambulence Stella locked the car up and then followed. She climbed into the back of ambulence.
Re: A New Fight

Mac wished he'd had a chance to call the others to let them know what was up, but that would have to wait as they hooked various things up to him.

"I'm not sure what's wrong...I haven't had any unusual symptoms" he said. "A little fatigue, headaches now and then, but that's normal in this line of work. This just happened's never happened before."

"The doctor will likely run tests to see what's going on" the medic told him.

He looked over at Stella. "I'm glad you're with me" he said softly. "It's not easy for me to say, but I'm frightened...And not really in the mood to be alone now."
Re: A New Fight

Flack let Aiden drift off, but he didn't fall asleep himself. Instead, he just looked up at the ceiling and mentally kicked himself for being so stupid. Flack sighed lightly and eventually closed his eyes, drifting off into a light sleep.
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