Another NY RP-A New Fight-Smacked

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Re: A New Fight

(a i think so..continuing with flack and mandi or dropping mandi? and putting aiden in? just so i've got it straight)
Re: A New Fight

(Hey, I heard my name and Aiden in the same sentence...What did we do??..I swear, we've been good. We've not been plotting the end of Flack..nope. *smiles innocently*)
Re: A New Fight

((I would continue as originally planned and put Aiden in.. is that okay? Make it fair? ^_^ *eyeing Lynn curiously*...))
Re: A New Fight

(Spoil My fun...Bringing Aiden in now!}

Aiden arrived at Flack's apartment, and knocked on the door.
Re: A New Fight

( o___o; He's gonna go to hell anyways u___u;;;;;; )

*sighs.. using my post from earlier out of pure laziness*

Flack heard the knock, being in the kitchen at the time and having a glass of water. He'd been thinking about what happened earlier outside Sullivan's but soon went and answered the door. "Aiden, what a pleasant supprise," he said with a smile, letting her in.
Re: A New Fight

Aiden smiled and walked in through the door, and walked into his apartment and looked back at him, "Pleasant surprise? You knew I was coming"
Re: A New Fight

Flack closed the door and locked it, looking back to her. "Did I? Well.. You sure came over late," he told her, nodding at the clock that read eleven in the evening. "I have work tomorrow, goof."
Re: A New Fight

"So.. You have work tomorrow too?" Flack asked, getting a glass of water for Aiden just out of habit. He was debating whether or not to tell her what happened.
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